Ever since the Source 2 Reborn update, the old script still floating on the internet used to hide the HUD has not worked. This is the newest way of hiding the HUD.
Hide the HUD / Script
Create the File
Copy and paste the below text block into a new .cfg file named hidehud.cfg
// TOGGLE BUTTON (Hides UI but doesn't hide cursor,
// demo controls, or neutral item pickups)
bind "'" "toggle_ui"
// TOGGLE BUTTON (Hides UI AND hides cursor, but not
// demo controls, or neutral item pickups)
bind "/" "toggle_ui2"
// TOGGLE BUTTON (Hides entire HUD and UI including the console
// window)
bind "." "toggle_entire_hud"
////-------- TOGGLE ALIASES
alias "toggle_ui" "disable_ui_1"
alias "disable_ui_1" "alias toggle_ui enable_ui_1;ui_softhide"
alias "enable_ui_1" "alias toggle_ui disable_ui_1;ui_softshow"
alias "toggle_ui2" "disable_ui_2"
alias "disable_ui_2" "alias toggle_ui2 enable_ui_2;ui_softhide2;"
alias "enable_ui_2" "alias toggle_ui2 disable_ui_2;ui_softshow2;dota_hide_cursor 0"
alias "toggle_entire_hud" "disable_ui_3"
alias "disable_ui_3" "alias toggle_entire_hud enable_ui_3;ui_disable_all"
alias "enable_ui_3" "alias toggle_entire_hud disable_ui_3;ui_enable_all"
////-------- TOGGLE ACTIONS
alias "ui_softhide" "sv_cheats 1;dota_hud_hide_mainhud 1;dota_hud_hide_topbar 1;dota_hud_hide_minimap 1;r_draw_selected_ring 0;dota_show_itempickups 0;r_drawpanorama 1;echo ;echo ;echo HIDING HUD (SOFT HIDE)"
alias "ui_softhide2" "sv_cheats 1;dota_hud_hide_mainhud 1;dota_hud_hide_topbar 1;dota_hud_hide_minimap 1;r_draw_selected_ring 0;dota_show_itempickups 0;r_drawpanorama 1;dota_hide_cursor 1;echo ;echo ;echo HIDING HUD (SOFT HIDE - NO CURSOR)"
alias "ui_softshow" "sv_cheats 1;dota_hud_hide_mainhud 0;dota_hud_hide_topbar 0;dota_hud_hide_minimap 0;r_draw_selected_ring 1;dota_show_itempickups 1;r_drawpanorama 1;dota_hide_cursor 0;echo ;echo ;echo SHOWING HUD (SOFT HIDE)"
alias "ui_softshow2" "sv_cheats 1;dota_hud_hide_mainhud 0;dota_hud_hide_topbar 0;dota_hud_hide_minimap 0;r_draw_selected_ring 1;dota_show_itempickups 1;r_drawpanorama 1;dota_hide_cursor 0;echo ;echo ;echo SHOWING HUD (SOFT HIDE - NO CURSOR)"
alias "ui_disable_all" "sv_cheats 1;r_drawpanorama 0;dota_hide_cursor 1;echo ;echo ;echo HIDING HUD (HARD HIDE)"
alias "ui_enable_all" "sv_cheats 1;r_drawpanorama 1;dota_hide_cursor 0;echo ;echo ;echo SHOWING HUD (HARD HIDE)"
- Go to your dota 2 game’s install directory, and find the correct cfg folder (most usually: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota\cfg)
- Place the HIDEHUD file in the CFG directory
- Load up your game, open your desired demo/replay file, and open the console then enter the following line:
exec hidehud.cfg
- Press the apostrophe key ” ‘ ” to toggle hiding HUD except for cursor, demo controls, and neutral item event messages.
- Press the slash key ” / ” to toggle hiding HUD including cursor, but not demo controls, and neutral item event messages.
- Press the period key ” . ” to toggle hiding the entire HUD and UI, including demo controls, item pickup messages, cursor, and even the console window.
Note: All given hotkeys are toggles. Press the key once to use it, press it again to turn it off.
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