The Lost Village – Beginners Guide

Guide for New Players

Beginning of a New Sect

Sect Creation

On your very first play through, you will be starting with 55 Taoist Points.

Taoist Body

Taoist body is what you will be cultivating throughout the game both of your Master and your fellow disciples.

I will explain cultivation in a short bit.

As a proper protagonist, you will want one of the following bodies:

  • Phoenix
    • Weapon – Moon blade, Range – depends on the mood of the user (Mid/close)
    • Specializes in balanced Attack and Health, breakthrough mainly boosts Health and Dodge
  • Dipper
    • Weapon – Flying sword, Range – Long
    • Specializes in having high Attack, breakthrough mainly boosts Attack, Speed and Critical Rate
  • Demon
    • Weapon – Twin blade, Close
    • Specializes in having high Critical Damage, breakthrough boosts Critical Rate
  • Dragon
    • Weapon – Spear, Close range (Not Melee, Important to note)
    • Specializes in having high Critical Rate, breakthrough boosts Hit Points
  • Earth
    • Weapon – Axe, Melee (another Melee is Broadsword)
    • Specializes in having high Health, breakthrough mainly boosts Hit Points and Defense


You can equip and use any single weapon you want without losing stats or getting debuffs.

The only exception is Silver Star skill set, which buffs Moonblade, however if you have Silver Star and not using moonblade you lose the 20% ATK bonus from it


  • Starting here, you can select up to 5 traits.
  • These traits give your Master considerable flat stat boosts.
  • Besides the stat increase you want to look at Cultivation speed (Which will come in handy in a bit)

Recommended traits:

  • Ruthless
    • Strength +25 = Increases Attack and Defense, +50% cultivation speed
    • Fairly straightforward. Raw STR Stat is used by few skill
  • Fundi
    • Skill +25 = Increases Hit rate, Dodge and HP, +50% cultivation speed
    • Primarily for Survival, but good number of skills uses SKL stat as well.
  • Sage
    • Wisdom +25 = increases Skill attack and Skill defense
    • Primarily used by DoT and Healing skills
  • Nimble
    • +20 Dodge, +110% cultivation speed
    • You want to take Nimble, because of the massive cultivation speed bonus (Will explain in a bit)


Here, you will be able to create your every day D&D Character background, in which all of your family member have died and you have been eternally cursed by the evil god Tharizdun.

On more serious note though, these give you more starting resources/items or even stats.

And while there is decent selection, to be frank you will always pick maybe 2 or 3 at best.

And the ones I highly recommend are:

  • Principle
    • +90 mental, some breakthroughs will be difficult and having higher mental makes them easier
    • In later stages, you can replace this trait with another as you will gain access to elixirs that increase your total mental
  • Dragon Eye
    • Dragon eye is an item for your first superior breakthrough
    • There is another way of quickly obtaining this item and that is by researching Diplomacy which unlocks trading. This can be done within first 20-30 minutes with ease.
  • Golden Pill
    • Condense Elixir I x9 is an item for your second superior breakthrough
    • This in early game is particularly difficult to obtain and can be lengthy
  • Skillful
    • Gives you 3 random skill books to your inventory
    • These can be gifted to your master or disciples of your choosing, giving them ability to use new skills (Will explain how to Gift in a bit)


You will always start with 9 disciples (8 + your Master), the disciples in this section are additional.

Before I proceed, on the right side you can find “Refresh” button.

It does exactly what it sounds like. And while you won’t get different names (You can rename in-game), traits of most disciples in the selection changes. So you can refresh until you find set of traits you like.

The only disciples with pre-fixed traits are: Zuo Li and Li Mengqin

Recommended disciples:

  • Zuo Li – Has Resistance trait +20% tolerance (I will explain later, but this is good stuff) and Alchemy +100% Furnace efficiency (Which makes him a god (just a joke) while operating furnace.
  • Foxy – Starts minor self-healing and (Most importantly!) summoning skill, which provides much needed help in all combat modes
  • Mei – Rolled with Crystal and Mining traits. Cheap way of increasing your spirit stone production (Your cash)
  • Fu Gui – On top of Mythic taoist body, rolled with multiple traits increasing your resource production – He’s another great choice for small cost

However, besides these which are my personal recommendations, all others are really great in their own ways.

In this aspect, kudos to developers for making the selection so well balanced.


