Idling to Rule the Gods (ITRTG) – Infinity Towers Guide (Late Game)

Infinity Towers Guide

By Trey!

Note: Due to the recent update that changed how sharp the scaling is for the difficulty increase between floors, some of the teams given in this guide will be able to clear a couple floors higher than what is listed.


  • This guide assumes you have been farming D3-10 Mimic dungeons to the point where your main damaging pets are DL 175-200+, and others are DL 150+
  • I love you Mfilich but let’s have a guide for us people with DL 150-225 pets.
  • These notes are meant for people who have lategame pets who may not be able to consistently farm Floor 50+ in Infinity Towers
  • The teams/notes are meant for your climb to 10k points and beyond, as you build up some T4 mats for the early stages of crafting


  • Screenshots of teams are included for each Tower, at varying levels/equipment stages, so find a team that best fits what you have at your disposal.
  • Because every person has different pets and equipment available, I will not be giving guidelines on specific gearing for pets beyond some rare scenarios.
  • Again, this guide is meant for people who do not have spare pieces of equipment for every possible combination lying around. This is mostly a “use what you have already” kind of thing.
  • Team examples will have equipment included to give you an idea.


  • If a pet name is in parentheses following a class, eg. Supporter (Hourglass), it is suggested to use the pet in parentheses but is not super important if you don’t.
  • Pets marked as “Misc” can really be anything, depending on your team. Dying too much? Another Defender or Supporter. Need more damage? Assassin, Mage, or Rogue.
  • While Towers do not benefit from having a Rogue on the team (drop rates are fixed) they can make a decent substitute if you do not have enough Mages/Assassins to fill all slots.
  • The idea is that you will not be farming all Towers at once, so there may be some overlap with suggested pets.


  • Enemies in the Infinity Towers receive an additive 40% bonus to their HP, defense and speed, and an additive 50% bonus to attack, per floor.
  • Along with this, enemy stats will increase by 1.5x every 50 floors. Meaning there is a massive power increase of enemies from Floor 49 to Floor 50, and from Floor 99 to Floor 100, and so on.
  • It is VERY important to note that while pet special abilities work in the Towers, Undine’s special does not work if Hourglass is on the same team.
  • The drop chance is (floor #)% per enemy for T3 mats, (floor # / 20)% for T4 mats, and (floor # / 4)% for D4 Key mats. Nothing affects this drop rate, including Rogues, Talismans, SpaceDim, etc.
  • Infinity Points gained are equal to the Floor # cleared, capped at Floor 100.

Elemental Tower

Using a similar team to Water Tower is good to handle the variety of enemies here. Make sure you are quick enough to kill the Flare Lord and with enough Elements to resist Ice Queen’s freeze. If you meet those two benchmarks, the other mobs should go down with ease. If your Mage targets the Mirror of Ruin, it can lead to some excess deaths, so feel free to swap the Mage out.

SlotsClass / Pets

Meep – F40

  • 1-3 Feathers Used Per Room
  • Mimic Growth: 120k

Neutral Tower

This Tower is…. rough. It can be done, but at the cost of a lot of phoenix feathers. For that reason, multiple strategies will be given. Enemies here can heal themselves and will reflect 50% of the damage they take, even if they die. Max Damage = Enemy Max HP.

One strat is to let your pets One-Hit KO the enemies without worrying about surviving, killing both themselves and the enemy in the process. With one Assassin on the team that can OHKO, you will use about 5 phoenix feathers per floor, or 60 per 12 hour run. If you’re farming D3 Volcano with decent CL Rogues (like 50ish) you should be net positive on phoenix feathers, but your supply can still drain.

Another, more difficult to master, strat, is to find a nice balance between your Assassin’s HP/Atk, and your pets’ Speed. Having enough HP on your Assassin to survive a reflect, while also having enough damage to OHKO the enemy. And then on top of this, making sure the Speed of your Supporter is less than the Speed of your Assassin, so the Assassin is healed immediately after attacking.

Succubus is a good candidate for this Tower if going for this strat.

If you can’t OHKO the mobs, you can bring along another Assassin or two. This will most likely cause you to use more phoenix feathers. Absolutely do NOT use Mages, as their multi-targeting can cause reflect damage to multiple pets without killing any mobs. If using Archer, do not equip him with a bow for similar reasons. You want concentrated damage.

Taco Note:

  • Taco is another strong contender for this Tower, especially if you need more damage to OHKO.
  • Wind Taco is probably the easiest to get working, since it relies on targeting the highest Speet pet, which should be your Assassin.
SlotsClass / Pets
3Assassin (Succubus)
4Supporter (2nd Assn if needed)

Trey – F47

Blacksmith equipment was used for Build Speed, can be swapped out for other defensive equipment.

