Exclusive Gears
Exclusive Gear EXP Tablet shows how much materials/tokens you need to upgrade Exclusive Gear to certain Level.
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Priority in making Exclusive Gears for every Servant and it’s Minimum/Recommended Level.
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Legendary Gears (T1/T2/T3 Stats Info)
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Small Explanations:
- Priority column shows the recommended order in obtaining/enhancing gears (① > ② > ③ > ④) and recommended order in upgrading using T1, T2 stones (❶ > ❷ > ❸ > ❹) [T3 upgrade priority below]
- Priority by servant Class: Carry > Tanks > Supports
- T3 and T2 5⭐️ have the same stats, the only difference is that T3 provide Exclusive Servant Buff to one Servant
- You can move T3 gears between servants, and it’s will work as T2 5⭐️with faction bonus for every servant
- 5⭐️ enhancing all gears is not recommended due to the huge amount of resources it takes. Even if you push all Abaddon to the max, it’s probably still very hard to have enough resources. The most effective way to upgrade is to get at least 3⭐️ first. The last 2 enhance to 5⭐️ cost up to 10M.
- It’s recommended to work on your top tier carries, especially the DEX carries like Skadi to 5⭐️ T2 equipment as fast as possible. DEX carries just can’t do much without T2 gears
- Feel free to upgrade gears with T1/T2 stones any time. You don’t have to wait to get them to a specific star level to use the stone.
- While proper faction is a huge bonus, upgrading “other faction” legendary gear is still useful as eventually, you are using enough servants that all gear should be properly upgraded. Never upgrade legendary gear without faction bonus.
T3 Upgrade Requirements:
- T2 Gear with 5⭐️ Enhance Lv. is required
- Must be equipped by Servant with at least Mythical Grade
- Gear Faction must match Servant Faction
T3 Upgrade Priority:
- DEX Gears: Weapon > Sub Gear > Armor > Costume
- INT Gears: Weapon > Sub Gear > Armor > Costume
- STR Gears: Armor > Sub Gear > Weapon > Costume
Tier List
Evaluation Criteria:
- Servant Lv.241 at least.
- Exclusive Gear at Recommended Lv.
- Rarity of obtaining doesn’t matter.
PVE (Expedition / Abaddon)

PVP (PVP / Advanced PVP)

Guild Dungeon (Omen / Heide)

Sacred Relics
I think it was pretty obvious.
Morning Star:
- Lightless Heylel – Power
- Ophelia & Batille – Wisdom
- Celestial Sphinx – Rage
- Nuu – Blessing
- Odette – Rage/Hope
- Friede – Rage/Benevolence
Dark Blood:
- Ignis – Wisdom/Benevolence
- Blavatsky – Hope
- Dementia – Insight/Benevolence
- Enforcer – Benevolence
- Zeus – Rage
- Heide – Blessing
- Heylel – Rage
- Lenore – Wisdom
- Teresia – Blessing
- Hopkins – Power
- Ella – Wisdom
- Mist – Rage
- Nua – Wisdom
- Lucrecia – Benevolence
- Ezebell – Power
- Norene – Blessing
- Rem – Blessing
- Björn – Power
- Sinistra – Wisdom
- Gottorp – Benevolence
- Scar – Blessing
- Broken Wings, Sphinx – Insight
- Xita – Power
- Grisette – Wisdom
- Demian – Insight
- Mary – Hope
- Koume – Power
- Mildred – Power
- Miya – Wisdom/Insight
- Rhamaan – Blessing
- Skadi – Power
- Midge – Blessing
- Eir – Power
- Mable – Benevolence/Blessing
- Phantom Lucien – Power
- Ankou – Blessing
- Laura – Rage
- Caesar – Blessing
- Christine – Rage
- Carmilla – Benevolence
- Belladonnas – Insight
- Simone – Power
- Hern – Blessing
Promotion Requirements
- Epic
- Epic+
- Unique
- Unique+
- Legendary
- Legendary+
- Mythic
8 Epic Copies and 20 Epic Fodders to Make Mythic (Purifier/Dominator/Protector/Immortal)
- +10 Epic Copies to make Mythic ★5
14 Epic Copies to Make Mythic (Morning Star/Dark Blood)
- +10 Epic Copies to make Mythic ★5
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Basic Info about Jewels:
- Jewels unlocks after clearing Stage 17-40 and obtaining Mythic Grade Servant.
