List of Titles and Passives
Special Titles
- Sleepy Beauty
- Unlock: Give a blowjob before kissing anyone
- Unlock Effect: Charm +1 (Um…)
- Equip Effect: Inmate Attack Chance–, Sight Resist +25%, Agility -66%
- Fierce Protector
- Unlock: Have anal sex before vaginal sex
- Unlock Effect: Mind +1
- Equip Effect: Dexterity +10%, Endurance -33%
- Sugar Plum Fairy
- Unlock: Lose your virginity to a toy
- Unlock Effect: Agility +1
- Equip Effect: Dexterity +5%, Agility Growth +15%, Stamina -40%
- Beauty and the Butthole
- Unlock: Give a rimjob before kissing anyone
- Unlock Effect: Charm +1 (UM…)
- Equip Effect: Charm Growth +44% (…), Strength -50%, Sight Resist -20%
Sex Related Titles
- Virgin Devouring Ass Pussy
- Unlock: Take 20 virginities via anal sex
- Unlock Effect: Make virgins appear more frequently
- Equip Effect: Make virgins appear more frequently
- Softcore Masochist
- Unlock: Have a Masochist level 6 higher than your Sadist level
- Unlock Bonus: Defense +5%
- Equip Effect: Endurance growth +30%, Strength Growth -50%, Agility Growth -50%
- Hardcore Masochist
- Unlock: Have a Masochist level 13 higher than your Sadist level
- Unlock Bonus: Defense +10%
- Equip Effect: Endurance Growth +50%, Strength Growth -75%, Agility Growth -75%
- Softcore Sadist
- Unlock: Have a Sadist level 5 higher than your Masochist level
- Unlock Bonus: Attack +5%
- Equip Effect: Attack +20%, Defense -33%, Evasion -33%
- Hardcore Sadist
- Unlock: Have a Sadist level 12 higher than your Masochist level
- Unlock Bonus: Attack +10%
- Equip Effect: Attack +33%, Defense -50%, Evasion -50%
- Lewd Warden
- Unlock: Act more than 50 times in battle, and have used ten more sex skills than attacks.
- Unlock Bonus: Sex Skill Cost -3%
- Equip Effect: Dexterity +7%, Attack -25%, Defense -25%
- Cock Crazed Cum Dumpster
- Unlock: Act more than 150 times in battle, and have used 2.5 times more sex skills than attacks.
- Unlock Bonus: Sex Skill Cost -6%
- Equip Effect: Dexterity +15%, Attack -50%, Defense -50%
Not Sex Related Titles
- Beautiful Warden
- Unlock: Have enough Charm for a second accessory
- Unlock bonus: One-time bonus of 10 Order
- Equip effect: +2 order every day you wear it, and don’t switch it out
- Stunning Warden
- Unlock: Have enough Charm for a third accessory
- Unlock Bonus: Strike gains a 10% Stun chance
- Equip Effect: Strike gains a 15% Stun chance, -10% Sight resist
- Enchanting Warden
- Unlock: Have enough Charm for a fourth accessory
- Unlock Bonus: Expense -3%
- Equip Effect: Evasion +5%, Enemy Critical Evasion -25%, Sight Resist -10%
- Fort Ganon’s Flower
- Unlock: Have enough Charm for a fifth accessory
- Unlock Bonus: Inmate Attack Chance-
- Equip Effect: Inmate Attack Chance—-, Sight Resist -15%
- Wasteful Spender
- Unlock: Go bankrupt
- Unlock Bonus: Expenses -1%, lose 10 order every day you’re bankrupt
- Equip Effect: Endurance +5%, Mind -15%, Talk Resist -5%
- Loose Spending Woman
- Unlock: Spend five days bankrupt
- Unlock Bonus: Expense -1%, lose 7 order every day you’re bankrupt instead of 10
- Equip Effect: Endurance +8%, Mind -20%, Talk Resist -10%
- Bankruptcy Queen
- Unlock: Spend 10 days bankrupt
- Unlock Bonus: Expense -2%, lose 4 order instead of 7 every day you’re bankrupt
- Equip Effect: Endurance +15%, Mind -25%, Talk Resist -20%
- Honorable Administrator
- Unlock: Spend a day at max Order
- Unlock Bonus: Starting Order +1
- Equip Effect: Riot Chance–, Expense +5%
- Excellent Administrator
- Unlock: Spend 11 days at max order
- Unlock Bonus: Max subsidies +25, Starting Order +1
- Equip Effect: Income +5%, Control is halved, Gain no Order from battles
