This guide will tell you how to get to the lewdest scenes and a few other things. This is not an Achievement guide, but you should get most of them by following this guide. Don’t forget to save often.
Day 8
Scene – 01
Morning. Wake up. See AmRose. Go to shower. If you are on the Stacy path:
- Kick Stacy out – will block the Stacy path!
- Let Stacy bathe with you – Get a hot scene with Stacy. If you selected Watersports on day-5 there will be additional interaction.
Scene – 02
Talk with girls during the breakfast
Scene – 03 (9:00 AM)
Go to class.
You will talk with many characters here. Dialog might differ depending on your previous choices.
If you are on Maria path:
- Fine – You will a public sex scene with Maria. – Gives you more points
- You don’t want it – you will refuse Maria.
Scene – 04 (10:30 AM)
If you are on Min path: You will get another watersports scene
Scene – 05 (11:00 AM)
You go with Stacy to find Samiya.
If you are on Dahlia path: You will get a scene with her with a bit of femdom.
Otherwise: You will get a scene with Daisy.
Scene – 06
Go and look for Allison in the Pool.
Scene – 07
Go back to college and have Lunch with Lydia and Min.
Scene – 08
Get passwords from Hana and try them
Scene – 10
Samiya hunt – meet Allison
Scene – 11
Court scene. You only get it if you are on Lyssa’s path.
Scene – 12
Sex scene with Lyssa. You only get it if you are on Lyssa’s path.
If you are on a romance path with Lyssa:
- I have a little surprise for you (Give Lyssa a Handjob) – you give her a handjob!
- I have a big surprise for you (Give Lyssa a Blowjob) – you suck her ♥! This option gives more points
If you sucked her ♥ you also can choose:
- That was something special – ends the scene.
- It is your turn now – she will also give you a head.
If you are on the BDSM path with Lyssa:
- Forbid her to use her ♥ (denial) – on this path you are forbidding her to touch her ♥.
This option gives more points:
- We will see about that after you suck me – she is sucking you.
If you didn’t go with denial you will also get an option:
- Give her some pleasure – you will stroke her ♥ with your hand
- That was good enough – ends the scene.
Scene – 13
A scene with Polly and Nora. You only get this scene if you are on Polly&Nora path. If you came in Nora she is angry with you and will throw you out. Before that she asks you how would you react to her being pregnant:
- Well, I guess I would be a dad – if you feel like being a dad.
- We would have to decide what to do about that – if you don’t want anything to do with it.
Otherwise, you will get a sex scene with Polly and Nora!
Scene – 14
Night call with Lydia.
Day 9
Scene – 01
Morning. Wake up.
If you are on Min’s path: Get messages from Min with her training
Scene – 02
Go to Samiya and try to get the luggage.
- Mention the luggage first – You go into talking about luggage right away.
- Let’s have some fun first – You will get a sex scene with Samiya where you will ♥ her with a dildo. You will also get 12 points for that.
Samiya will ask you to do tasks for her. You can select one. For now, there are two tasks – Sex. Show for a client and play a prank on Vanessa.
You are not getting a choice in tasks if you aren’t on Vanessa’s path.
- Tonight! On “Prank a M.I.L.F.” – Only possible if on Vanessa’s path. You will get a public sex scene with Vanessa.
- Be Samiya’s assistant – You will participate in a sex show for a rich client. (More points if you start with that option)
- Be a gigolo for a day – extended edition only. You will get the opportunity to participate in a sexual roleplay scenario.
Scene – 03
Have a date with Lydia that will be interrupted by AmRose. The only choice you have here is how to make a story (Mad Libs Story) To get the maximum point you need to select either the sanest option or the most insane.
- Dog – Cuddle – Box of Adult Magazines
- Dragon – ♥ – Box of Soiled Condoms
Any other combination will give a bit fewer points.
