Here you can find item ID’s which i know right now.
List of Item ID’s
- Potion
- High Potion
- Mega Potion
- Full Potion
- Ether
- High Ether
- Mega Ether
- Full Ether
- Antidoe
- Thawing
- Remedy
- Mighty Potion
- Sheild Potion
- Dull Knife
- Mane
- Fur
- Flame Stone
- Spider’s Web
- Spider’s Venom
- Mushroom Spore
- Bat’s Wing
- Bat’s Tooth
- Blue Scale
- Red Scale
- Basilisk’s Scale
- Broken Bow
- Hard Rock
- Ice Rock
- Heat Rock
- Broken Club
- Orge’s Fang
- Bone
- Skull
- Broken Helm
- Broken Armor
- Arrow
- Spore
- Poison Sting
- Wolf Claw
- Wolf Pelt
- Man Eater Bulb
- Bug’s Leg
- Scropion Tail
- Warp Scroll
- Swift Potion
- Magic Potion
- Mirror Potion
- Trunk
- Iron
- Iron Ore
- Steel
- Orichalcum
- Ruby
- Sapphire
- Emerald
- Topaz
- Herb
- Anitdote Herb
- Fire Herb
- Ice Herb
- Honey
- Red Mushroom
- Toadstool
- Elctro Mushroom
- Nitro Mushroom
- Freezer Mushroom
- Light Flower
- Might Fruit
- Rock Fruit
- Wind Fruit
- Magic Fruit
- Glass Fruit
- Goblin Gem
- Orge Gem
- Cannibal Gem
- Demon Gem
- Undead Gem
- Bandit Gem
- Minotaur Gem
- Throwing Knife
- Poison Knife
- Cooldown Fruit
- Poison Bottle
- Flash Bottle
- Bottle Grenade
- Frost Stone
- Flame Ammo
- Rag
- Vine
- Ice Ammo
- Electro Ammo
- Hydro Ammo
- Light Flower
- Acid Ammo
- Blast Ammo
- Void Stone
- Aqua Stone
- Venom Stone
- Earth Stone
- Thunder Stone
- Wind Stone
- Goblin’s Eyeball
- Orge’s Eyeball
- Cannibal’s Eyeball
- Platinum Ore
- Platinum
- Flamesteel
- Shadowsteel Ore
- Shadowsteel
- Orichalcum Ore
- Hard Log
- Elder Log
- Ice Claw
- Ice Fang
- Ice Cube
- Naga Scale
- Goat Horn
- Mucus
- Shield Shell
- Ancient Log
- Blue Vine
- Black Cloth
- Red Cloth
- Blue Cloth
- Green Cloth
- Raider’s Fang
- Demon Horn
- Mystic Horn
- Frozen Heart
- Stone Heart
- Flame Heart
- Wooden Heart
- Nose Ring
- Blue Mane
- Hot Red Bulb
- Sinister Bulb
- Imp Horn
- Sand Imp Horn
- Ice Imp Horn
- Marionette Strings
- Decayed Nail
- Koblod Claw
- Horseshoe
- Water Imp Horn
- Shocking Bulb
- Coal
- Demon Bone
- Spark Wing
- Thunder Fang
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