- Empress of Fort Ganon
- Unlock: Spend 31 days at max order
- Unlock Bonus: Max subsidies +25, Starting Order +1
- Equip Effect: Control +1, Talk Resist +25%, Riot chance+++
- Grand Order
- Unlock: Spend 70 days at max order
- Unlock Bonus: Energy +1
- Equip Effect: Mind Growth +30%
- Dignified Beauty
- Unlock: Fix your clothes 25 times
- Unlock Bonus: Energy +1
- Equip Effect: Strip Resist +25%
- Sloppy Beauty
- Unlock: Fix your clothes 150 times
- Unlock Bonus: Energy +1
- Equip Effect: Strip Resist +40%
- Hardworking Waitress
- Unlock: Complete the Waitress job 10 times sober
- Unlock Bonus: Increase Waitress tips by 15%
- Equip Effect: Increase Waitress tips by 35%
- Bar Enforcer
- Unlock: Kick people out of the bar 40 times? (might have misunderstood)
- Unlock Bonus: Strength +1, Starting Order +1
- Equip Effect: Decreased Stamina needed to kick someone out of the bar
- Experience Waitress
- Unlock: Take 30 shifts at the bar? (might have misunderstood)
- Unlock Bonus: Waitress and Bartender skills take 1 less second
- Equip Effect: Waitress and Bartender skills take 2 less seconds
- Freeloading Drinker
- Unlock: Get dead drunk ten times while being a waitress
- Unlock Bonus: Expense -10
- Equip Effect: Stamina +25%, Endurance Growth +25%, Mind -75%
- Counterattacker
- Unlock: Counterattack 50 times
- Unlock Bonus: Counterattack Stamina Cost -15%
- Equip Effect: Counterattack Damage +35%
- Reversal Fighter
- Unlock: Be level 15, have struck an enemy over 100 times, and counterattacked 25 times more than normal attacks.
- Unlock Bonus: Counterattack Damage +5%
- Equip Effect: Counterattack Chance +25% during Counter Stance
- Master Baiter (the Japanese name for this one is cooler, by the way)
- Unlock: Be level 35, have struck an enemy 200 times, and counterattacked 3 times as many times than normal attacks.
- Unlock Bonus: Start with Counter Stance active
- Equip Effect: Counterattack Stamina Cost -75%
- Blunt Woman
- Unlock: Attack more than 100 times, and use Blunt attacks more than Pierce and Slash attacks combined.
- Unlock Bonus: Attack Skill Cost -3%
- Equip Effect: Pierce Resist +33%
- Heavy Woman
- Unlock: Be level 15, Attack more than 200 times, and use Blunt attacks more than Pierce and Slash attacks combined.
- Unlock Bonus: Attack Skill Cost -3%
- Equip Effect: Blunt Skill Cost -33%
- Thicc Woman
- Unlock: Be level 35, Attack more than 300 times, and use Blunt attacks more than Pierce and Slash attacks combined.
- Unlock Bonus: Use Head Strike at battle start? (Might have misunderstood).
- Equip Effects: Lower cooldown on Head Strike and Slam by one turn.
- Quick Thruster
- Unlock: Attack more than 100 times, and use Pierce attacks more than Blunt and Slash attacks combined.
- Unlock Bonus: Attack Skill Cost -3%
- Equip Effect: Slash Resist +33%
- Unrelenting Thruster
- Unlock: Be level 15, Attack more than 200 times, and use Pierce attacks more than Blunt and Slash attacks combined.
- Unlock Bonus: Attack Skill Cost -3%
- Equip Effect: Pierce Skill Cost -33%
- Sonic Thruster
- Unlock: Be level 35, Attack more than 300 times, and use Pierce attacks more than Blunt and Slash attacks combined.
- Unlock Bonus: Use Leg Thrust at battle start? (Might have misunderstood).
- Equip Effects: Lower cooldown on Skewer and Leg Thrust by one turn.
- Mega Slasher
- Unlock: Attack more than 100 times, and use Slash attacks more than Pierce and Blunt attacks combined.
- Unlock Bonus: Attack Skill Cost -3%
- Equip Effect: Blunt Resist +33%
- Metal Slasher
- Unlock: Be level 15, Attack more than 200 times, and use Slash attacks more than Pierce and Blunt attacks combined.