Mimic one-hits all enemies. ~5 feathers used per floor. Swapping out Mimic’s armor for something more offensive could allow this team to reach F50, but uses more feathers

  • Mimic Growth: 140k
  • Other Growth: 120k-140k

Meep – F35

This is a featherless team, meaning pets are not getting killed by the reflect damage. Featherless teams often cannot climb as high, since the Assassin focuses more on survival instead of damage output.

  • Mimic Growth: 120K

Water Tower

More Elements and survive enemies. Enemies will Freeze you at a rate of [((attacker elements/2) / defender elements) – 0.3]*100% so higher Elements is key. BHC is great as it has high Elements and can deal strong damage. Bring enough Defenders/Supporters to keep your BHC alive.

Ghost is useful since enemies here have low defense, making them easily Scared. Bringing along an Assassin and/or additional Mages can help push higher floors if BHC isn’t enough damage.

SlotsClass / Pets
5Misc (Ghost)

Ultima – F38

Meep – F49

  • Sylph Growth: 120k

Fire Tower

Find the right balance of Attack and Speed. Enemies here hit HARD so you want them killed ASAP. Look at the Speed of the enemies you are fighting and be sure you have a couple pets who can beat that. If you’re cutting it close with your speed vs enemy speed, Hourglass is your friend. The enemies here hit HARD, ignoring your Defense, so you want to kill them before they get a turn. Ghost is useful as it lowers enemy Defense, to deal the most damage possible and OHKO enemies before they get a turn to act.

If using an Assassin, a Blacksmith can be used to increase damage output while also being a fairly tanky pet. You can combine the two team styles, swapping out the Ghost/Blacksmith slot for both an Assassin and a Mage.

SlotsOption 1 – AssassinOption 2 – Mage
3BlacksmithMisc (Ghost)
4Misc (Ghost)Mage
5Supporter (Hourglass)Supporter (Hourglass)

Meep – F49

Good example of an Option 2 team built around a Mage DPS.

  • Sylph Growth: 80K

Trey – F50

Balrog is a placeholder. I typically have a Blacksmith to make an Option 1 team. T4 gear currently equipped is not much stronger than their T3 variants, so F50 can be reached without T4.

Hourglass weapon Ego Sword to powerlevel, swap to other weapon accordingly.

  • Archer Growth: 165K
  • Elephant Growth: 110K
  • Other Growth: ~140K

Wind Tower

Keep Elephant alive while it burns everything to the ground. Enemies here cannot heal, so Burn is incredible. Undine can be a decent swap for Elephant, but isn’t quite as effective by herself for higher floors. Regardless, consider putting Elephant/Undine in the back row for better survival. You can swap out a pet to use both Undine and Elephant. This is useful for climbing higher, but these pets often have uses in other Towers as well, so it depends on which other ones you are concurrently farming.

If you aren’t using Elephant or Undine, you can still farm this Tower to some degree with Assassins, but start at lower floors to be safe. Enemies here can dodge attacks at (1 – (PetSpeed / EnemySpeed))*100%. Elephant and Undine’s specials bypass this.

One thing you can play with for this Tower is the team arrangement. If your Supporters have high Speed, they may do better in the front row as they will take less damage than your Defenders. Thankfully, with the sim feature, you can try this out without any drawback!

SlotsClass / Pets

Meep – F49

Prime example of how all you need is Elephant.

Trey – F49

  • Elephant Growth: 110K
  • Dog & Anything Growth: 200-220K
  • Other Growth: 95-110K

Earth Tower

Speed damage, and that’s about it. The misc slot can be just about anything, either more offense or more survival. Assassins can replace a Mage or two, but will often have reduced damage by comparison. Improved Rabbit is strong here since they will most likely have a Stick equipped and receive an extra Speed boost. If having problems surviving, gear a Supporter slightly more Attack-focused for better heals.

Special Assassins like Coin, improved Carno, and improved Ape are very strong here because of the extra damage they can do. Sylph is very strong here, since it benefits from Wind equip which often has higher Speed than other types of equipment.

SlotsClass / Pets

Trey – F46

  • Rabbit And Slime Growth: 90K
  • Other Growth: 90-110K

Swapping Slime for Sylph pushes team to F52. More hits is key.

Meep – F51

  • All Growth: 90-110K
  • Santa Growth: 50K

Yes Rabbit has knives, these are for speed. Stick would be better especially with Token Improve.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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