Hogwarts Legacy – Great Builds Guide

This is a list of some great themed builds that are also extremely powerful.


This guide is to provide some good builds for players to use for their playthroughs or as starting points for their own ideas. I will list one build per section, what to put on the builds and how to use the builds. My goal is to help players with their journey through the game and be able to defeat their enemies with style and grace.

Sneaky Snek

House: Slytherin

Favorite Potion:

  • Invisibility Potion

Main Spell Bar:

  • Imperio
  • Glacius
  • Arresto Momentum
  • Disillusionment


  • Enduring Curse
  • Swift
  • Human Demiguise
  • Sense of Secrecy 1 and 2
  • Petrificus Totalus Mastery
  • Invisibility Potion Potency


  • Binding III

This build will allow you to defeat enemies before the fight starts, and end the fight very quickly if it does start.

The way this works is by making yourself invisible with Disillusionment and using Petrificus Totalus on enemies. This will work for most scenarios but obviously there are times when you’ll end up in battle anyway and that’s where this becomes an actual build.

Imperio, Glacius and Arresto Momentum all take an enemy out of combat and allow you to use Petrificus Totalus on them, even while not invisible. Because they are 3 separate spells, they can take 3 enemies out at once and thus allow you to end the fight instantly so long as 3 or less enemies remain and no more than 1 of them is a large enemy. If 1 of the enemies is large, use Imperio on that one. Note that it will likely take multiple Petrificus Totalus spells to defeat the large enemy but you can use them repeatedly while the enemy is under the effects of Imperio.

If you are facing more than 3 enemies, cast Imperio on the strongest one and use an Invisibility Potion. The enemies will focus on each other and you will be free to use Petrificus Totalus to reduce their number for an instant finish. Make sure to use the Binding III Trait on your gear to maximize Petrificus Totalus damage.

Botanical Badger

House: Hufflepuff


  • Mandrakes
  • Chinese Chomping Cabbages
  • Venomous Tentacula

Favorite Potions:

  • Endurus Potion
  • Thunderbrew Potion

Main Spell Bar:

  • Accio
  • Descendo
  • Incendio
  • Diffindo


  • Accio Mastery
  • Incendio Mastery
  • Diffindo Mastery
  • Descendo Mastery
  • Fertiliser
  • Endurus Potion Potency
  • Headache
  • Noxious
  • Thunderbrew Potency


  • Herbology III

This build has fun with the idea of using items to win. It may not be the most efficient but it works well for a Hufflepuff roleplay.

The way it works is that you are using Plants and Potions to destroy all comers. However, this can get expensive if you’re buying, but should be easily manageable if you’re growing your own with fertilizer and using Hopping Pots.

When you fight, start by tossing out a Venomous Tentacula and a Cabbage to get the enemies attention. If you start getting attacked, use the Endurus Potion. Accio enemies to you, then Descendo and Incendio them while your plants pick them off.

If you need a bit extra to win, Accio a group to you, use a Thunderbrew Potion and then use a Mandrake to hold them in place.

Use Mandrakes, Cabbages and Venomous Tentacula as much as you want to as they are easy to replace but use Potions a bit more sparingly unless you are willing to dedicate the time/money to restocking them. Use the Herbology III Trait on all of your gear to maximize the damage of your botanical beauties.

Rascally Raven

House: Ravenclaw

Favorite Potions:

  • Focus Potion
  • Maxima Potion

Main Spell Bar:

  • Transfiguration
  • Depulso
  • Glacius
  • Arresto Momentum


  • Depulso Mastery
  • Transformation Mastery
  • Basic Cast Mastery
  • Swift
  • Protego Mastery
  • Maxima Potion Potency
  • Focus Potion Potency

A very fun build that is also very strong. It can one shot any non-giant enemy and up to 3 of them at a time easily even without the use of a Potion.

This build focuses on controlling and killing enemies efficiently. The combination of Transfiguration and Depulso will automatically kill any enemy that can be transfigured. Add the Mastery and you’ll also be launching an explosive barrel into enemies as well.

Glacius and Arresto Momentum should be used to freeze enemies to hold to them still while you use Focus Potion and Basic Cast Mastery to recover your spells quickly.

Once Focus Potion is up, cast spells as often as possible to keep Focus Potions duration going. Transfiguration and Depulso will be your one-hit killer while Glacius and Arresto Momentum keep them at bay.

If necessary, use Maxima Potion to increase damage and break shields easily. Play smart and enemies will find themselves suddenly disappearing one at a time as exploding barrels knock them all over the place.

Lethal Lion

House: Gryphindor

Favorite Potion:

  • Endurus Potion
  • Focus Potion
  • Maxima Potion

Main Spell Bar:

  • Levioso(or Accio)
  • Descendo
  • Glacius
  • Diffindo


  • Diffindo Mastery
  • Levioso(or Accio) Mastery
  • Glacius Mastery
  • Descendo Mastery
  • Basic Cast Mastery
  • Swift
  • Protego Mastery
  • Endurus Potion Potency
  • Maxima Potion Potency
  • Focus Potion Potency

This build is good for the brave by taking out enemies in a straight up fight. Charge in, activate your Potions and use your spells until the enemy is dead.

Endurus Potion with Potency means enemies can’t hurt you and will often hurt themselves. Focus Potions with Potency will let you cast your spells pretty much nonstop. And Maxima Potion with Potency may not even be necessary but will let you break enemy shields with a basic cast.

The main combo is to Levioso(or Accio) your target to put them and all nearby enemies in the air, Descendo them down for big damage, Glacius to freeze them and prepare for the big hit and finally Diffindo to shatter them and finish them off.

The main combo will kill basically anything that can be Levioso’d and Glacius and Diffindo is massive damage all on their own so will deal large damage regardless.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

1 Comment

  1. love this! I’ve been thinking I want to do all the houses after I finish my first playthrough but do more role playing for those than my normal – obsessed ravenclaw must learn EVERYTHING there is to know!

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