- The cost of [x1] Enchant cost 300, and [x10] – 3 000.
- Drop Rates: Epic Jewel – 65,39%, Unique Jewel – 30,54%, Legendary Jewel – 4,07%.
- Every 10 enchant attempts guarantees at least 1 Unique or Legendary Jewel.
- Every 30th Enchant you will guaranteed give you legendary jewel, if you didn’t get it at first 29 Enchants.
- Materials can be obtained in weekly quest, idle rewards, waterway peddler, normal shop, events etc.
- Every Enchant gives 1 Enchant Point for Pity Rewards.
Depending on the number of Enchant Points (EP), you will receive:
- 30th, 60th EP: Unique Fairy’s Essence
- 90th time EP: Legendary Fairy’s Essence
- (Select the Faction and Class tags to add o Unique Jewels.)
- (Select Servant Tag to Customize)
Up to 9 jewels can be equipped per servant and consist of 3 Jewels of Nebula, 3 Jewels of Wisdom, and 3 Jewels of Melody.
Jewel Attributes:
- Epic Jewel: Faction
- Unique Jewel: Faction, Class
- Legendary Jewel: Faction, Class, Specific Servant
(Jewel Effects are calculated by multiplying a Servant’s base stats (based on current level and grade) by the % value of the Jewel.)
(Basically, stats increase when equipped with right faction, class, servant applied.)
Common Thing that You Must Avoid:
- Enhancing red jewel by using other red jewel, some players might be tricked by +3/+9 Jewel effect, but it’s actually requires to equip 3 or 9 different red jewels, not enhancing one jewel to +3 or +9
- Placing any servant in Wishlist during early game: Most players do this because we all want to strengthen our Servants as quickly as possible. However, many good servants have bad jewels. Some servants only needs +3/+9 to reach their true potential and some servants don’t even need jewels.
- Not taking out heroes that reached +3 from Wishlist and accidentally get the 4th jewel for heroes that do not need +9.
- Using Legendary Fairy’s Essence for non-necessary servants. You want to save them to for the strongest servants. Also, you only want to use the Legendary Fairy’s Essence if you can get the +3 or +9 ability faster!
- You can register up to 10 servants in Wishlist.
- It’s recommended to fill you Wishlist full, so you will only obtain legendary jewels for servants in your wishlist, excluding the chance for all other servants jewels.
- There is a high probability that you can obtain a legend grade jewel with the tag of a servant on your Wishlist.
- Non-Mythical servants can be register in Wishlist and obtain legend grade jewel. (However, it can be equipped only from Mythical grade).
Jewel Scrap:
- You can scrap useless jewels and turn them into the currency.
- Legendary jewels cannot be dismantled. Jewels can be collected in bulk by activating the epic and unique check in the upper right corner.
- If you activate automatic collection in the lower right corner, it will be automatically collected according to the activation of the epic and unique check when acquiring the jewels.
Daily Reward:
- You can obtain the special daily reward once a day.
It is said that the higher the level and quantity of jewels worn by the servants, the better rewards you can obtain. It has not yet been confirmed whether the number of rewards will increase or the probability of obtaining materials will increase.
- You can obtain 10 Daily Quest points for Claiming
Morning Star
Lightless Heylel: ★★★(+9)
- (+3 or +9 recommended)
- [+3]: Every 15 sec after battle starts, swiftly approaches a random enemy, dealing 200% ATK as damage to nearby enemy, dealing 200% ATK as damage to nearby enemies. After using the skills, L.Heylel’s basic attack damage increases by 15%, stacking up to 2 times until battle ends.
- [+9]: After using the skill, L.Heylel’s basic attack damage increases by 20%, stacking up to 4 times.
Ophelia & Bastille: ★★★★(+3)
- (+3 or +9 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: If Ophelia or Bastille’s HP lost from received damage is greater than 70% max HP in total, gains a Shield equal to 50% max HP for 6 sec.
- [+9]: Shield duration increases to 15 sec.
Celestial Sphinx: ★★
- (+3 or +9 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: If C.Sphinx is in danger and needs to hide in the Amun’s Shield, deals 110% ATK as damage to nearby enemies every sec and restores her HP by 60% of the damage done.