Scene – 04
You only get this scene if you are on Vanessa path and you have selected “Tonight! On ‘Prank a M.I.L.F.'” at the scene-02. Nothing to choose here. Just enjoy a public sex scene in a grocery store.
Extended edition only. You may refuse to prank Vanessa. If so, you might be able to try either of the other two options.
Scene – 05
Sex show scene with Samiya for Mr. Melville. You only get this scene if you have selected “Be Samiya’s assistant” at the scene-02.
The main choice is to select if you submit or dominate?
- Be a sissy, sissy – You will continue submission and let her ride your face.
- You will get 12 points.
- ♥ that ♥ – You will take control and ♥ Samiya with candy in her mouth(A2M).
Here you will get a choice to ♥ inside or outside. No story impact.
- ♥ inside that ♥
- Cover the ♥
You will get 8 points. Extended edition only. You will get 8 points and might be able to try either of the other two options.
Scene – 06
You only get this scene if you are on Min’s path. More watersports with Min!
- Drink from her fountain – you drink her pee
- Fill a couple of glasses – Min drinks more of her pee
You will get the same number of points (18).
Scene – 07
Extended edition only. Samiya will take you to the Judge’s hotel room for a peculiar sexual roleplay scenario.
- Kick in the Door – You will continue this scene
- I Won’t Do This – You will quit this scene
- ♥ her face – continues this scene with a BJ
- Stop This Now – You will quit this scene
- Shove your ♥ back into her mouth – continues scene with BJ, then goes to her ♥
- Change things up – skips to her ♥ and continues scene
- ♥ her ♥ – continues scene with vaginal intercourse
- Stop This Now! – You will quit this scene
- Creampie the Judge – end the scene by ♥ in her ♥
- Flip her over – win the scene by getting her to say the magic words
You will get the same number of points (12) and a Gold Star. If you quit this scene you do not earn any points, but might be able to try either of the other two Samiya’s tasks.
Scene – 08
Have a call with Lydia.
Day 10
Scene – 01
Morning. Wake up.
Scene – 02
After the gym scene. If you are on Maria’s path she will come and join you in the shower for a talk. You can warn her about the danger of Fetish Locator. Gives different dialogue.
- Warn Maria about Fetish Locator
- Ask her if she wants to earn some points
Scene – 03
Get Stacy’s luggage. At the end of the scene you can let Pete stay with Samiya or take him with you:
- Eh, whatever – If you don’t mind Pete potentially having sex with Samiya
- Let’s go – just blue ball him
Scene – 04
Stacy’s new place.
- If you are on Vanessa’s path she discusses with you or tells you about her adventures
- yesterday.
- If you are on Lyssa’s path you will have a sex scene with her.
- If you are on the Romance path there is no choice. (12 points)
- If you are on the BDSM path you can do frotting with her or not. (12 points)
- If you are on the BDSM-denial path you will forbid her to ♥ and this will give you fewer
- points, but that path will have some different interaction later. (10 points)
- If you promised to co-sign for the apartment you will do it at the end of that scene.
Scene – 05
Shopping for fetish costumes. If you are on Stacy’s path you will get a different interaction with her that will give you 6 points.
Scene – 06
Nora knows everything. This scene is only happening if you are on Nora & Polly’s path and you didn’t creampie her.
Scene – 07
Prepare for the party with AmRose.
Party – Part 1
Scene – 01
Arrive at the party. Select the Safeword as you wish.
Scene – 02
Get an introduction and a small sex scene with Allison
Scene – 03
If you are on Lyssa’s route you will get a scene with her. And also talk with Daisy during it.
- See what’s going on – you will see Oliver trying to get to the party
- Don’t bother – you will miss a chance with Oliver
If you investigate what is going on:
- Help – opens up a possible path with Oliver in the future
- Don’t – you won’t have a chance to get together with Oliver.
Scene – 04
Stacy’s scene.
Scene – 05
Stealing a tracker and a scene with Cyntia
- Tap That Ass – get some with Cynthia!
