Infection Free Zone – How to Obtain Unbroken / We Do Not Sow Achievements

This guide explains how to unlock Unbroken and We do not sow achievements.

Unbroken / We Do Not Sow Achievements Guide


  • Defeat the military

Having troubles with the military? get to the nearest building.

Best way I have found to defeat the military on day 25 is to lure then near an abandoned building and get inside, the military will dismount the vehicle they are chasing you with and follow you inside. This leaves the vehicle wide open to being jacked.

Regarding to APC this will take multiple units. I made multiple squads to use as fodder to get close enough to a building that they can make it inside so the military will follow them, then use other squads to get their vehicles.

We Do Not Sow

  • No farming for 50 days. Scavenge or eat people!

I did not build any barns. In fact I did not build anything besides a few warehouses and some walls and gates for defence. It took a couple of hours total to set it up and get it done, but I was also going for the I am legend achievement as well so that took extra setting up.

I am currently trying for the globe trotter achievement and I have come to realize you can do those 50 days ones even easier. Just start a map on easy (low pop and hordes, high resources) then create 4 squads and send them all out in one big group during the day to search buildings, and then call them back at night to defend HQ. Meanwhile create squads with the extra pop and send them to die (you can keep a couple or so to make a couple towers for extra defence if you want). You don’t need to build anything else and with four squads, you need 4 cans of food a day so 200 total to go 50 days.

Just search at day and defend at night until you have enough food. As long as you don’t accept any new pop and keep your current pop low, the infected do not get much bigger and so defending is pretty easy. Then just wait it out on triple speed.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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