- [+9]: During battle: If there are any servant with HP lower than C.Sphinx’s, spends 15% of her current HP and turns it into a Shield for herself. If the HP spent exceeds 10% of her max HP, the cooldown of Galatian Javelin is reduced by 50%. This effect triggers every 5 sec.
Nuu: ★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: When using an Ultimate, gains 60 Energy every sec until Nuu’s Energy reaches 600.
- [+9]: During battle: When using an Ultimate, restores HP until it reaches 80% max HP and restores HP of clones by 1.5% max HP for each clone.
Odette: ★★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: When using an Ultimate, increases SPD of the servant with the highest CP by 20 for 10 sec and reduces the remaining cooldown of Declaration by 70%.
- [+9]: When a servant uses an Ultimate while they are under a SPD buff, the Seed of Judgement attached to an enemy instantly explodes.
Friede: ★★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: When using an Ultimate, reduces SPD of the enemies within range of the flame vortex by 12 and increases SPD of servants by 6.
- [+9]: During battle: When using an Ultimate, reduces SPD of the enemies within range of the flame vortex by 12 and increases SPD of servants by 24.
Dark Blood
Ignis: ★★★(+9)
- (+3 or +9 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: Becomes immune to CC and reduces damage taken by 60% for the duration of Baneful Slash.
- [+9]: During battle: When using the Baneful Slash skill, additionally pulls the 2nd farthest enemy from the enemy formation toward Ignis.
Blavatsky: ★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: After 16 sec of battle: Increases damage that Blavatsky’s movsky inflicts by 120%. When the movsky dies, restores Blavatsky’s max HP by 10%
- [+9]: After 8 sec of battle: Increases damage that Blavatsky’s movsky inflicts by 120%. When the movsky dies, restores Blavatsky’s max HP by 20%.
Letum: ★★★★(+3)
- (+0/+3/+9 recommended)
- [+3]: On entering battle: Reduces all enemies’ SPD by 100 for 1 sec and the duration of Hora by 3 sec.
- [+9]: After 60 sec of battle: Increases basic attack SPD by 50.
Dementia: ★
- (+0 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: 60% chance to stun an enemy hit by Pure for 1.5 sec.
- [+9]: Increases damage that Dementia’s servants deal to the enemy who has been stunned by her attack by 15% for the duration.
Enforcer: ★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: When the HP of an enemy knocked out by Enforcer’s Ultimate falls below 15%, the target dies instantly.
- [+9]: During battle: If an enemy knocked out by Enforcer’s Ultimate is downed instantly, Enforcer recovers 10% max HP and 80 Energy every sec for 4 sec.
Zeus: ★★★★★(+9)
- (+3 or +9 recommended)
- [+3]: Enemies hit by Menacing Spear after Zeus’s first Ultimate will obtain 50% less Energy for 2 sec.
- [+9]: After Zeus’s second Ultimate, the effect of Menacing Spear lasts until battle ends. Hit targets cannot use their Ultimate for 2 sec.
Ozymandias: ★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: If a servant dies after receiving the passive effect of Unfair Bargain from Ozymandias Ultimate, retrieves the effect, dealing 250% of Ozymandias’s ATK as damage to all enemies around the downed servant. This effect triggers once per battle.
- [+9]: This effect triggers 3 times per battle.
Heide: ★★★★(+3) / ★★★(+9)
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: After 18 sec of battle: If all servants including Heide are present, increases all servant’s ATK by 10% and DEF by 20% until battle ends.
- [+9]: The effect triggers after 12 sec of battle.
Heylel: ★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: Upon using an Ultimate, deals damage even to the surrounding enemies of the target. If there are no enemies around the target, increases the skill’s damage by 30%.
- [+9]: During battle: If Heylel damages an enemy without using an Ultimate, reduces the target’s CRIT DMG DOWN by 35 for 3 sec.
Ezebell: ★★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: After 3 sec of battle: Leaves special card marks on the enemy with the lowest HP. Servants deal 30% more damage to the marked enemy.
- [+9]: Once the first special card-marked enemy dies, leaves special card mark on another enemy with the lowest HP.
Lenore: ★
- (+0 or +9 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: Increases Faction Matchup damage for all servants, including Lenore, by an additional 8%.
