Zumbi Blocks 2 – Beginners Guide

This is a guide that will teach you tips and tricks, how to unlock everything with (relative) ease, and how to get better.

Beginner Tips


If you’re just starting out, immediately loot all of your surroundings once you finish the tutorial. Do not be afraid to kill zombies early game, they will drop loot you need to survive in the long run. If you’re taking on 3 or more zombies with only a melee weapon– (that isn’t the baseball bat or the queen’s hammer) then forget about it.

I would also like to stress this: ROLLING IS YOUR BEST FRIEND! You use it to dodge; something that you’ll quickly learn is extremely important. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT go to the metal workshop/green exclamation mark, you WILL get your ass handed to you by Queen Zumbie.

Melee weapons are godly items, they’ll save on your ammo. The best early-mid game melee weapon is the baseball bat. If you hold M2 and then hit M1, you can cause what I like to call a soft stun or hard stun on an enemy. A soft stun causes a light stagger, a hard stun will body the zombie. A light stagger lets you get 1-2 hits in, while a had stun lets you get 2-3 free hits in. The best part is that if 2 zombies are close together, you can stun both, buying you time to run.

Get in the habit of manually reloading, you don’t want to get caught with your pants down when you switch weapons to finish an enemy off only to realize you need to reload. I highly recommend playing in third person at all times in order to have the most information. However, in third person, throwables will not go where your crosshair is, they will be thrown slightly to the left/right of it depending on your TP perspective.

Misc notes: You have 3 respawns in singleplayer with a 5 second respawn delay. More items spawn in singleplayer. Don’t bother upping the difficulty unless you just want more challenge, you don’t get anything extra for playing on harder difficulties from the get go. You unlock weapons in your loadout by killing bosses.


You have friends! Congratulations! The same information of sp apply here except now you have a buddy or buddies. To my knowledge there isn’t an in-game chat so just use social media is to communicate. General rules are to not always leech ammo, especially if you don’t have a gun that has that ammo. Be mindful of your buddies’ conditions so that if you have supplies, you can give them what they need to get back in the fight.

Other than that, multiplayer plays similarly to singleplayer except it’s more fun because you have friends.

Misc notes: You have infinite respawns in multiplayer so long as one person is still alive. Unfortunately, no matter the playercount, the respawn delay is 30 seconds. This highly motivates you to revive allies, however if you’re downed with a bunch of zombies nearby, it’s easier to just hit escape and suicide. So long as there is dark red in the health bar, you can be revived. Your health still drains even if you are being revived. Once revived, you will be set at half health and half stamina. The more players there are, the less items will spawn.

Intermediate Stuffs + Boss Tips

Congrats! You don’t suck balls anymore if you’re moving on! Anyhow, now that you’re moving on, I advise dealing with bosses. By bosses, I mean the riot zombie, because the Zumbie Queen is absolute hell.

I HIGHLY recommend you try doing bosses whilst the difficulty is still on easy mode. Medium is still perfectly fine and manageable, but once you start getting the hang of things and if you get good RNG, definitely do bosses on easy.

Currently there are two bosses, the riot zombie and Zumbie Queen. The riot zombie is marked on the map with the gray exclamation mark and the Zumbie Queen is marked on the map with a green exclamation mark. Do not bother looting either boss building as you will barely find anything. The Zumbie Queen will always spawn on the 3rd floor and has a ton of zombies guarding the way there.

The riot zombie will always spawn by the PD entrance and doesn’t have any zombies guarding him, but there are usually quite a few around the building that will annoy you during the fight. Bosses seem to take 90% less damage whilst they’re waking up and changing phases. Once you start unlocking loadout weapons, sometimes killing bosses may yield no loadout weapons. For bosses, I HIGHLY recommend using a spammable gun or a fast-firing full auto gun as it will demolish boss healthbars.

How to Beat the Riot Zombie

Make sure you’re stocked up on stamina supplies, trust me, you will need them. I’d say get maybe 200-300 bullets for whatever gun you have. Once you’re ready, just enter the PD building via entrance or shoot the riot zombie. Now the fun begins.

Phase 1 [SP tips & intro] – In phase 1, the riot zombie has a riot shield. To get past this, shoot the boss in the back, the arms, his feet, or the very top of his head. The shield is impenetrable to bullets, but not projectiles. Grenades and shurikens bypass the shield. Stun grenades are irrelevant as they do nothing to the riot zombie, so don’t waste them on him. The riot zombie can and will throw flashbangs at you once you put some distance on him. If you get further then he’ll charge you, which is easy to avoid by simply rolling.

The easiest way to deal with f-bangs is to look away and or break line of sight. Don’t stay too far from the boss or he’ll force you to look for him inside the PD which is very dangerous; especially in phase 2.

If you have barely any items, the easiest way to deal with the riot zombie on all phases is by guiding him to the fence on the perimeter of the PD. This lets you easily juke him and any zombies around to shoot his back.

