How 2 Escape – Kitchen Walkthrough Guide (Fifth Room)

Welcome to the kitchen!

Complete Kitchen Walkthrough

This is the one of the most difficult wagon.

This room contains 3 riddles, each one uses different skills and understanding to complete the room in time! You only need one key to get out of the car but it can only be unlocked by completing each riddle.

Several fruits are dispatched in the wagon. The key to solving the first puzzle is to understand what to do with these. It’s a riddle divided in two parts: the first one is to throw out some of these fruits, the second part is to guess their weight to open the padlock.

Then, you’ll find dish towels that lead to picross / nonogram grids in order to play music with pans.

The last one will need you to focus on audio recipes and link them to a frying pan pattern.

  • Solution: Fruits
  • Solution: Towels/Pans
  • Solution: Audio tapes recipes
  • Solution: How to exit?

Solution: Fruits

First of all, players need to clear fruits out. How do you know which fruits are important?

There is a poster on the right when you enter the room. On which there is a sort of blue strawberry weighing 1g and a name (R. Mustang) on it.

On the Companion App, there is a fruit book widget with different fruits on each page. One page is titled “R. Mustang” as in the poster. Now that you know the correct fruits, describe them to your teammate so they can throw out all the others.

When it’s done, the wood tray will close and reveal a codex code (2803). Now starts the second part of the riddle. Your goal is now to guess each fruit’s weight. The player in the room can guess the weights thanks to a scale. You can place up to 3 fruits on each plate of the scale so use it to get the heaviest fruits! Then try to get the lightest fruits to complete the puzzle!

Here is the solution:

A pop-up with 3 fruits appears. The goal is simple, put the weight on those 3 fruits and add it one after the other (this isn’t an addition!).

  • 1rst fruit weight: 1
  • 2nd fruit weight: 97
  • 3rd fruit weight: 11
  • So the padlock on the cupboard is 19711

Solution: Towels/Pans

Five towels are placed on the furniture below the pans. There are some stains on each towel. There are more stains on the 2nd and the 4th towel and if you look carefully, those stains shape numbers : 3 and 2.

This is really important because each towel is related to a number. Player has to find the number of each towel to know the order to hit the pans.

On each towel’s tag there is a codex code. Each one is linked to a different picross / nonogram that you need to solve. Each one, once solved, will give you a number.

In the room, each towel is checked just as a nonogram and contains “pre-checked” boxes in the form of stains. Once the Companion App player is in the codex, the player in the room has to tell where these stains are to help them start the nonogram. The companion App player just have to click on the grid to check the boxes.

Once that’s done. It’s a classic picross/nonogram to solve. If the player doesn’t know how to solve it, the Companion App player has the explanation on the nonogram widget.

Here is the explanation:

The principle is to fill in a grid with black boxes and empty boxes that will ultimately form a drawing. Much like sudoku, the nonogram is a puzzle with its own set of rules.

The numbers indicate the number of boxes to blacken on the corresponding line or column. The blackened boxes must always follow each other.

There is one exception: when a box contains two numbers, this means that there are two areas to blacken. There is however an unknown number of boxes that separates the two numbers.

By combining the indications for lines and columns, players will solve the nonogram and eliminate doubts about certain squares to blacken.

If you don’t want to solve them, here are the solutions of each codex code:









As each towel is related to a number, you now have to read these from left to right and hit the pans in the order given by these numbers.


If the numbers are 2 5 1 3 5. Hit the 2nd pan, then the 5th one, then the 1rst one, then the 3rd one and then the 5th one again.

​Once done, a number sequence will be revealed behind the pans. This sequence is related to the temperatures’ button of the furnace’s hotplates.

Solution: Audio Tapes Recipes

For the 1rst part of this puzzle, the player in the room has to read the diploma next to the tape (near the exit). The key information there is the name of the restaurant, but be careful, the name isn’t the same each time players enter the room.

On the Companion App, there is a book called “Restaurant Golden book”. The Companion App player has to find the page of the restaurant listed on the diploma.

For this step, there is a difference between the Chinese version and the other languages. For the chinese version, on the restaurant’s name you will find the dish’s name to listen to on audio tapes.

For all the other languages, a french text is written but players only have to read the first letter of each line. You don’t have to understand what’s written.

As for example: Nord Sud Est ouest restaurant’s text is:

  • Fasciné par la culture culinaire japonaise
  • Radicalement différente de la nôtre
  • Originaire de notre belle Normandie
  • Maîtresse de l’or blanc français
  • Arnaud N, véritable océan de créativité
  • Guidé par l’envie profonde d’allier ces cuisines
  • Elabore sans cesse de nouvelles recettes

​The 1rst letter of each line shape the word : FROMAGE

For the chinese version, the name of the french meal is already written on the text.

Here are all the solutions:

  • Restaurant named “Babines” is related to the meal “Bouillabaisse”
  • Restaurant named “Le Chat Goulu” is related to the meal “Ratatouille”
  • Restaurant named “Le Nord Sud Est Ouest” is related to the meal “Fromage”
  • Restaurant named “Le Breadfirst” is related to the meal “Baguette”
  • Restaurant named “Le Pate à Clef” is related to the meal “Croissant”
  • Restaurant named “La Boule en Soie” is related to the meal “Bourguignon”

​On the right side of the diploma, you can find an audio tape player with various audio tapes. Each one is labeled with a French dish’s name.

The player in the room has to listen to the tape labeled with the French dish’s name previously found.

The tape is an audio recipe. The player can hear some kitchen sounds like water boiling or filling, something getting cut or cooked, etc … The player who is listening to this has to describe the audio in the order he hears it to the smartphone player.

On the Companion App, there is a book named “Recipes Book”. As the name suggests it, various recipes are written in it. The Companion App player has to find the right recipe thanks to the actions the player in the room is describing.

Once you find the correct recipe, check the next page. On it you will find the final information needed to get the key: where to put the frying pans.

Here are the solutions:







Solution: How to Open the Oven to Find the Exit Key?

When players have finished both the towel/ pans riddle, a kind of small door has been opened behind the pans revealing a sequence of numbers. This sequence is related to the temperatures’ button of the furnace’s hotplates.

Player has to turn EACH button to the temperature written in the sequence.

Here’s an example:

Then, the audio tape recipes puzzle show players how to correctly put the pans.

Here is an example:

Once that’s done, the oven opens and reveals the exit key.

Congratulations, you clear the 5th room!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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