- [+9]: During battle: When basic attack lands on an enemy, the enemy’s buffs are removed.
Teresia: ★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: When using Brilliant Shield, reduces the closest servant’s damage taken by 30% for the skill duration.
- [+9]: During battle: When using Brilliant Shield, increases Energy that the closest servant gains when hit by 75% for the skill duration.
Hopkins: ★
- (+0 or +9 recommended)
- [+3]: Greatly increases ACC while attacking an enemy with an Ultimate. After that, obtains 40 Energy every sec for 5 sec.
- [+9]: Moves to the servant position upon using an Ultimate and resets Secret Judge cooldown.
Lucrecia: ★★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: Increases DEF of the servant above Lucrecia in the battle prep screen by 25% DEF until battle ends.
- [+9]: Increases DEF of the servant above Lucrecia in the battle prep screen by 60% DEF until battle ends.
Ella: ★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: A servant who had their HP restored by the Potion Launcher skill restores 1% of their max HP every sec for 10 sec
- [+9]: During battle: A servant who had their HP restored by the Potion Launcher skill restores 1.2% of their max HP every sec for 15 sec
Mist: ★★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: With the first attack of the battle, loads an magic arrow that guarantees the arrow effect. This skill triggers once per combat. When using the skill, damage dealt to the enemy increases by 15%.
- [+9]: If Mist downs an enemy during battle, this effect activates along with the next attack. When using the skill, damage dealt to the enemy increases by 15%.
Nua: ★★★★(+3)
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: If the basic attack of the servant Nua follows hits an enemy, deals 120% of Sophia’s ATK as additional damage to the target and stuns them for 1 sec. This effect triggers once every 2 sec
- [+9]: This effect triggers once every 0.5 sec
Norene: ★★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: When using Divinity, reduces received P. DMG of the servant with the lowest CP by 25%, stacking up to 3 times. This effect will be deactivated when Norene’s Focused Purification state ends.
- [+9]: During battle: When using Divinity, reduces received P. DMG of the servant with the lowest CP by 30%, stacking up to 3 times. This effect will be deactivated when Norene’s Focused Purification state ends. When Norene enters a Focused Purification state, restores HP of the servant with the lowest CP by 35% max HP.
Rem: ★★★(+3)
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: Duration of Ember effect increases by 2 sec.
- [+9]: When Rem takes out(kills?) an enemy under Ember, its duration increases by 2 sec each time.
Björn: ★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: If Björn is placed in the front row of the battle prep screen, all servants behind him receive 22% less damage per servant present. In the case Björn is deployed in the back row, all servants in front of him will have their CRIT DMG increased by 25 per servant present.
- [+9]: During battle: When using an Ultimate, all of Björn Hand Axe effects will be triggered without any conditions for 5 sec, while increasing CRIT DMG UP by 25 for each servant in the front row who is also present.
Demian: ★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: When Demian attacks an enemy under the Snipe effect with a basic attack or an Ultimate, increases damage by 35%.
- [+9]: During battle: When a basic attack lands on an enemy, 80% chance to trigger the Snipe effect.
Sinistra: ★
- (+0 recommended)
- [+3]: Restores the HP of summoned hologram by 450% of Sinistra’s ATK when using an Ultimate.
- [+9]: Adds 1 more servant that receives the HP restoration effect of Sinistra’s Ultimate.
Gottorp: ★★Gottorp: ★★
- (+3 or +9 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: When a servant enters the enemy position while Gottorp is present, increases their ATK by 20% and reduces their damage taken by 25%.
- [+9]: During battle: When a servant enters the enemy position and stays there for over 3 sec while Gottorp is present, the servant obtains 100 Energy.
Scar: ★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: When removing a crowd control effect with Order Based of Power, increases CRIT Rate by 40% and CRIT DMG by 45 for 8 sec.
- [+9]: During battle: When removing a crowd control effect with Order Based of Power, maximizes ACC for 8 sec.
Broken Wings, Sphinx: ★★
- (+0/+3/+9 recommended)
- [+3]: Duration of the Sanctuary effect increases by 15 sec.
- [+9]: SPD increases by 40% when using an Ultimate while Sphinx is under the Sanctuary effect.
Xita: ★★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: If Xita’s max HP falls below 50%, increases ATK by 8%, healing received by 25%, and Miss by 17. When a random enemy dies, a stack of the same effect is added.