- Unlock Bonus: Attack Skill Cost -3%
- Equip Effect: Slash Skill Cost -33%
- Barrier Slasher
- Unlock: Be level 35, Attack more than 300 times, and use Slash attacks more than Pierce and Blunt attacks combined.
- Unlock Bonus: Use Arm Slash at battle start? (Might have misunderstood).
- Equip Effects: Lower cooldown on Cleave and Arm Slash by one turn.
- Prison Fighter
- Unlock: Kick more than ten times
- Unlock Bonus: Unarmed Attack +5%, Unarmed Defense +5%
- Equip Effect: Always fight unarmed
- Spinning Bird Kick!
- Unlock: Be level 15, kick more than 42 times
- Unlock Bonus: Unarmed Attack +10%, Unarmed Defense +10%
- Equip Effect: Stamina +5%, Inmate Attack Chance+++
- Spring Beauty
- Unlock: Be level 35, kick more than 100 times
- Unlock Bonus: Unarmed Attack +10%, Unarmed Defense +10%
- Equip Effect: Stamina +10%, Inmate Attack Chance++++++
- Disciple of Strength
- Unlock: Be level 15, have 2 more strength than Agility or Dexterity
- Unlock Bonus: Strength +1
- Equip Effect: Strength Growth +25%
- Doctrine of Strength
- Unlock: Be level 35, have 4 more strength than Agility or Dexterity
- Unlock Bonus: Strength +1
- Equip Effect: Strength Growth +42%
- Disciple of Dexterity
- Unlock: Be level 15, have 2 more Dexterity than Agility or Strength
- Unlock Bonus: Dexterity +1
- Equip Effect: Dexterity Growth +25%
- Doctrine of Dexterity
- Unlock: Be level 35, have 4 more Dexterity than Agility or Strength
- Unlock Bonus: Dexterity +1
- Equip Effect: Dexterity Growth +42%
- Disciple of Agility
- Unlock: Be level 15, have 2 more Agility than Strength or Dexterity
- Unlock Bonus: Agility +1
- Equip Effect: Agility Growth +25%
- Doctrine of Agility
- Unlock: Be level 35, have 4 more Agility than Strength or Dexterity
- Unlock Bonus: Agiliy +1
- Equip Effect: Agility Growth +42%
- Disciple of Endurance
- Unlock: Be level 15, have 1 more Endurance than Strength, Agility or Dexterity
- Unlock Bonus: Endurance +1
- Equip Effect: Stamina Regen +3%
- Doctrine of Endurance
- Unlock: Be level 35, have 2 more Endurance than Strength, Agility or Dexterity
- Unlock Bonus: Endurance +1
- Equip Effect: Stamina Regen +6%
- Disciple of Mind
- Unlock: Be level 15, have 1 more Mind than Strength, Agility or Dexterity
- Unlock Bonus: Mind +1
- Equip Effect: Willpower Regen +5%
- Doctrine of Mind
- Unlock: Be level 35, have 2 more Mind than Strength, Agility or Dexterity
- Unlock Bonus: Mind +1
- Equip Effect: Willpower Regen +10%
- Suppressor
- Unlock: Crush 3 riots
- Unlock Bonus: Stats +1% during riot battles
- Equip Effect: -33% fatigue gain during riot battles
- Punisher
- Unlock: Crush 15 riots
- Unlock Bonus: Stats +1% during riot battles
- Equip Effects: Stats +5% during riot battles
- Maker of Chains
- Unlock: Crush 75 riots
- Unlock Bonus: Stats +1% during riot battles
- Equip Effects: Gain more order subduing rioters
Mouth Passives
- Long Awaited Kiss
- Unlock: Kiss someone
- Effect: Charm +1
- Lower Lip Biting
- Unlock: Max your Mouth desire
- Effect: Mouth desire slowly increases every turn
- Saliva Exchange
- Unlock: Max Mouth desire 10 times, and kiss 50 times.
- Effect: Charm is increased based on people kissed that battle, lower talk resist
- Amateur Kisser
- Unlock: Kiss 10 times
- Effect: Increased Mouth sensitivity, Start battle with additional Mouth desire
- Loves Making Out
- Unlock: Kiss 69 times
- Effect: Increased Mouth sensitivity, lower Mouth desire needed for kisses
- Getting Used to Kissing
- Unlock: Kiss 10 different people
- Effect: Kiss level +1, lower Mouth desire needed for kisses
- Smooch Greeting
- Unlock: Kiss 20 different people, reach max Mouth desire twice.