- Walk Away – or don’t…
Scene – 06
If you are on Kevin & Chloe path you will be able to get a scene with Kevin, or you will just see Chloe alone.
- Keep Watching – to see Chloe getting ♥.
- I don’t want to see this
- Keep Watching – if you want to see her puking
- I don’t want to see this
Scene – 07
Scene with AmRose
Party – Part 2
Scene – 01
We start at the bar and after every event will come back here. In this scene happens your choice of events and from here you go scenes that are in-between the events.
Also, a small sex scene with AmRose is a part of Scene-01. While AmRose is giving you a head, Terrell will enter.
If you are on Maria’s path and gave Terrell to use her on day-6. He will talk with you about having some adventures with Maria again. This will be resolved later that week.
Scene – 02
This scene happens after the first of the events, no matter what was the event that you chose. You will see Iona in trouble.
- Intervene – You can save Iona. And that will make Hana happy.
- Just Watch – You can let her deal with the situation herself and Iona will be much happier in that case.
Scene – 03 Magic & Mysticism
This is one of the optional events at the party. It is a bit similar to Anthony’s event from the week-1 party. But this time you will spend some quality time with Tahlia.
Scene – 04 Pandora Room
This is two events in one.
- If you are on Dahlia’s path you will get a femdom scene with her.
- If you are on Daisy’s path you will get a maledom scene with her.
- If you are on neither you will get an option to see a short version of Daisy’s scene.
- Abort mission! – Will close Dahlia path for you
- Stay and see what happens – continue the scene
- Let go; get hard – if you want to go hard
- Control yourself; don’t – if you want to stay limb
- Let go; get hard – if you want to go hard
- Control yourself; don’t – if you want to stay limb
- Try to take it all in – if you want to such more
- Give up – if don’t want to suck more
- Use your safe word! – this will stop the scene
- Don’t – scene will continue
- ♥ – Good option to ♥
- Hold strong – hold a bit
- ♥ harder – Last option to ♥
- Hold stronger – you will not get to ♥ in this scene.
- Bail – this will stop the event and close Daisy path for you
- Go check up on her – continue
- Fondle her – if you want to
- Don’t
- Use your hand
- Use a paddle – select one of 3 weapons. There will be different scenes for you
- Use the sticks
- ♥ – you can ♥ now the scene will end here.
- Hold on – or you can see more of the scene only available on Daisy path
- Punish her – if you want to
- Don’t
- ♥ now – you can ♥ now the scene will end here.
- Hold longer – continue scene
- Finally ♥ – you can ♥ now the scene will end here.
- Hold even more – continue scene
You will also ♥ here if you would reach this point.
If you are on Daisy path you will also have an additional scene after leaving the Pandora Room
Scene – 05 Proximity Event
In this scene, you need to find your partner.
Shortcut to find Lyssa:
- Click on the Door in the center of the screen
- Click on stairs down
- Click to enter the first floor
- Click on the door behind Daisy where you see a part of Lyssa
- Click on Lyssa
If you are NOT on Lyssa’s path you will have an option to reject the scene here.
If you are NOT on Lyssa’s path you will only get a small bj scene.
The scene with Lyssa here.
Scene – 06 Race Event
You can only get this scene in the extended edition of the game.
You can get this scene only on Jessie’s path.
Scene – 07
When you are done with all the event you will have a dialogue with Allison.
If you are on Lyssa’s path Allison will tell you a bit more about her.
Scene – 08
Call with Lydia.
You will have to tell her one of the stories of your adventures.
- Allison on the Stairs – can tell about Allison
- Cynthia Outdoors – only if you ♥ Cynthia in the ass
- Lyssa in the Bedroom – only if you found Lyssa and had sex with her
- Talia on the Pirate Ship – only if you did Magic event
- Dahlia in the Pandora Room – only if you participated in Pandora Room and you are on Dahlia path
- Daisy in the Pandora Room – only if you participated in Pandora Room and you are on Daisy path
- Secret – extended edition
- Blowjob from AmRose – You can’t actually tell about AmRose
Scene – 09
Main event.