If you have plenty of items, especially stamina items, simply get decently close to the boss and roll to his back. If he does his ground attack, just jump or roll away. This provides easy access to his back and forces the AI to not spam flashbangs.

Phase 2 [SP tips] – The riot zombie now puts his shield on his back and switches to his shotgun. For now it will fire only once. The boss will switch their aim between having aimbot to having never touched a gun in their life. By aimbot I mean they can and will 360 no-scope you even if you flanked him, and never touched a gun by aiming in the complete opposite direction of you. The best way to avoid fire is breaking line of sight or rolling. His gun isn’t hitscan and will bypass enemies. Best way to beat him is just by running and gunning or peeking in and out of cover.

Phase 3 [SP tips] – The riot zombie will throw his shield at you once this phase begins, and will now fire in bursts of 3. You can only get away with 1 or 2 rolls, so make sure to stay by cover. However this phase is oddly the easiest, you can stay close to force the boss to keep trying to melee you and deal with him that way, or simply peek in and out of cover. Just shoot him until he dies.

Phase 1 [MP tips] – Now that you have a friend or friends, the fight becomes much easier. Someone can distract the boss whilst someone keeps mag-dumping him from behind, it’s that simple. Otherwise, the same things from SP can be said here. If someone goes down, lead the boss away, then get your buddy revived.

Phase 2 [MP tips] – Now the fight gets a little more tricky. Distractions aren’t much of an option because of the shield, so each player can just follow the same tips as in the SP section. Now is when I advise ensuring everyone has their stats and ammo just fine.

Phase 3 [MP tips] – Now the fight becomes far easier, everyone can just shoot the boss until he dies. Just don’t get shot, don’t get flanked by zombies, and this is the easiest phase to deal with.

Great! You killed the boss! Now you unlocked a loadout item (hopefully) and plenty of loot spawned. Now here’s the riot shotgun. Do NOT save this gun for bosses! Save this gun for hard and insane difficulty! It is a crowd control weapon. Yes, it can do heavy damage on bosses, but it’s not worth using the ammo on them. Fast firing full auto weapons are better saved for bosses.

How to Beat Queen Zumbie

The hard one. I advise only doing this boss when you have loadout items unlocked or you have plenty of ammo and supplies. I HIGHLY recommend you save the Barreta 38 for this boss, especially in singleplayer. Be ready to deal with zombies in tight spaces and maze like elements before even reaching the boss. Once you think you’re ready, just head onto the roof.

Phase 1 [SP tips & intro] – This is the boss that WILL ruin your day. For all phases, keep her as close to you as possible as her melee attacks are far easier to dodge than her ranged ones. The boss will use their spear-hammer(?) to attack up close, which are quite telegraphed and easy to dodge via roll or simply running away.

However, her ranged elements are far deadlier. She will throw clumps of poison at you which inflict damage over time which can cancel vital movements such as rolling or reloading. The bad part is this attack is usually spammed by the boss, so you better have good stamina or a roof over your head. The boss flies around a lot so it is annoying to get shots off on them. Other than that, shoot to kill.

Phase 2 [SP tips] – Queen Zumbie will now use a laser beam attack alongside her base abilities. This laser isn’t that bad, just roll out of the way or get behind wide-ish cover. Just don’t get hit as it does some pretty good damage. This phase doesn’t change too much outside of the boss now much preferring longer distances.

Phase 3 [SP tips] – The hardest phase. The boss will now zigzag her laser attack, making it far harder to dodge unless you’re up close. They no longer use their melee weapon, if you’re in melee range, she’ll just use her laser attack. If you let Queen Zumbie get distance, she now throws 3 poison balls at you. Easiest way to avoid them is by rolling backwards.

If you’re in mid-range, her laser attack is practically unavoidable unless you can just get close enough with a forward dodge. If you’re at long-range, the laser is more akin to the phase 2 laser, which is much easier to avoid. Just keep shooting, don’t let zombies flank you, and keep those nerves calm. If you die at this point, you’re better off restarting.

All phases [MP] – I wouldn’t say this fight gets easier with more players, just more manageable. The same things from the SP section can be said here. Just keep your ally/allies alive, dodge attacks, deal with flanking zombies, and don’t stop shooting. Make sure at least one person has an automatic weapon for this fight.

If you’ve finally beaten this boss, their drops are infinitely better than the riot zombie’s drops. You will get a far greater abundance of ammo and Queen Zumbie’s hammer. This hammer is godlike as it can one shot zombies until hard and insane and be used to bully the riot zombie if you’re feeling a little ballsy. If you’re in multiplayer, let the most underequipped person use this.

Grinding + Advanced Stuffs

The entire reason I wanted to make this guide: The grinding! This just all becomes “nerdy” stuff, so, e.