- Effect: Unlock Kiss sex skill, lower Mouth desire needed for Kisses
- Mouth Sucking Greeting
- Unlock: Initiate 15 kisses
- Effect: Kiss level +1, stronger Kiss debuff
- Amateur Head Giver
- Unlock: Give 5 different blow jobs
- Effect: Charm +1, Blowjob Level +1, lower Mouth desire needed for blowjobs
- Prisoner of Giving Blowjobs
- Unlock: Give 20 different blowjobs, max Mouth desire 3 times, max Cock desire 3 times
- Effect: Unlock Blowjob sex skill, lower Mouth desire needed to give blowjobs
- Gifted Cocksucker:
- Unlock: Give 10 different people blowjobs
- Effect: Blowjob level +1
- Thirsty Groin Starer
- Unlock: Initiate 15 blowjobs
- Effect: Blowjob level +1, Blowjob damage increases based on Cock desire
- Bitter Taste
- Unlock: Swallow semen
- Effect: Increased sensitivity while swallowing, lower Cock desire necessary to swallow
- Willing to Swallow
- Unlock: Swallow ten different people’s semen
- Effect: Increased sensitivity while swallowing, lower Cock desire necessary to swallow
- Filled Up Throat
- Unlock: Swallow 50 ML of semen at once
- Effect: Men will ejaculate more semen into your mouth, lower Cock desire necessary for blowjobs and swallowing
- Filled Up Stomach
- Unlock: Swallow 150 ML of semen at once
- Effect: Restore a bit of energy when swallowing, stamina regen increases based on how much you’ve swallowed that battle
- First Rimjob
- Unlock: Give a rimjob.
- Effect: Rimjob Level +1, lowers Mouth desire necessary to give rimjobs
- Amateur Salad Tosser
- Unlock: Give five different men rimjobs
- Effect: Unlock Rimjob sex skill, increases Mouth sensitivity
- Anus Licking Lady
- Unlock: Give Rimjobs 25 different times
- Effect: Rimjob level +1, increases Mouth sensitivity, lowers Mouth desire necessary to give a rimjob
- Head Full of Buttholes
- Unlock: Initiate 15 different Rimjobs
- Effect: Rimjob level +1, Rimjob damage increases based on Masochism
- Kiss Orgasm
- Unlock: Orgasm from making out
- Effect: Lowers Mouth desire necessary for kisses and blowjobs
- Cocksucking Orgasm
- Unlock: Orgasm from giving a blowjob
- Effect: Lower Sex resist, gain a little Cock desire every turn
- Cum Swallowing Orgasm
- Unlock: Orgasm while swallowing semen
- Effect: Men will ejaculate more semen during blowjobs; lower cock desire necessary for blowjobs
Cock Passives
- Touch of Penis
- Unlock: Give 5 handjobs
- Effect: Handjob level +1, lower cock desire needed to give handjobs
- Cock Shaking Official
- Unlock: Give 15 handjobs, reach max cock desire twice
- Effect: Unlock Handjob sex skill, lower cock desire needed to give handjobs
- Loving Pats
- Unlock: Initiate 5 handjobs, reach max cock desire 5 times
- Effect: Unlock Pet Cock sex skill
- Handjob Giving Secretary
- Unlock: Give handjobs to 5 different people
- Effect: Handjob Level +1, increased hand sensitivity
- Handjob Pro
- Unlock: Give handjobs to 30 different people
- Effect: Handjob level +1, increased hand sensitivity, increased charm while giving handjobs
- Cock Handshaker
- Unlock: Initiate 15 handjobs
- Effect: Handjob level +1, Handjob damage increases based on cock desire
- Very Handy
- Unlock: Pet Cock 10 different times
- Effect: Petting level +1, lower Cock desire necessary for Pet Cock
- Sneaky Glances
- Unlock: Max Cock Desire
- Effect: Gain Cock desire every turn while aroused or horny
- Meat Sausage Lover
- Unlock: Max Cock Desire Ten Times
- Effect: Give and receive more pleasure from petting based on cock desire
- Front Row Seats
- Unlock: Watch men masturbate ten times
- Effect: Gain a little bit of Cock desire every turn
- First Spitroast
- Unlock: Be double-penetrated
- Effect: Lower Sight resist, while giving a blowjob, reduces the cock desire needed for vaginal or anal sex
- Lost Control of Lower Half
- Unlock: Be double-penetrated more than 25 times, and have lost your virginities.