- [+9]: During battle: Instantly restores 35% of HP lost when a surrounding enemy dies.
Grisette: ★★★★★
- (+3 recommended)
- [+3]: On entering battle: Deals 10% ATK as damage to all enemies in the back row of the enemy position, while pulling enemies on the top and the bottom of the back row toward the middle.
- [+9]: During battle: 20% chance to stun an enemy hit by an Ultimate for 1 sec.
Robert: ★★★★
- (+3 or +9 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: Reduces damage taken from a distant enemy by 40%.
- [+9]: During battle: If the HP that Robert lost from taking damage is greater than 95% pf his max HP in total, he becomes immune to CC, his ATK is increased by 30%, and he gains 70 energy every 1 sec until battle ends.
Mary: ★★
- (+0 or +9 recommended)
- [+3]: When Mary’s HP drops to 59% or lower for the first time during combat, the Grassy Flash effect triggers. This effect is available once per battle.
- [+9]: During battle: Butterfly Demon Sphere triggers only when an enemy is nearby. This effect is available once per battle.
Koume: ★★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: If Koume damages an enemy, deals 70% of Koume’s ATK to the target and reduces their ACC by 60 for 4 sec.
- [+9]: During battle: If Koume damages an enemy, the target recovers 50% less Energy for 4 sec.
Mildred: ★★★(+9)
- (+0 or +9 recommended)
- [+3]: When using Dark Stream for the first time after the start of combat, attacks an additional enemy.
- [+9]: Mildred’s basic attack targets an additional enemy to attack until battle ends.
Miya: ★★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: The cooldown of Mana Discharge is reduced by 1 sec.
- [+9]: During battle: Margot summoned through the Light Spirit skill stays until battle ends.
Rhamaan: ★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: When using the Cold Lightning skill and there’s a servant within range, the Hero’s Guardian effect triggers.
- [+9]: During battle: Upon using the Hero’s Guardian skill, increases Shield strength by 100%.
Mable: ★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: If Mable damages an enemy with an Ultimate, servants deal 15% more damage to the target for 4 sec.
- [+9]: During battle: If any attacks, excluding an Ultimate, lands as a CRIT, knocks back the target.
Skadi: ★★★★★(+3)
- (+3 or +9 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: If Skadi’s HP at least 60%, the chance to ignore DEF of the Penetrating Chill’s passive effect becomes 100%.
- [+9]: When ignoring the enemy’s DEF with the Penetrating Chill’s passive effect, increases damage by 15%.
Midge: ★★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: When using Wings of Conviction, obtains a Shield equal to 24% max HP for 3.5 sec.
- [+9]: Shield duration increases to 8 sec.
Eir: ★★★(+9)
- (+3 or +9 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: Upon using the Gola skill, increases Shield strength by 20%.
- [+9]: When using the Gola skill twice after the start of battle, grants Shields to all servants.
Phantom Lucien: ★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: If Mind’s Sword is in danger during battle, instantly restores Mind’s Sword’s HP by 70% max HP and reduces damage taken by 50% for 8 sec. This effect triggers once for each time P.Lucien summons Mind’s Sword.
- [+9]: If a servant placed in the front row in the battle prep screen dies, Mind’s Sword provokes nearby enemies for 3 sec. Provoked enemies deal basic attacks to Mind’s Sword.
Ankou: ★★★★★(+9)
- (+3 or +9 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: Increases Shield granted by Post Rigor by 150%. Even if the Shield is not destroyed, deals damage to all nearby enemies for the duration.
- [+9]: During battle: Grants the effect of Post Rigor to summoned pillbugs.
Laura: ★
- (+0 recommended)
- [+3]: Increases SPD by 20 while bats are spreading on the battlefield after using an Ultimate.
- [+9]: If Laura’s current HP falls below 50% of her max HP, the HP that’s instantly restored upon using an Ultimate increases by 20%.
Caesar: ★★★★(+3) / ★★★(+9)
- (+3 / +9 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: With The Last Holy War, Caesar pulls a stunned enemy toward him, having his max HP restored by 5% for each pulled enemy.
- [+9]: Once the groggy status of With The Last Holy War ends, gains 150 Energy.
Christine: ★★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: When using Shock and Awe, takes 300 Energy away from the enemy with the highest Energy.
