Tips to Obtain Ring Blades Specialist
Ring Blades Specialist
- Have all Ring Blades projectiles travel a distance of 804 672 meters within a single run.
This achievement is trying to teach you about Launch Velocity (Range) and Duration (Force). Maximise those as priority and your blades will travel faster and longer, then go for attack speed and multistrike. Get the ability upgrades as quick as possible for more blades.
I did it with Shield Maiden, since she gets natural increase in range every lvl.
I used a complete tank build, so I think equipment doesnt matter at all.
- Mark of the Shield
- Helmet
- Blood Catcher
- Echoing Band + Wooden Ring
- Plate Armor
- Plated Boots
- Fencer Gauntlets
- X+X = Memory Potion
- x2 = Double Potion
Char Traits didnt had any impact as well, just for the full picture:
- Weapon Proficiency – Mace I-IV + Shield I-IV
- Proficient Stance – Dextrous I, Guarding II, Dextrous III, Guarding IV
- Dedication – Stalwart I, Striding II, Stalwart III, Striding IV
Ring Blades
- I Ripping
- II Ripping
- III Cruel + Reaching x2
- IV Ripping
- V Ripping
- VI Cruel + Reaching x2
- VII Ripping
- VIII Ripping
- XI Strong
- X Ripping + Cruel + Reaching x2
I bet if you use Shieldmaiden and the Reaching Trait with any other setup, it will probably enough.
Good Luck.
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