Infection Free Zone – Useful Tips and Tricks (Fixes, Saves and Gameplay)

Here is a bunch of tips that may help you to get better gameplay and more.

Tech Tips

Application load error 3:0000065432 fix

Try to add the game folder (Steam\steamapps\common\Infection Free Zone) to Anti-virus soft’s exception list.

Save file location and backups

You can find your saves here:

  • C:\Users\\AppData\LocalLow\JutsuGames\Infection Free Zone\Saves

Note: They aren’t labeled that great but you can read through the info.json to make sure you’re not deleting the wrong ones, make backups just in case i guess.

Gameplay Tips

How to use fertilizer

If you click on “use fertilizer” there just sits a “clock symbol” and it says it will start with the next circle but it wont.

Then after “growing circle” they start again without the fertilizer…

…you have to wait for the current crop to complete, that’s what the clock is, the blue arrow is the crop that is currently growing.

How to move items on the squad inventory

Click the squad, pick exchange from the squad commands and then pick the building (warehouse) you want to exchange with. Then when both windows are open just drag and drop. Don’t forget to remove your guns if you are going that route.

How to increase squad limit

You can just build more HQs to increase the Squad limit.

How to change start location

If you are using one of the pre-loaded maps (by not selecting a custom location) then you cannot choose where your HQ goes.

How to load vehicles

When your squad enters the vehicle it should automatically store stuff on the car, if they are carying it. You must open the exchange stuff, put the 4 crates on the squad, and tell them to go to the car, and they will automatically put the crates on the car inventory.

How to see the actual buildings names

There’s a layer icon on your below right, click it and you can select what to display, such as street name and building name although not all.

Misc. Tips

  • You can use the exchange button to to give stuff to the car while your in the sector.
  • If you to try to hop in and out of your car it some time causes infected to spawn and if you only got pistols you will die.
  • Also if full loot a zone you could hop in and out maybe fast enough to take the loot.
  • One more thing sectors expedition zone eat lots of fuel so I use one squad for expeditions.
  • There does seem to be rare wandering infected the rooms out there in expedition zone and fast kill your squad no matter the gear so always have a car and if find the big fat cargo truck is best because 40 slots.
  • If you save and load and there is loot in a sector it get deleted.
  • If you see one of your buildings having a icon that they are missing something take the workers out of it so to use them for other productions, collect the items needed and then put them back in.
  • Manage the number of workers well and don’t put in a lot of construction orders, otherwise, nothing will be done as you want to see too much too slowly.
  • Drag ammo into squad open storage slots if you send them to a defensive position.
  • Quick tip click Tab to switch between units very helpful instead of scrolling out and in.
  • Tip build a small warehouse beside the building you want to destroy for fast process, since warehouse now had share storage or build smallware house near forest.
  • You can remove watchtowers workers to collect resources then set them back at 2 or 3pm so they can load the tower with ammo and start their night sentry shift.
  • When in a car, the driver doesn’t shoot, so its only 3 people firing. Therefore, the weakest weapon should always be on squad member 1.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. squad can be made with single person, it depends how many “unemployed” you have when you “create squad”.
    If you find a big cargo car (like pickup truck = 20) a one person squad can drive it to other squads and “exchange” cargo with them to avoid them walking back to base etc

    • That is true, yes. But if you’re using bows or wait hour or two before you’ll take them out of the towers to do other jobs, they should resupply already

  2. I would also like to add that in winter you don’t need farmers in the fields, let them work in other places!

  3. If you hear “SWARM”, click on this message on the radio to see where the sound is coming from. Send a squad in that direction in a car and when the time comes for them to move to your base, you can attract their attention to the car and drive it around the city, then you won’t have to defend the base. When the sun rises, the zombies will run home, take 4+ squads and clear the buildings with zombies. This is simpler and easier than TD and restoration of each damage.

  4. does anyone know why really big building in the early game are defaulting to 20 living quarters after you adapt it and not what it actually said it would be.

    • maybe it’s a bug? I didn’t used big buildings so I dont really know but this sounds like a bug or a glitch.

  5. If you go to exchange in the squad menu while in a warehouse/HQ you can swap weapons out.

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