Escape Dungeon – Ultimate Guide (100% CG and Achievements)

Complete Walkthrough Guide


Please read the full guide the CG and Level part if you want to complete the game with all CGs.


Level 1

You will need to read the letter inside the skulls(top right) first, then go to the hole on the wall(top left) and press up the enter the hole to exit first level.

Later levels

You will need to find the gate for every level later on to go to the next level. Sometimes there will be locked door, and you will need to look for a green button on the floor and press it in order to go to the next level.

Boss levels

Levels 10, 20, 27, and 28 will be boss levels. It would be in your best interest not to come to combat directly with the bosses because they could damage you badly or kill you. Use a lot of potions to kill the boss. Then you will get the key to unlock the next level.

Nightmare Mode

You will enter the nightmare mode after you defeated the boss in level 28 for the first time. In this mode the levels will be the same, the only change is that the monsters and bosses are stronger(more HP, and more damage). The beasts will be extra strong so try to avoid battle.


Hidden CG

To unlock the hidden CG you will need to press your character around 5 times in the cell(first level). When you press your character they will stop moving for one round, do it 5 times in the first level you get the CG(very easy).

Other CG

You don’t need to die to unlock all of the CGs you could simply kill the boss in level 28 and unlock all of the CGs at once.

Nightmare mode CG

You will unlock a few CGs in Nightmare mode, and you could unlock all of them by defeating the final boss in level 28 in nightmare mode.

Very Helpful Tips

Things to know for you to pass the levels quickly

Upgrade your inventory first(around level 4 or 5), then sight, then HP, at last damage. But if you want to beat the final boss you will need a lot of inventory space.

You unlock all of the CGs when you finished all of the levels, so when you have good items, don’t try to die cuz you want to see the CGs.

Get as many gems as possible. You will get gems more quickly when you are at a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ level.

Once you get to level 11, you could restart your game at level 11 every time you restart. Same with level 21.

There is a special bug in this game, it is when you upgrade your HP when moving from one level to another you will have full health again. So up grade your HP to around 160~170 by level 27, then upgrade your HP again when going level 27 to 28. There is a max health limit, so don’t directly upgrade all of your HP.

Try to fill up your inventory when you open chests or loots because sometimes the Lewd insect will occur inside those things. But you at least have that bug crawl in you once because there is an achievement for that.

I see a lot of people talking about how they could not pass the nightmare mode, that is because they haven’t saw my guide yet! I passed nightmare mode and unlocked all of the CGs.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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