I Was a Teenage Exocolonist – Guide to Romance Outcomes/Preferences

Warning! There might be spoilers. This entails the outcomes of the romances for people who wants to know before going in.

Romance Outcomes/Preferences Guide


Sexual Contents

  • Yes: Tammy, Rex, Vace, Marz, Tang, Rex, Ane, Cal, Sym, Dys.
  • No: Nomi.

Relationship Type

  • Open relationship or Friends with Benefits or Hook-ups: Tang, Marz, Rex.
  • Possible monogamy options: Possible polyamory: Dys, Rex, Nomi, Sym, Marz. / Exclusive: Cal, Tammy, Vace, Ane, Tang.
  • Possible polyamory options: Rex + Nomi, Rex + Marz, Dys + Sym.

Break Up

  • If MC is a prolific parent: Ane
  • If MC doesn’t want kids: Cal
  • Because the RO is not monogamous: Rex (will stay if you’re in an open relationship)
  • Because the relationship is unhealthy: Vace (both with and without therapy, but they stay together during colonial hero and astronaut ending)
  • If MC becomes colonial hero: Ane, Cal, Dys, Sym.
  • If MC is unable to prevent the plague: Almost everyone except Tammy, Nomi, and an open relationship Rex stays with MC. No mention of Cal.
  • Always break up by default: Tang, Marz.


  • Does not want kids: Tang, Marz, Ane (Ane can have one to two kids with you if you want kids).
  • Want kids: Cal, Tammy, Rex, Vace (won’t have any with you because you two broke up before that)
  • Fine with either or no mention: Dys.
  • Like kids but don’t have any of their own: Sym, Nomi,

Other Elements

  • Cheating: Rex (you can cheat on Vace with him), Vace (he can cheat on Ane with you)
  • Codependency: Dys


You need to break her up from Vace by convincing her that he’s bad for her with 30 Empathy or Persuasion. Otherwise, if you saw him calling her names / propositioning you / being cruel to others, you can also use those as evidence to convince Anemone.

  • Relationship: Monogamous (Serious)


  • Does not want children at all. Will leave you during prolific children ending but she will mother one of your child.
  • Will leave you during Array ending (because of your association with her abusive ex) and during the virus ending (your relationship gets tense and stale).
  • Has implied sexual content in her hangout scenes. She also mothers one to two of your children if you do want to have children but not a prolific parent.


You will need to have enough (80) relationship points with Cal to confess your feeling to him during the same scene he asks you about Tammy. His relationship will begin around year 7 or 8.

  • Relationship: Monogamous (Serious)


  • Wants many children. Will break up with you in the epilogue if you chose no children.
  • Will break up with you during Array or Virus ending.
  • Has implied sexual content in his hang out scenes.


You can proceed with his relationship normally or enter a polyamorous relationship with him between him and Sym. It can be a triangle where both of you loves Sym but not loving each other. There is also a variation where Dys loves both of you, but he favours Sym more.

  • Relationship: Monogamous (Serious) / Polyamorous


  • Has no preference on children. No mention of children in the epilogue, but if you’re prolific parent, the children becomes a healing presence for him.
  • Will leave during Array or Virus ending. Romance also ends if you let him join the Gardener.
  • Has implied sexual content in his hangout scenes.


You can trigger her romance by asking her out. From there, you can enter a polyamory between her and Rex.

  • Relationship: Open Relationship / Polyamorous


  • Does not want any children, this will be the reason for the break up in the epilogue if you’re a prolific parent.
  • Will always break up with you after a while in all of the endings. She continues a string of casual relationships.
  • Has implied sexual contents in her hangout scenes.


You need to flirt with them and ask Nomi out during the scene where you find out about their crush on Rex. They can change their mind about Rex and enter a relationship with you. Alternatively, the three of you can become a polyamory if you’re already dating Rex.

  • Relationship: Monogamous (Serious) / Polyamorous


  • They become no parent on their own but do not mind your children.
  • Will always stay with you.
  • Has no sexual content, Nomi is demisexual and has yet to know if they want to do it.


You will need to have enough (80) relationship points with Cal to tell him to back off from Tammy. Her romance will trigger late in the game, after she has her kid.

  • Relationship: Monogamous (Serious)


  • Wants many children but is fine if you don’t have any.
  • Will stay with you no matter what afterwards.
  • Has implied sexual content in her hang out scenes.


You can have a sexual relationship with her or start dating properly. Either way, Tang is not too committed on the whole relationship.

  • Relationship: Monogamous (Casual)


  • Does not want children at all.
  • Will always break up with you in the epilogue no matter the outcome.
  • Has implied sexual content in her hangout scenes.


Rex is pretty easy, if you have flirted before and unattached, he will make a move on you. Rex can enter a polyamory with you and Nomi or you can enter an open relationship with him and Marzipan.

  • Relationship: Monogamous (Casual) / Polyamorous / Open Relationship


  • Wants many children, has many children of his own independent of you. If you’re a prolific parent, you will have children together.
  • Will always break up in the ending if you asked him to be exclusive, no matter the ending.
  • Sexual contents near and far, sexual contents wherever you are.


You can trigger his romance during his heart-to-heart event where he talks about what he has done wrong with Rex and Anemone. There is another way to enter a relationship with him before that but I have yet to find it.

  • Relationship: Monogamous (Serious)


  • Wants many children, but you won’t have any together.
  • Because you will always break up with him in the epilogue, even if he had therapy.
  • …You know he also has sexual contents.


You can trigger his romance by accepting his advance during expeditions, he’s pretty full-on so you can’t miss it. You can also enter a polyamorous relationship with him and Dys.

  • Relationship: Monogamous (Serious) / Polyamorous


  • Can’t have children with you, but he likes children so he has no problem if you become a prolific parent.
  • No mention of his romance in Array or Virus.
  • Has implied sexual contents in his hangout scenes.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. does anyone have advice on romancing cal? i followed the advice on this guide (got up to 100 with him really fast and flirted with him every opportunity), i also followed the youtube video that goes through the options to pick when romancing him, and he still showed up on sol’s bday with tammy and announced their relationship

    • You can either be mean to Tammy (choose to make fun of her liking kids, tell her space is scary, tell her dolls are childish, etc, basically any interaction that you have with her, if it says -1 Tammy’s confidence, that’ll do it) or you can also get high relationship with Tammy and then cal will ask you if you are into her, and you say yes. Even though I did that, he was still my secret admirer later lol

  2. I got ending with Utopia hooked with me on the mountain and stay with me till the end. Triggered at age 20. Been hard on expeditions, sabotaged bomb and saved Dys, hitted on Sym but he died… (or at least I did not get more interactions with him)

    • Depending on which one you meant, do you mean the one where his monogamous romance begin or the one where the polyamorous romance begin?

  3. does anyone have advice on romancing cal? i followed the advice on this guide (got up to 100 with him really fast and flirted with him every opportunity), i also followed the youtube video that goes through the options to pick when romancing him, and he still showed up on sol’s bday with tammy and announced their relationship

  4. Tbh I’m weirdly happy Sol x Utopia can be a thing.
    When in my first playthrough I was flirting with her relentlessly to no avail, then it said one of the others (can’t recall if it was Marz or Tang) had a fling with her, I was pretty annoyed about it (what am I? Chopped liver?)

  5. I got ending with Utopia hooked with me on the mountain and stay with me till the end. Triggered at age 20. Been hard on expeditions, sabotaged bomb and saved Dys, hitted on Sym but he died… (or at least I did not get more interactions with him)

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