Guide to Earn Emerix Free
There’s total 8 ways to earn Emerix in this game without paying.
Daily quest (5th crate – unlock after obtain 100 daily points)
- The amount of Emerix are scale by league cap at 30 Emerix (start from league 29 of 20 Emerix)
Weekly quest (3rd crate – unlock after obtain 60 weekly points)
- The amount of Emerix are scale by league cap at 100 Emerix
Military Exercise Event tasks
- Earn Emerix rewards from level up a certain amount of different faction & rarities such as:
- 20 times legendaries
- 20 times epics
- 20 times rares
- 30 times peacekeepers
- 30 times freemans
- 30 times syndicate
P.S. Level up commander also count as level up faction & rarities.
- Spend Red Token to the roulette might have chance to earn Emerix , but you would more prefer to win Red Token.
- Spend 10 Blue Token for 10% chance to win Emerix from roulette, but you might want the chosen girl
Commander’s Path Event (require 4999 Emerix to buy the commander for furfill the task requirements)
- Limited event when have new commander release.
Earn Emerix by using the certain commander to win the match.
P.S. Can try wait the premium shop appear so can have more Emerix when buying the commander (if the event have enough time to pair together).
Community Event or Survey
- Participate the limited time event annouce by the staffs to earn the chance to won Emerix.
Premium Shop (not recommend to do this if no other event rewards)
- Refund a little amount ofEmerix from your Emerix spending within the event period
Important note
It’s always 30 Emerix from the the 5th Daily crate & 100 Emerix from the 3rd Weekly crate, League does not change these.
There are also the free Deals:
- Daily: 25 Emerix + 1,000 Credits.
- Weekly: 50 Emerix + 2,000 Credits.
- Monthly: 100 Emerix + 5,000 Credits.
Although not everyone gets these. This is confirmed not to be a bug, but defined by certain undisclosed account parameters.

There are four sources of Emerix missing:
Miss fortunes cards,
Wheel of fortune,
Spin the wheel for war bonds,