There are two options for the main event.
One is the normal one.
And second is if you are on Min’s path. This one will include a threesome and watersports.
Day 11
Scene – 01
Morning. Wake up. get the new challenge from Fetish Locator
Scene – 02
Go to the class. If you supported Kevin on week one – he will have a better mood while talking to you and will offer to meet with Chloe again.
Do you like ♥ garnish fetish?
- Accept – I’m down for that – Yes you like the fetish with ♥ on the food.
- Accept – as long as I don’t have to eat it myself – yes, but with limitations (just in case)
- Decline – Reject this Fetish – you are not in this
If you are on Min’s path:
Min will join you and talk with you.
- But I’m interested in Min – you want to date Min
- But I’m confident that Antony is still interested in Min – You don’t want to date Min
If you are on Maria’s path and you offered her to Terrell on day-6:
You will talk with Terrel after the class:
- Who can he offer you in trade? – You will let Terrel to spend time with Maria, and he will let you have sex with someone else as well
- Decline. I think I’ll keep Maria for myself – You just keep Maria for yourself.
- Decline. I want nothing more to do with Maria or Terrell – you don’t want to see either of them.
Scene – 03
Go to the cafeteria with Lydia and Cyntia and have lunch with Stacy and AmRose.
If you had sex with Cynthia during the last party and you are on Min path as well:
Cynthia will try to blackmail you:
- Play Along for Now – you will be able to have sex with her again
- Laugh in Her Face – you will lose a chance to have her again.
Scene – 03b
You can only get this scene in the extended edition of the game.
You can only get this scene on Lyssa’s path.
There are no choices in this scene, but you will get Watersports content if you selected Watersports before.
Scene – 04
Go to a hospital with Daisy if you are on her path.
Scene – 05
Go back to the dorm and check the password on Pete’s laptop again.
- Don’t do it. Trust your friend – you will it be
- Do it. Find out the truth – you will put Pete into retention program
Scene – 06
If you are on Polly & Nora path:
- You will have a sex scene with both of them.
- If you selected ♥ garnish you will ♥ in Polly’s coffee.
- You will get TWO ♥ points for this scene.
Scene – 07
Go back to AmRose.
Call Lydia and have fun with AmRose.
If you selected ♥ garnish you will ♥ on a donut. After she ate your ♥ you can select to kiss her or not:
- Kiss AmRose on the Mouth
- Kiss AmRose on the Neck
You will get ONE ♥ point for this scene.
Day 12
Scene – 01
Morning. Wake up with AmRose. Get the new challenge from Fetish Locator.
- Accept – I want to see that – You will see some squirting scenes.
- Decline – Not interested.
If you are on Maria’s path:
AmRose will bring Maria(+ 1 ♥♥♥♥) to you and you will have a threesome with them
where you will get options to deflower Maria:
- Deflower Maria’s ♥
- ♥ Maria’s Virgin Ass
If you agreed to let Terrell have fun with Maria again:
You and AmRose will give instructions to her where to meet him.
If you agreed to Squirting fetish and came in Maria’s ass or ♥:
You will get a Gold Star for degrading Maria.
On Extended edition:
- I want to see the photos – you will get to see what Terrell does to Maria
- No photos
Scene – 02
You need to go and meet with Hana (pretending to invite her for a date) to tell her the results of cracking Pete’s laptop. This pretend date is happening because Fetish Locator is listening. Not only with the phone, but also with the tracker now.
On Extended edition and if you had a scene with Judge on day-9:
You will get a call from the Judge asking to visit her later that day.
During the conversation with Maria and if you put Pete into the Retention Program:
- Tell her about putting Pete into the Retention Program
- Don’t
Basically, you can tell about Pete. It doesn’t really matter at this point.
She still wants the password:
- Give her the password – If you give her the password you have more chances with her.
