Dota 2 – How to Hide the HUD

Ever since the Source 2 Reborn update, the old script still floating on the internet used to hide the HUD has not worked. This is the newest way of hiding the HUD.

Hide the HUD / Script

Create the File

Copy and paste the below text block into a new .cfg file named hidehud.cfg

// TOGGLE BUTTON (Hides UI but doesn't hide cursor, 
//                demo controls, or neutral item pickups)
bind "'" "toggle_ui"

// TOGGLE BUTTON (Hides UI AND hides cursor, but not
//                demo controls, or neutral item pickups)
bind "/" "toggle_ui2"

// TOGGLE BUTTON (Hides entire HUD and UI including the console 
//                window)
bind "." "toggle_entire_hud"
////--------  TOGGLE ALIASES
alias "toggle_ui" "disable_ui_1"
alias "disable_ui_1" "alias toggle_ui enable_ui_1;ui_softhide"
alias "enable_ui_1" "alias toggle_ui disable_ui_1;ui_softshow"
alias "toggle_ui2" "disable_ui_2"
alias "disable_ui_2" "alias toggle_ui2 enable_ui_2;ui_softhide2;"
alias "enable_ui_2" "alias toggle_ui2 disable_ui_2;ui_softshow2;dota_hide_cursor 0"
alias "toggle_entire_hud" "disable_ui_3"
alias "disable_ui_3" "alias toggle_entire_hud enable_ui_3;ui_disable_all"
alias "enable_ui_3" "alias toggle_entire_hud disable_ui_3;ui_enable_all"
////--------  TOGGLE ACTIONS
alias "ui_softhide" "sv_cheats 1;dota_hud_hide_mainhud 1;dota_hud_hide_topbar 1;dota_hud_hide_minimap 1;r_draw_selected_ring 0;dota_show_itempickups 0;r_drawpanorama 1;echo  ;echo  ;echo HIDING HUD (SOFT HIDE)"
alias "ui_softhide2" "sv_cheats 1;dota_hud_hide_mainhud 1;dota_hud_hide_topbar 1;dota_hud_hide_minimap 1;r_draw_selected_ring 0;dota_show_itempickups 0;r_drawpanorama 1;dota_hide_cursor 1;echo  ;echo  ;echo HIDING HUD (SOFT HIDE - NO CURSOR)"
alias "ui_softshow" "sv_cheats 1;dota_hud_hide_mainhud 0;dota_hud_hide_topbar 0;dota_hud_hide_minimap 0;r_draw_selected_ring 1;dota_show_itempickups 1;r_drawpanorama 1;dota_hide_cursor 0;echo  ;echo  ;echo SHOWING HUD (SOFT HIDE)"
alias "ui_softshow2" "sv_cheats 1;dota_hud_hide_mainhud 0;dota_hud_hide_topbar 0;dota_hud_hide_minimap 0;r_draw_selected_ring 1;dota_show_itempickups 1;r_drawpanorama 1;dota_hide_cursor 0;echo  ;echo  ;echo SHOWING HUD (SOFT HIDE - NO CURSOR)"
alias "ui_disable_all" "sv_cheats 1;r_drawpanorama 0;dota_hide_cursor 1;echo  ;echo  ;echo HIDING HUD (HARD HIDE)"
alias "ui_enable_all" "sv_cheats 1;r_drawpanorama 1;dota_hide_cursor 0;echo  ;echo  ;echo SHOWING HUD (HARD HIDE)"


  1. Go to your dota 2 game’s install directory, and find the correct cfg folder (most usually: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota\cfg)
  2. Place the HIDEHUD file in the CFG directory
  3. Load up your game, open your desired demo/replay file, and open the console then enter the following line:
exec hidehud.cfg



  • Press the apostrophe key ” ‘ ” to toggle hiding HUD except for cursor, demo controls, and neutral item event messages.
  • Press the slash key ” / ” to toggle hiding HUD including cursor, but not demo controls, and neutral item event messages.
  • Press the period key ” . ” to toggle hiding the entire HUD and UI, including demo controls, item pickup messages, cursor, and even the console window.

Note: All given hotkeys are toggles. Press the key once to use it, press it again to turn it off.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7931 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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