Dusk of Dragons: Survivors – Fast Character EXP Guide

Beginners Guide to Fast Character EXP

By Ellegon.

Welcome in my fast character exp guide (or a lot tips together). On start couple words:

  • Make this setups can take weeks.
  • You need spend min. 1$, a lot better outcome come with 31$.
  • This is guide which help you leveling faster in late game (so lv50+), until this day you make your game harder, less enjoyable and filled with a lot grinding hours.
  • After spending this 31$ and hardcore grind every day i now do 2m+ exp per day, when other people make around 1m exp per day (or less) with killing similar amount mobs.


Your first preparation is simple: build and upgrade home, chests, benches for gain prestige, remove ruins from your map and build squire beds.

After you get bed for extra squire, buy Explorer from shop for 1$. If you planned spend more buy Master Explorer for 20$ (he unlock after buying common for 1$) and Permanent Supply Pass for 10$ (this give you daily 100 gems).

Reroll Explorer skill using Work Notes until you get Increment Book Selection Chest (on your common Explorer). If you bought Master Explorer for 20$ roll on him: Magic Fuel, Character Exp Potion, Dragon Exp Potion/Revive Crystals.

Work Notes you can obtain for free (5) every day from multiplayer maps (they reset on 5:00 AM server time):

  • Undercity of Burk (lv20)
  • Frost Penisula (lv30)
  • Land if Lava (lv40)
  • Secret Dungeon (lv50)
  • Last Orleand (lv60)

After getting Increment Book Selection Chest open and choose explorer book until you roll 3* special attribute (this can take x days). After you get 3* special attribute on explorer, continue collecting chests with books and choose craftsmans books.

Dont recruit any gatherer, scavenger or hunter, only Craftsmans (and one Polymath if he be master), more Craftsmans you get, you faster complete artifacts.

Now you need get special attribute +3 on each Craftsman, from free books (which can drop on multiplayer maps) your target attribute is Restoration Mastery or if you use books from explorer this attribute be a Craftsman Mastery. Even if they have different names, on 3* both give you +3 artifact fragments.

Remember, after getting +3 on explorer and all craftsmans in attribute, reroll Explorer skill on Character Exp potions.


Now artifacts, this be your main targets:

  • Copper Hound Flask – even if i said its guide for fast character exp, this artifact is very important, collect fragments until you upgrade until amp 5 (total 1000 fragments, give +10 exp per crafted armor/shield).
  • God of Wisdom Statue – second artifact for maxing, you need total 1500 fragments, which give you on amp 10, +100% character exp.
  • Third artifact for max, this depends on your playstyle. If you like melee combat go for Reverse Scale, if you like more distance combat go for God of War Bow (you cant get this artifact from gold coin prayer, only craftsman squires can gather fragments for you), both need 1000 fragments until amp 5.
  • After maxing 3 artifacts above you can max what you want, if you care about leveling more dragons than one, you should go for Ancient Slab for extra dragon exp (and like God of Wisdom this take total 1500 fragments until you amp 10 this artifact).

Exp Maps

We have currently 3 exp maps:

  • Howling Canyon – Repair 3 small arrays on map and one big for unlocking next map, this take some tier 1 wood ligs, ropes, Shattered Armors and Chief Weapon (both things drop from enemies on map, so dont make mistake and dont exchange them on gems).
  • Shattered Northern Town – Archer enemies drop souls which exchange on Arrow Tower Magic Diagram for repair towers (just check how much you need on repairs) + 300 hemlock wood logs (and x souls, sorry dont remember all numbers), one of last souls which you need fix last tower on this map is Shadow Dragon soul, this drop on Dragon Grave Periphery (lv40 location), on end my guide I give tip how survive in this location without having Bathub, Tent or Pumpkin Porridge.
  • Frozen Tundra – Currently last exp map, we have here for repair multiple catapults which take total 300 golthread planks + like in other locations souls, even if currently repairing dont unlock anything its good idea do this. One of last souls which you need for fix last (biggest catapult) is from location Giants Cave (lv 46) where you obtain Rock Dragon egg.

Useful Tips

  • Build and always upgrade on highest possible level your benches, Dragon Blood Pool (use this daily) and Bed.
  • From level 40 locations always be a lot colder so you lose warmth even in best possible armor on your level. You can:
    • Build Bathub, Tents or cook Pumpkin Porridges or upgrade skills for fire and ice dragon (in Dragon Force tab). For fire dragon its skill named “Warmth”, for ice dragon its skill named Freezing Affinity
  • If you spended 31$ on 1$ and 20$ Explorer + 10$ on Permanent Supply Pack, buy every day Magic Potion (50 gems) from shop and refill you stamina for 10, 50 and 50 gems on top with daily ads, potions just stack and use them if you have more free time/strenght for more grind
  • Advanced Time Scrolls – if you can afford repair everything Howling Canyon you can reset this location until you unlock Shattered Northern Town, after this save them and until you get Shadow Dragon Soul (lv40), you can speedup for repair towers if you need or save them for reset Frozen Tundra which give most exp

