Hero Tale – Mage Build Guide

Quick Guide to Mage Build

By Nils.

Perk Rree Recommendation:

Skill Rree Recommendation:


  • An under 40h run (for the ticket).
  • At least 9 perk points (dark points).
  • All fairies activated.


  • Fairy Helmet and Sabatons for 3 more magic.
  • All the perk points.

You need the red ones (that’s why you need 9 perk points). If you have the 3 bonus perk points, the yellow perks are the best, giving you some power (spell damage) and magic (spell cast time and damage).

I’ll explain why this order is one of the best after explaining what to do to progress:

1: Start the run normally – beat the rats and buy dad’s juice.

2: Sell the following items if you have them:

  • Pirate coins.
  • Bell Helmet.
  • Bronze Medal.
  • Silver Trophy.
  • Golden Trophy (why?)
  • Spike Katar.
  • Glowing Board.
  • Glowing Shield.
  • Broken Bottle.
  • Lucky Shield.
  • All the Blueberries.
  • And finally sell the composite slingshot, but only if you can buy the 1200 bow after. If not, farm drunks until you can.

3: Complete Edward’s quests and go straight to Mountain Passage using stone arrows. When you are here. Use Boom Boom Arrows to annihilate the size brothers and get absurd amounts of exp (1 time each, simply finish the quest) (if you only have 3 bb arrows, keep one).

4: Once done, go to Imps Habitat and farm Imp Shaman (avoid Imp Warrior and Imp Elite Guard) until you have 50 small mana potions (use Ice Arrows if you have, if you don’t, use Cool Bolts).

5: Use the Ticket and Grab the Thunder spell, thunder a size brother and farm Mountain Trolls at Chilly path (if you don’t one shot them, throw a thunder spell and you will). Use the given Herbal Cookies to heal up your mana until you get the mana regen nodes (buy some to Ezra if you don’t have any more cookies).

6: Farm Mountain Troll until you do 1700 damage with the thunder spell. (Go grab heal spell too, you will need it) (use bow without arrows for farming until I tell you to stop).

7: Go beat the Guards Captain using Cool Bolts (buy the Long Bow), then switch to Boom Boom Arrows during the fight, don’t forget to throw a little thunder spell.

8: At Reserve’s Entrance, kill Deamon Hounds.

  • At Rocky Plateau and Gremlin’s Nests, kill Gremlin rogue, your bow should be able to deal the 100 remaining HP.
  • At Deamon Settlement and Runic Site, kill Sparks.
  • At Wealthy District and Wizard’s Courtyard, kill Magic Adepts (If you can’t kill them, xp a little bit on Commander at Ship Deck).

9: Here’s why you need money: buy 30 big mana potions and grab the fireball spell (power blast). (If you don’t have enough money, then farm Commander).

10: Once you got fireball, auto it at runic site. (Avoid Golems and Magic Apdepts). You will get lots of Sparkly Essence, keep them. (Cast heal spells when needed). You need to be active (don’t afk).

11: Once you mastered fireball, go grab Poison. (To kill Sensei, instant thunder and the double fireball).

12: Auto fireball and poison at Runic Site until you master the poison spell (also put fairy on 90% mana fireball go brr).

13: Once you’ve mastered poison, stop autoing it and continue auto fireballing at Runic Site until you one shot Sparks.

14: When you one shot Sparks, farm them for five levels and then go to shadow temple to kill the Necromancer.

  • Poison at the start of the fight, then fireball spam.
  • Auto consume: Cursed Apples in you first inventory Slot, Sparkly Essence in your second and dark meat in your third.
  • (Keep at least one Enchanted Sword, sell the others).

15: Once you completed the whole Defense and HP nodes and got the big 90 HP ones, go to the inventor’s atelier.

  • At Abandoned Bastion, kill Winter Sniper.
  • Buy full mail equipment and plate shield from Bron’s Forge at the city market.
  • Put those and the enchanted sword in your quick slots.
  • At Icy Premises, auto poison and fireball (heal mana with items during the fight), stun him with the thunder spell when the orange circle is getting close to being full and if you haven’t killed him even after all of that, equip the plate shield, Mail armor and enchanted sword from your quick slots so you don’t get oneshotted.

