Easy Red 2 – How to Obtain A Day Survival and The Longest Day Achievements Fast

In this guide I will share a trick I have found to complete the Anzio and Normandy missions without dying and without having to play through the entire mission.

A Day Survival and The Longest Day Achievements Guide


Are you having trouble obtaining these two achievements?

If so, then I have a solution for you! There is a feature in multiplayer servers to “force end match”, which always guarantees a victory no matter what faction you are on. This results in three things:

  1. The mission is counted as “complete” (you get a yellow checkmark) for whatever side you were on when you selected “force end match”.
  2. New missions are unlocked for using “force end match”. For example, if you play “Liri River” in the Anzio campaign and “force end match” after choosing a faction, you will have “Point 445, Montecassino” unlocked when you exit the match and go back to the mission select screen.
  3. If “force end match” is used before dying, then the “used respawns record” (viewable in the single player mission selection screen by clicking on a mission) for the current mission is set at 1.

Note: The achievements require you to have your “used respawns record” at 1 for all of the missions in the “Battle for Anzio” or “Operation Overlord” chapter.

Obtaining the Achievements

After starting the game, click on the “Multiplayer” tab. From here, click on “create match” and choose any missions that you need to complete without dying. For example, if I want to start with the Anzio missions then I can select “Shores of Nettuno”. After choosing the missions you want to complete without dying go ahead and start the mission.

Note: Everyone in your match will receive a “used respawns record” of 1 if they don”t die before the host force ends the match. So feel free to complete the achievements with friends if you”d like.

When you have loaded into a mission, choose a faction. Hold M to open the map (or whatever keybind you have it set to) and on the top centre of the screen there will be an option to “force end match”. Click this and your game will end with a victory and a respawn record of 1.

If you want to see your progress toward having a respawn record of 1 on the Anzio or Normandy chapters then go back into the main menu, click on “Campaign” instead of “Multiplayer”, and click on a chapter and a mission you want to check progress on. You will be able to see your “used respawns record” for the selected mission under the “Start” button. When you have all of the “Battle for Anzio” missions at a respawn record of 1 you will obtain the “A Day Survival” achievement. When you have all of the “Operation Overlord” missions at a respawn record of 1, you will obtain “The longest day” achievement.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 4311 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. Hey!

    Thanks for the guide, I haven’t tried it yet, but do you think that if you only play attack on these chapters, don’t spawn in and just let the bots win the match (I tried it, they actually won on assault ), would it count?

    • Hello, I am guessing that as long as you choose a faction you will get a respawn count of 1 (maybe 0 if you dont spawn a squad in). I havent tried this myself.

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