Best locations, which you should always do:

  • Icebound Harbor (solo) – this location give a lot materials which help you with progress, best is 12 Storage Box Expansion Diagrams. You can with them upgrade benches above lv5 or iron chests. Best location for using your Time Magic Scrolls
  • Dragon Grave Periphery (lv40 solo and if you be strong enought – duo) – dropping molds for upgrade blacksmith bench on lv5 and Backpack Expansion Diagram – so if you are person who spended only 1$, its your way for upgrade backpack for free, without spending gems (one diagram cost 500 gems in shop). Elevator repair manual drop here too, which is needed on Orleand Pass
  • Orleand Pass (lv40, solo and duo after repair elevator) – why after repair elevator? Because Craftsmans Tool (needed for bench) and Goose Down (need 5 for lv5 bed) drop only from second boss on this location which you find after repairing elevator. First location where enemies can kill you on one hit
  • Giants Cave (lv46, solo and duo) – second location where you start die on 1 hit, so be careful, its worth doing, because drop Magic Fuel which you need later for making mithril ingots
  • Orleand Testing Ground (lv46, solo and duo) – only reason for farm this location are Battleground Medals (for book from market) and a lot trees + cobwebs on solo version


How start… this mode can give you huge benefits in long term only in this same time you just slow down. Worst part is you need sacrifice your squires if you want get benefits faster (so they cant bring you any stuff).

  • You can have max 5 camps (and there are 3 resources: clay, sand and gravel). Best option is having 2 clay, 2 sand, 1 gravel and change every 24h camps. So on next day 1 clay, 2 sand, 2 gravel etc. For change this just abadon camp with one resource and take one which you have less.
  • Just for having camp you get production 5/h, adding squire giving +7/h for camp where you put him, can add max 2 squires per camp (explorers can give more, only you really want them waste on this?). Dragons or combat squires give nothing.
  • Play slowly and dont care about ranking, resources are more important.

After collecting resources, you can upgrade your grade, which give you passive production for “stronghold crystals”, they are produced every hour, even if you dont have camps and unlocking more stuff in shop (shop, where you spend “stronghold crystals”).

Now we are in part why you should put effort in this mode: you can get reputation, books for second or third skill slot for craftsman etc. Only this things are not important on beginning.

Most important is collecting crystals on: “Study the mercenary recruiment list”, each cost 1500 crystals and you need buy total 20. Best idea is just playing active until you reach grade 16, so you get 30 crystals per hour, only this take around 3 months.

If you ask, why you need get 20 research squires, anwser is simple, you can research books, which give you passive stat bonuses for your character (min. +1 hp/attack/defense, depends on book and rarity).

  • White and Green books, dont have any reqruiments.
  • Blue books need reach persual 1 (common polymath is enought).
  • Purple books need reach persual 2 (polymath must be min. elite).
  • Yellow books need reach persual 3 (only master polymath can do this).

Dont care about research squires skills or upgrade them, just having 20 of them and research 20 books in one time its enought. After you get all 20 – collect and buy what you want with stronghold crystals.

Little tips for stronghold:

  • If you want have chill life: if someone steal your camp, ignore this person and take new camp.
  • Because with reaching lv80 difficulty on one weekly event spike a lot, make sure you get God of War Bow artifact on min. amp 1 (so you need collect total 600 fragments from craftsman). So even if this be hard (and more time consuming) than with this artifact on max amp, better make sure you be able even damage boss.

Traveler Squire

If you have 40 northern coins (so total 400 gold prayers) buy him and after that collect northern coins on books which give +3 items (for each slot this cost 60 coins).

Even if you want wings or other things, this squire is must have like books which boost him more.

Best locations, which you should always do:

  • Icebound Harbor (solo) – this location give a lot materials which help you with progress, best is 12 Storage Box Expansion Diagrams. You can with them upgrade benches above lv5 or iron chests. Best location for using your Time Magic Scrolls.
  • Dragon Grave Periphery (lv40 solo and if you be strong enought – duo) – dropping molds for upgrade blacksmith bench on lv5 and Backpack Expansion Diagram – so if you are person who spended only 1$, its your way for upgrade backpack for free, without spending gems (one diagram cost 500 gems in shop). Elevator repair manual drop here too, which is needed on Orleand Pass.
  • Orleand Pass (lv40, solo and duo after repair elevator) – why after repair elevator? Because Craftsmans Tool (needed for bench) and Goose Down (need 5 for lv5 bed) drop only from second boss on this location which you find after repairing elevator. First location where enemies can kill you on one hit.
  • Giants Cave (lv46, solo and duo) – second location where you start die on 1 hit, so be careful, its worth doing, because drop Magic Fuel which you need later for making mithril ingots.
  • Orleand Testing Ground (lv46, solo and duo) – only reason for farm this location are Battleground Medals (for book from market) and a lot trees + cobwebs on solo version.

Hopefully this guide helped you!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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