Melee Strats

If you have to fight 3 zombies with a melee weapon, just don’t. If you can’t run, hop a fence, pick one off, and you now have an infinitely more manageable fight.

Fists – Strafe around zombies and beat the hell out of them. This will, more than not, interrupt the zombie’s actions, mostly their lunge attack. In essence, you can basically stunlock a zombie until they’re dead. If you’re fighting 2 enemies with fists, you’re better off finding a weapon.

Knife – The Birmingham delight! This weapon has a quick draw speed so if you’re mid reload, you can quickly swap to this weapon to stun a zombie before making some distance to reload. If it’s your only weapon, just go up to a zombie, stab them once or twice, roll around them, and repeat until dead. This strat can also somewhat work with 2/3 enemies so long as they aren’t constantly slapping you and blocking your roll input.

Baseball bat – Just M2 and M1. Stunlocks zombies temporarily for an easy getaway or easy beatdown. If fighting 2+ enemies, the best approach is to bunch them up so you can knock a lot down.

Queen’s hammer – I mean, like, you can just kill god with this until hard and insane so… M2 + M1 to not hopelessly poke your enemies.

Gun & Throwable Strats

  • Save your secondary to pick off zombies or quickly pester a boss.
  • Save your semi-automatics for later difficulties or picking off hordes. Helpful for getting hordes off your buddies’ back in MP.
  • Save shotguns for hordes and tankier zombies on later difficulties. Don’t use them on bosses unless you need to or it’s all you have.
  • Save your full-autos for bosses and hordes, which means don’t use them on 1 or 2 zombies >:(
  • Save explosives to bully bosses or decimate hordes. Save stuns to save you or your bro’s ass from a horde. Save shurikens for the riot zombie or to silently kill zombies.

Why so broad? Because guns just kind of blur together, plus this is a section for people grinding loadout items, so you may not always have the right gun.

The Grinder Strats

Ah yes, time to have no life. These are my personal strategies to unlock loadout items the quickest. Always start on easy and make sure you kill bosses on easy.

No loadout, SP – Play the game normally until you gather supplies and spammable or high power weapons. The revolver or winrod will be just fine so long as you know how to not die. Once you gather the courage and ammo you need, rush over to a riot zombie boss fight. Once it’s dead, quit if you unlocked a gun, stay if you unlocked anything else. Gather more supplies and rush over to the second riot zombie boss. Once it’s dead, quit and put together a loadout no matter what you unlocked.

Loadout, 1/2 items, SP – If you have a weapon, just play normally with your small headstart and repeat the process as you would’ve for no loadout. If you have resources, then you basically have no loadout. Unless you have a field of four-leaf clovers shoved up where the sun doesn’t shine, you don’t have an MG and rifle ammo. If you do, then you can head straight over to the riot zombie so long as you get a couple consumables on the way. If you feel confident, go do the second riot zombie boss. If not, quit and get your loadout together or restart.

Loadout, 3 items, SP – By this point you should have a gun, melee, and throwable or resource. This lets you skip a lot of the boring supply searching and start letting you head straight to the riot zombie boss. If you have shurikens, use them in phase 1 to deal with the shield. If you have grenades, use them whenever. If you have stuns, cope harder. If you have ammo, you’ll do fine if you loot for a bit. If you have consumables, you could just melee the boss if you’re bored. Otherwise, you spend more time looting for ammo.

Loadout, all items, SP – Now that you have every loadout slot filled, you can just head straight to the riot boss and melt them. If you’re not confident, just loot some ammo and more consumables. I recommend that your loadout has a full auto primary, a revolver, grenades or shurikens, and either consumables or ammo for your primary.

No loadout, MP – Woah! It’s the same as SP except it takes longer to get supplies and you have buddies! It’s far easier to grind in a duo or trio as you can bully the riot zombie way easier like this.

Loadout, 1/2 items, MP – At least one person will have a gun unlocked. The person with more loot will kill the boss, the person with less loot will distract them. If both of you have guns, share ammo, it’ll just make things easier. Otherwise, it’s the same thing as SP and no loadout.

Loadout, 3 items, MP – You and your buddy or buddies should now be well off. If you or someone else got the short end of the stick and doesn’t have much, let them be the supplier of the team, especially if they have consumables unlocked. Then someone luckier can be the bruiser. The supplier can distract the riot zombie if you’re not playing in a trio or beyond.

Loadout, all items, MP – If you’re in a trio or beyond with everyone having a slot filled, you can completely skip looting and head straight for the boss. If you’re in a duo, you just gotta get some ammo and you’ll be fine. If you’re in a team of however many people and someone doesn’t have all slots filled, spread the wealth so the boss fight’s easier on them. Other than that, you’re basically god now.

There, with these general strats, you can get to grinding all loadout weapons, finish them, get bored, quit the game, then come back once an update drops.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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