- [+9]: When Cristine’s Ultimate downs an enemy within 8 sec of the attack, remaining enemies run away out of fear for 5 sec.
Carmilla: ★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: When Carmilla’s Ultimate downs an enemy, remaining enemies run away out of fear for 2 sec.
- [+9]: When an Ultimate deals max damage, deals 450% ATK as additional damage.
Belladonnas: ★★★★★(+3) / ★★★★(+9)
- (+3 or +9 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: If Belladonnas basic attack hits an enemy stained with poison, the target’s SPD is reduced by 12 for 5 sec.
- [+9]: Refined Dark Blood becomes a basic attack. Duration of SPD reduction increases to 8 sec, stacking up to 3 times.
Simone: ★★
- (+0 or +3 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: When Simone is in Specter mode, casts Pierce of Resistance every 8 sec.
- [+9]: During battle: When Simone is in Specter mode, casts Pierce of Resistance every 6 sec.
Hern: ★★
- (+0 or +9 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: Increases ATK by 1% and basic attack SPD by 1 each time the Hern loses 3% max HP.
- [+9]: When the Jewel’s effect is stacked 45 times, the Hunter’s Howl effect lasts until the end of battle.
Aria: ★
- (+0 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: Every time an Ice Golem is destroyed, Aria’s HP restores the HP of remaining Ice Golems by 40% ATK.
- [+9]: During battle: When Aria is in peril, she sacrifices an Ice Golem on the battlefield to recover 35% max HP. This effect can be activated up to 5 times and is not triggered at all if there are no Ice Golems on the battlefield.
Eulenspigel: ★★★★★
- (+3 or +9 recommended)
- [+3]: During battle: When 2nd skill hits an enemy, the target’s Energy recovery is reduced by 80% for 5 sec.
- [+9]: During battle: When a basic attack lands as a CRIT Hit, the remaining cooldown of 2nd skill is reduced by 50%.
Otzrava’s Treasury

Otzrava’s Treasury Event (aka Dungeon) – it’s a special event, where players clearing 20 Stages and complete Special Missions to obtain rewards. This event unlocks after clearing Stage 17-40
Event Period:
- Usually, Otzrava’s Treasury Event lasts for 26 days.
[1~14 Days] – Stage 1 ~ 10 is available to clear.
[15~26 Day] – Stage 1 ~ 20 is available to clear.
- At the start of the event, enemy settings are adjusted based on players Combat Power, so if you make some upgrades during event, it’s should be easier to clear the event.
- Unlike the Corrupted Waterway HP and Energy of the servants will be refreshed after every battle
- To claim the Final Select Reward, you’ll need to clear Stage 20 and move to where the Final Select Reward is.
- Slots for the Final Select Reward are unlocked based on the players Main Stage prorgress.
- Otzrava’s Treasury stage are not reset. Please note that all rewards can be claimed on once.
- Rank info is refreshed every hour.
- When you reach VIP Lv.8, damage dealt in Otzrava’s Treasury increased by 4%, and damage taken is reduced by 4%.
- You can check Stage Battle Record and refer to team compositions of your friends / guild mates in every stage that cleared this stage for every type of missions (Bronze/Silver/Gold).
Perilous Land

Event Period:
- Event Lasts for 14 days:
[1~12 Days] – Active Phase, when you can explore the Perlious Land and battle in each area to receive “Frozen Flames”, “Burning Branch” and “Split Pebbles”. This materials can can be used in “Reward Exchange” for different goodies.
[13~14th Day] – Claiming Phase, when you can use left materials in “Reward Exchange”
- You can win up to 6 battles per day. Each victory will net you loot (5 materials) based on the area.
- One Mercenary can be used per battle an unlimited number of times during the event.
- For 12 days you will be able to receive 30 * 12 = 360 materials in total (as f2p).
- There is additional materials available in “Deals” Daily shop.
- All unused materials will be converted into [x50,000] “Gold” after event ends.