- Don’t
Later in the scene even after you told Hana about the threat from Fetish Locator, she isn’t getting the hint, and not really interested in helping you. You can try to bring the power of Fetish Locator to give her an incentive to ♥ you. But this will only work if the next conditions are met:
If you have 15 or more points:
If you Gave Hana Pete’s password OR Intervened on behalf of Iona during the party:
You can spend 15 points to trigger the Blitz challenge and Hana will have sex with you in the toilet resulting in another +1 ♥
Scene – 03
You can only get this scene in the extended edition of the game.
You can only get this scene if you finished the gigolo task from Samiya on Day-9.
- Take the Deal – The scene will continue.
- Reject Her – will finish the scene and block you from Judge’s path After some talk you will be able to choose:
- Throw her over the desk
- Throw her onto the floor
This selection is equal and presents different sex poses.
Scene – 04
If you are on the path with Lyssa you get to have a scene with her:
You come to her office and meet with her assistant while she isn’t there.
If you helped Oliver at the party:
You will have an additional dialog with Oliver, where you learn that he is also in the retention program. You get a sex scene with Lyssa giving you +1 ♥.
If you are on the romance path:
You will get an option of 69 pose where you will be sucking her ♥.
Scene – 05
A scene with Lydia. You meet her at Nora’s place.
Different dialogue with Nora depending on your status with her. Before the movie:
- Grease is perfect
- Dirty Dancing would have been better
Doesn’t affect anything now. During the movie, Lydia will start giving MC a handjob. But she will ask you to stop her because she can’t stop herself:
- Let Lydia Complete this Handjob – You will get to finish covering her dress in ♥. And resulting in a +1 ♥ count. But you didn’t do what she asked.
- Stop Lydia Before You ♥ – You don’t get to ♥ and don’t add Lydia to the count. But this will result in better content with Lydia because you made her happy.
Scene – 06
If you are on Daisy path:
You will get another scene with Daisy that will result in a + 1 ♥ count.
If you are on Dahlia path:
You will get another scene with Dahlia that will result in a + 1 ♥ count. You only get more content if you have selected to have a squirting fetish.
Scene – 07
Go back to the dorm and have a call with Lydia.
Day 13
Scene – 01
Morning. Wake up. Prepare for the exams. If you are on Kevin & Chloe’s path:
Kevin and Chloe will come to your room and ask if you want to sex with them.
- Go for it – you will have a sex scene with them that will include Felching. + 2 ♥ count.
- Stay and study – You will miss a sex scene with them.
Scene – 02
You can only get this scene in the extended edition of the game. You can get this scene only on Maria’s path and only if you made a deal with Terrel and asked. Maria to send photos. There are no choices in that scene. It adds Glory Hole fetish to the game.
Scene – 03
Go to Nora’s place and talk with Iona. If you have 15 or more points:
- Do it (spend 15 points) – If you didn’t intervene at the party when Iona had a fight with Jerome – You will get a sex scene with Iona and + 1 ♥ count.
- Don’t – You don’t spend points, but also don’t get the scene.
Scene – 04
If you creampied Nora on Day-6 and said that you are going to be a father on Day-8:
Nora will talk to you about her missing period and you will have to choose:
- I will be a father – Will put you on a path to a solo ending with Nora
- No. I’m not a father – You reject Nora.
Scene – 05
If you stopped Lydia from making you ♥ in the movie theater:
She brings you to a hotel to gift you Chastity. + 2 ♥ count. Lydia is also counted because she has an orgasm during sex.
Scene – 06
If you are on Maria’s path and you made a deal with Terrell (on Day-11 Scene-02):
You come to his house and have sex with his girlfriend. + 1 ♥ count.
Scene – 07
If you are on Min’s path:
You go on a date with Min
Scene – 08
If you are on Vanessa’s path:
You get a sex scene with her at one of the Lyssa apartments. + 1 ♥♥♥♥ count.