- Effect: Lower Sight resist, Lower Sex resist while having both vaginal and anal sex
- First Gangbang
- Unlock: Have all three holes filled at once
- Effect: Lower Talk resist, lower Sex resist while you’re being gangbanged
- Piggy’s Triple Hole Parade
- Unlock: Fill all three holes at once, fifteen times
- Effect: Lower Talk resist, lower Petting resist while being gangbanged
- First Blowbang
- Unlock: Engage in a blowbang
- Effect: Lower talk resist and sight resist while in a blowbang
- Surrounded by Cocks
- Unlock: Go to Work – I mean, engage in five blowbangs
- Effect: Lower Petting resist while in a blowbang
- First Footjob
- Unlock: Perform a footjob
- Effect: Footjob level +1, lower Cock desire necessary for footjobs
- Awaken Feet
- Unlock: Perform footjobs on five different men
- Effect: Dexterity +1, Unlock Footjob sex skill
- Natural Footjob Giver
- Unlock: Perform footjobs 25 different times
- Effect: Footjob level +1, lowers Cock desire necessary for footjobs
- Cock Stepper
- Unlock: Initiate 15 different footjobs
- Effect: Footjob level +1, Footjob damage increases based on Sadism
- Handjob Orgasm
- Unlock: Orgasm from giving a handjob
- Effect: Lower petting resist, lower cock desire needed to give orgasms
Breast Passives
- Low Viewing Angle
- Unlock: Max out Breast desire
- Effect: Breast desire increases while attacking
- Chest Appeal
- Unlock: Max out Breast desire 10 times
- Effect: Lower Sight resist, increase Charm for a turn after attacking
- Boobs Sensation
- Unlock: Have your breasts groped (by other people!) five times
- Effect: Increased breast sensitivity, lower breast sensitivity necessary to be groped
- Boobies Played by Others
- Unlock: Have your breasts groped fifty times
- Effect: Increased breast sensitivity, breast desire increases a bit every turn
- Huge Titties
- Unlock: Have your breasts groped by ten different people
- Effect: Charm +1, Breast desire rises and falls faster, lower breast desire necessary for nipples to be played with
- Extra Bounce with Each Step
- Unlock: Have your breasts groped by thirty different people
- Effect: Increased breast sensitivity, lower breast desire necessary for titjobs and nipples to be played with
- Nipples Sensation
- Unlock: Nipples played with more than five times (by other people!)
- Effect: Increased nipple sensitivity, lower breast desire necessary for nipples to be played with
- Sensitive Nipples
- Unlock: Nipples played with more than 25 times
- Effect: While aroused, increased nipple sensitivity and Charm; while aroused, lower breast desire necessary for nipples to be played with
- Perky Nipples
- Unlock: Nipples played with by more than ten people
- Effect: Increased Nipple sensitivity; Masturbation level +1; lower Breast desire necessary for nipples to be played with.
- Nipples Erogenous Zone
- Unlock: Nipples played with by more than 42 different people
- Effect: While aroused, increased nipple sensitivity and lower strip resist; while aroused, lower breast desire necessary for titjobs
- Amateur Paizurist
- Unlock: Give more than five titjobs
- Effect: Titjob level +1, lower breast and cock desire necessary to give titjobs
- Titty Sandwich Maker
- Unlock: Give titjobs to twelve different men
- Effect: Titjob level +1, increased Breast sensitivity
- Made for Cocks Titties
- Unlock: Give more than twenty titjobs
- Effect: Unlock Titjob sex skill; lower cock desire necessary for titjobs
- Made for Squeezing Cocks Titties
- Unlock: Initiate 15 titjobs
- Effect: Titjob level +1, Titjob damage increases based on Breast desire
- Titty Fuck Orgasm
- Unlock: Orgasm while giving a titjob
- Effect: When aroused, titjobs give more pleasure, and less breast and cock desire is necessary to give a titjob
Pussy Passives
- Broken Hymen
- Unlock: Have Vaginal Sex
- Effect: Increased Vaginal sensitivity; Stamina +5; lower pussy and cock desire necessary for vaginal sex
- Tingly Feeling
- Unlock: Max Pussy Desire
- Effect: Get wet faster when aroused
- Hip Swinging Dancer
- Unlock: Max Pusssy Desire Ten Times
- Effect: Lower Talk resist, Pussy desire increases every turn while wet
- Clitoris Panic
- Unlock: Have your clitoris touched five times (by other people!)