  • These will determine the size of your map, the buildable area, starting artifact and finally your divine beast.
  • The starting artifact is one and the same for all starting locations
  • In total there are 4 divine beasts, each bound to your starting location (You cannot ever change your diving beast).
  • However, besides their design, they are essentially one and the same stat and skill wise.

The difference is the increase in starting resources and the area you can build on.

Divine Beast

You can feed your divine beast using peaches or guzheng or similar foodstuff, that can be found in Faith store.

Once your divine beast reaches Stage X and has filled XP bar, you manually click on the “Evolve” button next to the XP bar for it to evolve into next stage.


Your absolute first “Farm” will be a simple 3×3, build around a Herb Garden with a Well nearby

As you progress in your research, you will eventually unlock research “Aura Bottle”

Once researched, you will look to expand your farm to new heights, built around this Aura bottle building. This building provides your farm with a 6×6 radius, in which it randomly spawns 3×3 Mist area, that increases the rate at which your plants age (10, 50, 100, 300, 500 and 1000 years old).

  • Preferably, in the fields closest to the Aura bottle building, you will want to grow Snow Lotus and Nirvana Grass.
  • In outer edges plants like Mist fruit, Linghzi, Golden Flower, Coleus and such, which are used for crafting elixirs in furnace.
  • And finally outside the radius or in whatever fields you have left, you will want to grow Rice, Foam tea which are essential for your Kitchen and Tea house.

In later stages of the game, after you unlock Fine Iron (Which is good chunk of time away from this point still) you will be able to further expand and buff your farm with various building such as Ginkgo tree (Field fertility ↑, Stele statue (Aura mist area ↑) or a Flag (Worker’s stamina consumption ↓).

Cultivation and Breakthroughs

The amount of cultivation your Master or Disciples acquire during their training at either Playground, Fengshui (Better playground) is influenced by many ways.

Instead of making a wall of text, I will make a simple point by point guide.

  • EXP powder: I-IV (The higher tier, the better)
  • Food: Peach (Only after you research and build Mill)
  • Elixir: Exp Elixir (Not of much use in later stages, but can bring your refining I to refining X if you force enough of these down their throats)
  • Destiny Artifact: Taoist Jade (However of no use in combat)
  • Foodstuff: Eat tons of Peaches (Need to research Mill beforehand)
  • Traits: +50% Cultivation speed for each Mythic trait and 110% for Nimble trait (cumulative)

You can acquire new traits from relations with disciples of opposite sex (Or use trans pill to turn them into one)

Put EXP Powder IV into Fengshui and with enough mythic traits + nimble you can cultivate 25.000+ EXP per cycle

Forging Destiny Artifact

  • Forge limit = Number of attempts ingredients can be forged/reforged
  • Forge limit can be recovered using Forge Metal
  • Up to 6 kinds of ingredients can be forged
  • Each ingredient can be reforged up to level 10 – Using the same ingredient
  • At any moment, the forging can fail and you lose both the ingredient and 1 forge limit
  • To activate your artifact, you must fulfill all 5 element requirements.

Destiny artifact can be replaced, if you find another one that suits your needs better (Via Gift). However, during the process you lose all progress made on forging the previous artifact AND the artifact is destroyed.

New Sla… I mean Disciples

So.. you finally found yourself in a struggle of never having enough workers…

As soon as you realise this or preferably before you get to this point – You will look in research for Reception.

  • This building, as long as it has a worker, will continually search for new disciples willing to join your sect.
  • Once found, you will find the candidates in Candidate tab (Press “U”). Otherwise found under Manage – Candidate.
  • You will then have 3 options – Info, Recruit or Expel.
  • Info opens a new window, showing you details about that specific disciple.
  • Recruit is straightforward, except you will need 3 Qi Elixirs, for one reason or another.
  • Honestly, you will never use Expel because you either forget about them or simply won’t care.
  • If you have followed in-game tutorial in form of tips, you should have enough Qi Elixirs for first couple candidates
  • Further Qi Elixirs can be either bought from prestige store @120 per, or Illusion / Dungeon.
  • Your best bet though, is to get a merchant room in either of these 2 and have plenty of coins farmed by then.

Another method of gaining new disciples is attacking other sects and winning.

However! Once you inevitably capture all towns controlled by another sect and you keep attacking their sect while in exile – You might just destroy them entirely. Losing access to their unique buildings. Other sects can recover disciples only if they hold at least 1 settlement.