There is a secret – After sex, when MC is chatting with Stacy – click on Telescope
Scene – 09
Go to Stacy’s place to start working on it the next day.
If you are on Stacy’s path:
There will be a spicy scene with her but will be interrupted by AmRose.
Day 14 – Part 1
Scene – 01
Morning? Wake up alone. Paralyzed by her spell, have a close encounter with Samiya and her oversized scissors.
Scene – 02
Morning. Wake up with AmRose and Stacy—for real, this time. Pillow talk and a handy with AmRose. Sweet kiss then on to the steamy showers. Get cockblocked by Stacy. The beginning of work.
Scene – 03
Build the faraday cage. Talk in peace. Hash out a plan to Infiltrate Fetish Locator.
If you are on Oliver’s path:
MC tells the girls he invited Oliver over to the party. The girls bust MC’s balls about inviting a guy over to the party. Time’s tick-tocking and the party is almost here. AmRose needs to go to make sure the party goes off without a hitch.
AmRose goes to kiss MC, he can either kiss her back or rebuff her.
- Kiss her
- Don’t
Choice might affect future story content with her.
If you are on Lyssa’s path:
MC goes to meet up with Lyssa for their date.
Scene – 04
If you are on Lyssa’s path:
- Take Lyssa out to a nice arcade.
- Get to see Lyssa’s competitive side.
- Talk with her and get closer to her.
- Stacy barges in.
- Party’s on, and MC is missing.
- Lyssa and Stacy meet again, and get to talk with each other this time.
If you have co-signed with Stacy for her apartment:
- Lyssa asks about them staying together.
- Awkward conversation.
- AmRose texts Stacy. They really need to go.
- Stacy drags MC out of the arcade.
Scene – 05
- MC and Stacy meet AmRose and Lydia.
- Stacy and AmRose tackle MC to the ground.
- They steal his clothes right off his back.
- MC is naked and confused.
- “Clothing optional party. Gotta set a good example.”
- MC goes along with it.
- Time for the guests.
- Stacy drags off Lydia.
- AmRose and MC go to greet the guests.
- They greet Allison – A choice of pronouns.
- They greet Min – A fierce competition.
- They greet Iona – A mistake in costume.
If you are on Oliver’s path:
- They greet Oliver – A question of sexuality.
- They greet Hana – A soak in the pool.
If you are on Polly’s path and have not creampied Nora path:
- They greet Polly – Down with the labels.
- They greet Samiya – Lunch is here.
If Cynthia is blackmailing you:
- They greet Cynthia – The buttslut queen of cinema.
- AmRose succumbs to the heat.
If the game is the extended edition and you’ve ♥ Jessie:
- They greet Jessie – URLittleMermaid.
- They greet Daisy – A royal rumble.
- Stacy and Lydia return.
If you’re on Min’s path:
- Lydia takes MC upstairs to have some fun with Min.
- They finish greeting guests.
Scene – 06
- If you are on Min’s path:
- MC enters the upstairs bathroom with Lydia.
- Min is naked, ready, and waiting.
- Lydia wants them to put on a show for her.
- MC ♥ Min and ♥. + 1 ♥ count.
- Min needs a drink to climax and asks for Lydia’s help.
- Lydia goes to help apprehensively, Min goes too far.
- Lydia runs off.
Scene – 07
If you are on Min’s path and if Cynthia is blackmailing you:
- Cynthia comes in while MC is showering and “blackmails” him into coming with her.
- Cynthia wants MC to roleplay and ♥ her in the ass.
- MC gets into character.
- Lights, camera, action.
- MC ♥ Cynthia. + 1 ♥ count.
- MC gets the choice to ♥ Cynthia ass to vag.
- Keep Plowing Her Backfield.
- Keep ♥ her ass.
- Deflower Her Renewed Virginity.
- ♥ her ♥.
If MC is ♥ her ♥:
MC gets the choice to creampie her ♥ or ass.