Grove Urchin’s Adventure

Grove Urchin’s Adventure Event (aka Boardgame) – it’s a special event, where players using Dices to move Urchin across the board and claiming Maple Leaf’s and other Rewards
Event Period:
- Usually, Grove Urchin’s Adventure Event lasts for 14 days:
[1~12 Days] – Active Phase, when you can obtain Dice’s for claiming Activity Chests from Daily Quests, move Urchin in Board and exchange Maple Leaf’s in “Rewards Exchange”
[13~14 Days] – Claiming Phase, when you can use un-used Dice’s / Maple Leaf’s in Board / Reward Exchange. Dice’s from Daily Quests are not available at last 2 days.
- If you claim all Activity Chests from Daily Quests during event period, you will be able to get 120 Dises, which is ≈130 Maple Leaf’s (the actual amount depends on your luck with “arrow” tiles and “Critical!” rolls)
- Once you use the Dice, you can roll from 1 to 6 points, and move through tiles with rolled point
- There is small (≈5%) chance for “Critical!” roll to appear, which doubles/triples your reward from the tile
- The “Arrow” tile automatically moves you to the following tile
- The “Reward” tile gives you both Maple Leaf and the reward
- Every Field (Floor) have 35 tiles with Maple Leaf’s, and final tile guaranteed reward you with “Field Reward”
- Landing to Field Reward doesn’t provide Maple Leaf
- The higher you claiming, the better “Field Rewards” becomes
- There is additional Dices in Deals Shop
- All unused Dices / Maple Leaf’s will be converted into [x50,000] Gold after event ends.
7-Day Quest
7-Day Quest Event (aka Purification Challenge / Harvest Moon / Conclaves Night / Feast of The Fairies) – it’s a special event, where players need to complete Designated Quests to collect Event Currency and other rewards.
Event Period:
- Usually, 7-Day Quest Event lasts for 8 days:
[1~7 Days] – Active Phase, when you can complete Designated Quests and receive Challenge Record, Event Currency and other rewards.
- Challenge Record is used to unlock Milestone Treasure Chests.
- Event Currency can be used in Reward Exchange to get different type of rewards
[8th Day] – Claiming Phase, when you can use Event Currency in Reward Exchange (you also can do it at first 7 days of the event)
- If you complete all quests in 7 days, you will be able to obtain up to 460 Event Currency
- There is additional Event Currency in Deals
- All unused Event Currency will be converted into [x50,000] :I_Go: after event ends.
Designated Quests Content:
[10/10/10/20/30 “Event Currency” provided with every threshold in Designated Quests]
- Perform Quick Purify 2/4/8/15/18 Time(s)
- Play Guild Boss Battle 2/4/8/12/15 Time(s)
- Obtain 5/10/20/30/50 Epic or Higher Servant(s)
- Defeat Corrupted Waterway 1/2/3F Boss 1/2/3 Time(s)
- Promote Servants at Ludmilla’s Temple 7/10/20/80/150 Time(s)
- Challenge PvP 5/10/20/50/100 Time(s)
Ella’s Potion Bag

Event Information:
- In this event, you play the game called “Concentration”Card Game, where 16 cards are randomly shuffled, you pick 2 cards at once, and if it’s matches – you acquire it.
- There is no penalty for flipping the same card twice, once you flip it, it’s becomes free, so you don’t need to remember which rewards each card have.
- Flipping the card consume 1 Ella’s Potion Bottle, which you can acquire in daily quest chests (up to 11 every day).
- As f2p, you will be able to obtain 132/130 during event period.
- Before flipping the card – you must choose Main Reward for every Stage, so 2 of 16 card will include this reward, while other 14 will have “small” rewards.
- If you obtain the Main Reward, you can move on to the next stage, and aim to get Main Reward again.
- The Main Reward are the same for 1~8 Stages, and from 9 Stage the new rewards appears, and the number of rewards increasing by 1.5~2 times.
- For every 10 flipping cards, you receive 10 Ella’s Special Candy, which you can use in “Exchange Reward” for free goodies.
Always keep your exchange currency until the last day in case if you will be able to progress further without exchange items and unlock new items, otherwise spend it to become stronger and progress further.
Wrath’s Special Training

Event Period:
- Wrath’s Special Training Event Lasts for 14 days:
[1~12 Days] – Active Phase
[13~14th Days] – Claiming Phase
- If you you win every battle in 12 days, you will be able to obtain 360 Victory Token (as f2p).
- There is additional Victory Tokens in deals shop.
- All unused Victory Tokens will be converted into [x50,000] Gold after event ends.
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