Are you unsure what to keep at your treasury and your disciples are growingly less satisfied?

This simple order shall suffice.

  • Life pills > Stat pills > Training Token > Jade/Stamp

Life pills for 10, 20 and 30 years are easy to obtain and craft in furnace.

Stat pills, especially Attack I, Defense I and Health I are another items easy to obtain and craft.

Training tokens – After you unlock Crafting tower and Workbench and completing chained research, you will be able to craft these also. Initially they might seem a bit expensive to craft, but adjusting your crafting orders in furnace will solve these issues.

Jade/Stamps are fairly late game stuff and only matter. if you learned and intend to manage your disciples.

Besides these, you can always throw some green/blue books that you do not need nor intend to use.

Faith and Prestige store

After researching diplomacy, completing the building and completing tutorial regarding said building unlocks the ability to trade.

If you have no yet completed the tutorial tip and do not have trade section unlock, you can still open the store by selecting diplomacy building and selecting “Sect store.”

Faith and Prestige store is made up of 2 stores, each with its own currency.


  • Faith is acquired when any disciple spends their contribution points in Treasure building.
  • Faith can also be acquired via books (Found in your Inventory (i) – Supply) dropped from adventures
  • Rate at which Contribution spent is converted to Faith currency is 1:34
  • The rate can be temporarily (30 years) improved to 1:30 via policy


  • Prestige is acquired through completion of secret realms, sect wars and cities you capture.
  • Prestige can also be acquired via books (Found in your Inventory (i) – Supply) dropped from adventures
  • Each store can be upgraded up to certain level. Each level unlocks new items for trade.
  • You can check what items are granted on each level by selecting Preview.

If you ever run out of the resource you wish to purchase, you can force refresh instead of waiting.

Spirit Stones and Auction

Ways of obtaining spirit stones are plenty.

Most activities reward you with spirit stones, but there are 2 ways of obtaining A LOT.

Method 1 – Passive earnings

If you have followed in-game tips, you should research and build a spirit stone mine. Aaand you might be scratching your head, how the heck can you make more spirit stones when you have never enough.

The answer is simple.

Go into research and look for Shrine.

  • Once you research and build it, feel free to demolish your spirit stone mine.
  • You can build however many of these you want, but even 1 will be enough for your early game.
  • Shrines will be your primary source of income in mid and late game.

Method 2 – Auction

Researching Auction

  • Once researched, after a short period of time, you will get your first notification about upcoming auction.
  • You will have 3 slots for any items you wish to auction off.
  • You can either put up for auction your highest valued herbs (300,500 or 1000 years old) in bulk or pretty much any other item you have no use for at that time.
  • Most of the time, you will get 1.5x to 2x value back than is shown under “Reference value”
  • You can easily make 100.000 – 2.500.000 spirit stones.. Unfortunately, in late game that will be pocket money.
  • Auctions are held every 30 years.

On top of making spirit stones in auction, the reason you will want to participate are Auction unique skill books and other extremely rare items.


Managing Disciples

To simplify, for the most part you can manage your disciples in Manage – Positions tab “V”

From there:

  • Using “Task Filter” you can specialize your positions in different kinds of works in order to utilise their traits to the maximum.
  • Using “Authority” you can limit each position can spend in Treasury (In Total and how many times they can purchase something).
  • Using “Break Option” you can setup automatic breakthrough and to which stages (Stage I is Refinement) for each position.


Tolerance is in its essence resistance against specific pill.

Tolerance levels can be found in Info tab – Click on Taoist body type (Phoenix, demon etc.) – Top right of the window that just popped up

Soft Cap is at 75%, the only way to bypass this without tolerance improving books and trait is by gifting a bulk of at least 30 pills. Often even the bulk of 30 pills won’t be enough for 100% tolerancy, should RNG stand against you.

Maximum tolerance is 100% at which point, you will not be able to chug any more pills of that specific type down the poor lad’s throat.

That is your goal.


  • Your tolerance for Attack Pill I is at 90%.
  • That means, that there is only 10% chance, the pill will take effect and increase Attack stat.
  • Should it succeed, the tolerance raises to 100% and you won’t be able to give any more of Attack Pill I.

Late Game

Potential and Rebirth


You might have noticed “Potential: xx” while looking at details about either your master or disciples.

Potential points can be used to raise specific stat of your desire in 1:1 ratio at any Column (For your master) or by Training Tokens (For your Disciples).