16: Against Inventor, you will need some big HP pots, auto all spells (except heal) before entering the fight and put your fairy on 90% HP and 0% Mana.

17: Against the Heretic Leaders, equip full defense set (exact same from frost terror fight). Auto big hp pots, fireball and poison, stun them when they’re about to attack. Kill them three times.

18: Buy the Inventor’s Goggles and master the ice spell against Necromancers. (Keep the Inventor’s Goggles on permanently. The only moment where you take them off is to switch for defense set).

19: Go to the prince fight:

  • At Ooze Fields, auto mastered ice, poison and fireball, stun them when they’re about to attack.
  • At Castle Entry, same strategy.

20: If you have the time, farm:

  • Enchanted Golem’s 2nd orange drop.
  • Suspicious Guard’s yellow and orange drops.
  • Strange Guard’s yellow drop.

Replace the corresponding mail pieces with the newly acquired ones.

21: Against the Prince, take the Long Bow with Cool Bolts auto poison, heal, fireball and cast ice at thee beginning of the fight (ice not auto).

  • When he is about to reach you, switch do defense equipment. When he sacsts his 2nd attack reload buff, cast thunder right before his orange circle is filled.
  • If you have not beaten him when he casts his 3rd attack reload buff, cast a new ice spell to slow him down. That should be it.
  • You want to drink 90 MP pots until he starts dealing damage, when that happens, drink .
  • 270 HP pots.

22: If you don’t feel comfortable against the final boss, farm Necros a little bit more and buy some MP and HP pots (5-10 MP pots and 40-50 HP pots). Grab the movement speed nodes if you want, that’s not necessary but the final fight is less risky.

23: Against the final boss, if you don’t have the movement speed nodes, equip Long Bow and Cool Bolts, if you have them, equip Long Bow without arrows. At the start of the fight, auto poison, fireball, heal and ice, drink only one MP potion and then keep yourself at full HP because his thunder does A LOT of damage and stuns you (I died on this on my first mage run so I know what I’m talking about).

  • After the thunder spell, drink a suspicious ectoplasm.
  • When he reaches you, switch to defense equipment and put fairy on 90% HP.
  • When you’re out of mana, stop autoing fireball and cast some fireball spells when you can (keep mana for poison spell).
  • With auto potions and auto heal, you should be able to out heal him.
  • If you have some bonus mana to spend cast some fireballs but the most important spell is poison.
  • Continue like that and the final boss should be dead.

Now I’m going to give some explanations about the skill tree (you don’t need to read this, it’s only if you want to understand what you are doing).

  1. We want enough mana to cast thunder early so we need max MP.
  2. Thunder costs a lot of MP and we don’t want to eat way too many Herbal Cookies so we need MP regen.
  3. We want to take the big MP regen nodes after the central +20% one.
  4. We want the Magic circle so we can deal more damage. (At this point in the run, we need to deal 1700 damage with one thunder spell)
  5. We want the most accessible magic nodes and the big 3 magic one.
  6. We want the remaining magic nodes.
  7. We want Hunter node, because at this point in the run, you have mastered fireball and need less search time to farm more XP/min.
  8. We want the remaining MP regen nodes because mastered fireball costs a lot of mana/min.
  9. We want some accessible power nodes to deal more damage.
  10. We want the power nodes (the circle first for the +10%) to be able to one shot Sparks.
  11. Here, you should be able to farm Necromancer, so we want to prepare ourselves for the Inventor and Heretic Leaders Fight, so we need some Defense and HP.
  12. As I said, we need more HP.
  13. Still more HP.
  14. More defense. (you can grad these after the Heretic Leaders, they are beatable without these nodes)
  15. We need Dash because if basically gives you 3 more seconds of free damage.

Bonus: If you want to take it more easily, you can grab the speed circle for more free damage before the last bosses reach you.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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