- Creampie Her ♥ Instead
- Creampie Her Ass As Requested
MC tells Cynthia that the jig is up. Lydia already knows everything. Cynthia is flabbergasted.
Scene – 08
Extended edition scene with Polly – Fisting.
- Keep Going – Fist Polly’s Ass – You will Fist Polly’s ass.
- That’s Enough – end the scene.
Day 14 – Part 2
Scene – 1
Enjoy lunch with the best girls in town and ON a girl!
- Stacy feeds it to you – select if you like to submit.
- Stacy puts on your ♥♥♥♥ – select if you like to dominate.
In the end of the scene Allison will ask you to go upstairs:
- Go with Allison
- Don’t go with Allison
Scene – 2
If you agreed to go with Allison:
You will get a sex scene with her. You will be able to explore her inner depth with lots of different toys! + 1 ♥♥♥♥ count.
If you are also on Vanessa path:
You will get a bonus reveal to a connection between them.
Scene – 3
A story scene where our character will plot to get out from under FL’s control!
Scene – 4
Amazing scene with a realistic mud fight!
You will get into a ring with Samiya herself and fight her for Ass! Either way, you will get + 1 ♥ count.
You will get options to:
- Overpower Her Until She Submits – Yes you are stronger and will win! You will get to ♥ her ass right there in the mud! (Anal)
- Try to Make the Her ♥ – She will make you ♥ faster and she will win. As a reward, she will get to ♥ your mouth and ass with a strapon!
While she is ♥ your ass:
- This Hurts Like Hell!!! – You don’t like it.
- Like This Feeling!!! – You like being ♥.
Scene – 5
If you are on Dahlia path:
You will get a scene with her.
How do you react to her?
- The Danger is Worth the Risk – You like the Danger
- I Prefer to Play Safely – You aren’t into danger
What submission aspect is important?
- It is about Power
- It is about Trust
- It is something Different – Just select what fits you better.
- I’m just a Slave 4U
- I’m just a man-♥
Do you want to be with someone like that?
- Definitely
- Maybe
- No – This option will kick you off the Dahlia path.
Scene – 6
A scene with Lydia and AmRose. They need to steam it off a bit!
When you are alone with Lydia:
- Kiss her – Better choice for Lydia path
After that:
- I love you – Better choice for Lydia path
- I really like you
- Don’t
Scene – 7
If you are on Lyssa path and you didn’t discard Oliver:
A path with Oliver starts here.
- I’m…open to it – you will have a sex scene with Oliver (BJ)
After sex you have an option to give him your number:
- Sure, let’s meet again – will continue Oliver’s Path
- I don’t have a phone with me – Close Oliver’s Path
- No, you don’t have to apologize – Close Oliver path.
Scene – 8
Extended edition scene with Jessie in aquarium. Enjoy a conversation with Daisy and Iona at the Bar, then join Jessie in the aquarium.
Scene – 9
If you are on Stacy path:
You will get a scene with Stacy.
In the end:
- I love everything about it – best choice that might matter in the end of the week-3
- Stacy really gets me, but I’m not sure about kids – you still want to date Stacy
- I enjoyed the sex, but… – You somehow don’t want to date Stacy… (wtf?)
Else: You will get a Scene with Lydia.
Ending Spoiler!
In the Non-Extended edition there is no way to get 20 girls. Characters like Jessie and Judge are only available in Extended edition.
But even in extended edition you only can get to 19.
Stacy would be your number 20, but the evil app doesn’t count her, since you only ♥♥♥ her after midnight.
no way to get the 20 to save the meat
Not a fan of the forced fail, but it seems to be story arc so will wait and see.
yeah Shen I agree. Week 3 I believe is going to be the finale so here’s hoping its a good one.
not sure whats happening, but when Stacy comes in the bathroom, she then leaves, and there is not selection option.
unfortunately the escalations didn’t get carried over. i don’t know if this is the same for everyone
Not a fan of the forced fail, but it seems to be story arc so will wait and see.