Columns are unlocked by researching – Strength, Wisdom and Skill.

Training Tokens are crafted in workbenches and then placed to Treasury

Rebirth pill

First and foremost. Before using Rebirth pill, use up all of your potential.

Once your Master or Disciples reach Tribulation stage, they can use Rebirth pill to start over and get even stronger as they keep their stats.

By using Rebirth pill you lose flat stat increases from breakthroughs, but you keep traits and gain additional 100 potential.

Some Other Stuff

List of Skill books

Each skill set has 3 skills. Besides these, there are skill pages.. There’s a lot of them to list, so it will take some time

  • Demonic Domain – OP Stuff
  • Heavenly Thunder – Chaining 750% True Damage skill every 1s (Sounds OP? Look at your TD)
  • Cang-lan Book –
  • Phoenix Rules – OP Stuff
  • Sizzling Book
  • Toxic Cloud – DoT with HP Tank and Additional damage based on health
  • Inferno
  • Mo Sword
  • Sword Essence
  • Summon Book – Summon Deer + Self heal
  • Bat Book – Evil Summon x4 Bat
  • Heavenly Charm
  • Jiu Ge – You don’t need this, but you do want this
  • Qisha Sword
  • Toxic Array
  • Northern Sutra – Support Healer – Flat 15% heal, Med CD
  • Lightning Sutra
  • Dust Sutra – Waste
  • Silver Star – Support Healer – Long CD 300% STR+SKL+WIS Heal + Buff ↑40% Total HP
  • No blade – Waste
  • Thousands kill – Literally take anything else.
  • Taoist Mastery – Surprisingly strong on full tank with relatively short skill cooldowns
  • ..and still more..

Dual Skill Books

List of obtainable dual skill books

Virgin Sutra, Dual Resonance, Harmony, Eterny are acquired through conquering other settlements
Hearth-Link is Trial Tower unique drop.


Sooner or later, one or more of your disciples will die of age because they have exhausted their lifespan.

Lifespan is lost when your disciples die during Trial tower (1 year per death)

Lifespan can be increased using Life Pills.

1 Lifespan = 1 Year

Illusion/Dungeon Tricks

Before entering Illusion/Dungeon realms, select “Edit” and equip rooms – Relic, Gear, Merchant.

These 3 rooms are all you need to find yourself drowning in elixirs.

  • First, you start by placing bunch of Relic and Gear rooms so you can strengthen your team and acquire large amount of coins.
  • Once you have at least couple hundred, look for a Merchant room if you already don’t have it in hand.
  • Visit the merchant
  • Select “Purchase”
  • Profit.

Settlement prosperity

Sect wars over specific settlement reduces its prosperity and can lead to decrease in mortals.


Having tax too high reduces settlement prosperity and decreases the rate at which it grows.

Lowering the tax increases settlement prosperity by great deal, improving the rate at which mortals grow as well.

Settlement prosperity influences how quickly said settlement grows mortals.

More mortals = More spirit stones.

Setting tax to 0% will still yield you settlement rewards every 5 years. Just without the tax.

Taoist Points

  • Taoist points are used to choose during your sect creation (Starting new game).
  • You can earn more points by completing Taoist quests found in the top right corner of your screen.
  • Progress and completed Taoist quests carry over, so you can complete them at your own pace and over multiple games.

Begin by doing Trial/Illusion and Dungeon (Dungeons unlock once your master reaches Condense stage) X times as these are the easiest to go for.

You can also save your game progress, boost random 5 females to maximum relation with you and set each as parter for another free Taoist points – After which you can load back your game.

Newbie Tips

Character Trait:

Pick Nimble for 110% exp up + 20 dodge, then pick some other trait help in fighting since you must use your char to grinding dungeon. Realm, tower in begin game.

Clan Beast:

Look like just to get different map, feed it with Peach for more Stamina (or just all in Tech Water but low Stamina mean your beast need rest most of time, I use to give it Peach until Stamina around 2k+), then Teach Water for more more training chance, send your Main char there and start training.

Early Materials and Qi Elixir:

Do Coin Rush in Realm, better with Illusion Realm – Condense ( III ) when you can pick only merchant card, fight some normal room for equip and coins, then reroll to get merchant room, gift enough equip to get 50% price off, then purchase item there, bring more people with you for more stamina since it cost stamina to bring item your buy home.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2273 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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