Useful Tips for Fishing
- You can fish in any body of water, preferrable pond or those “Fish circle” points.
- You can still earn fishing even without those fish circle, but now you are adding garbage and junk into the loot table. My advice is to use fishing lure, to me, it seems to give more chance to get fish.
- Lures are used to get better “windows of catch” or bigger “green bar”. Which guarantee a catch, unless if it tries to escape. When that happen use WASD to guide the fish to the “green spot”
Certain Fish Drops:
Seems to drop on green vales and golden forest. Doesnt need the “fish circle” for it to spawn on the loot table. And it seems to have better catch on the lake near their respective town Also a gauntee drop on the fishing Oasis on gedonia desert
The big lake near endless fields, its so guaranteed. With its 440 gold sell price i belive its one of the best gold farm in early game (cuz thats what I did)
Pearls! How To Get Them:
Upon getting clams, you can right click on them to reveal wether you can get pearls or not.
Do yourself a favor and “cheese” it. Perform a quicksave/loadsave and basically keep opening the clam until you get the pearls, you will thank me later.
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