Here is the line-up I’m using which absolutely destroys everything…
Perfect Victories Almost Every Game
- Top scales in teamfight.
- Jun hard ganks.
- Mid doesn’t fight (except with Elemi) on map but destroy dragons teamfight.
- Adc simply scales, give every herald buff to Bajie as he’s passive makes crit really good on him.
- Sup tanks the first round on his own enabling free damage from your team.
AoE + Xiangxi Ke creates massive attack resets. Peter can heal himself and buff allies before forcing fights early. Elimi is good for blind drafting as I can play her Mid or Adc.
I did the whole game with that comp only adapting as new heroes came, got killed a total of 10 times (mostly Peter having to tank too much early or mid getting ganked). 100% Dragon winrate, 100% First Tower (Bot or Top due to easy push).
My hardest game was the last one when they managed to ban 3 of my champs during the 3rd map of finals and I only lost 2 turrets. Trust me, the comp is broken
Hero Pool:
- Top: Wolfgang, Bart
- Jun: Xiangxi Ke, Zealot, Mo
- Mid: Enidi, Niels, Elemi
- Adc: Bajie, Elemi, Gang
- Sup: Peter, Palulu, Fatty White

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