- Effect: Increased Clitoral Sensitivity, Lowered Pussy desire necessary for clitoral petting
- Waiting to be Pinched Clitoris
- Unlock: Have ten different people touch your clitoris
- Effect: Increased Clitoris Sensitivity, Lowered Pussy desire necessary for clitoral petting and cunnilingus
- Sensitive Clit
- Unlock: Have your Clitoris touched fifty times
- Effect: Lower Talk resist, while aroused, lower Pussy desire necessary for vaginal petting
- Clitoris Warden
- Unlock: Have thirty different people touch your clitoris
- Effect: While aroused, increased Clitoral sensitivity; while aroused, Breast desire increases a bit every turn
- First Cunnilingus
- Unlock: Receive cunnilingus
- Effect: Increased Clitoral sensitivity, lower Pussy desire necessary for Cunnilingus
- Likes Cunnilingus
- Unlock: Receive cunnilingus from ten different people
- Effect: Increased Clitoral and Vaginal sensitivity; lower Pussy desire necessary for your clitoris to be touched
- Sudden Sensation
- Unlock: Have your vagina touched five times (by someone other than yourself!)
- Effect: Endurance +1, increased vaginal sensitivity
- Starting Embers of Pleasure
- Unlock: Have your vagina touched by ten different people
- Effect: Increased Vaginal sensitivity, Lower Pussy desire necessary for vagina to be touched
- Starting to Enjoy Getting Fingered
- Unlock: Have your vagina touched 25 times
- Effect: Increased Vaginal sensitivity, lower Pussy desire necessary for vaginal sex
- Amateur Fucker
- Unlock: Have vaginal sex five times
- Effect: Pussy level +1, lower Pussy desire necessary for vaginal sex
- Looking for Sex Friends
- Unlock: Have vaginal sex fifteen times
- Effect: Increased Vaginal sensitivity
- First Visitors
- Unlock: Let someone ejaculate inside you
- Effect: Lower Cock desire necessary for vaginal sex and pussy creampies
- Multiple Potential Fathers
- Unlock: Let men ejaculate inside you five times
- Effect: Increased pussy creampie sensitivity; lower cock desire necessary for men to ejaculate inside you
- Semen Destined to Come In
- Unlock: Have 150 ml of semen ejaculated inside you
- Effect: Increased vaginal sensitivity when there is semen inside; increased pussy creampie sensitivity; men will ejaculate more semen inside you
- Crowded Womb
- Unlock: Have 50 ml of semen ejaculated into you at once
- Effect: Men will ejaculate more when coming inside you; lower cock desire necessary for vaginal sex and pussy creampies
- Hungry Womb
- Unlock: Have 150 ml of semen ejaculated into you at once
- Effect: Restore a bit of energy when men ejaculate inside you; energy regen is increased based on the amount of fresh semen in womb
- The Rumbling of Pink Rotors
- Unlock: Have rotors attached three times
- Effect: Increased Clitoral sensitivity, gain pleasure every turn a rotor is attached
- Are Dildos or Penises Better?
- Unlock: Have dildos inserted three times
- Effect: Increased Vaginal sensitivity, Lower Agility when inserted with a dildo
- Cunnilingus Orgasm
- Unlock: Orgasm from receiving cunnilingus
- Effect: Lower Cock desire necessary to give a blowjob
- Sex Orgasm
- Unlock: Have five orgasms from sex
- Effect: Men will ejaculate more semen during sex with you, and less cock desire is needed for pussy creampies
- Creampie Orgasm
- Unlock: Orgasm when a man ejaculates inside you
- Effect: Lower Sex resist
Butt Passives
- Lost Butt Virginity
- Unlock: Have Anal Sex
- Effect: Increased Anal sensitivity, Stamina +50, Lowers Butt and Cock desire necessary for Anal Sex
- Provocative Booty
- Unlock: Max your Butt desire
- Effect: Butt desire increases while evading
- Butt Appeal
- Unlock: Max your Butt desire ten times
- Effect: Lower Sight resist, Charm is increased for a turn after evading
- Molested Butt
- Unlock: Have your butt groped five times
- Effect: Increased Butt sensitivity, lower Butt desire necessary for your butt to be groped
- Thick Ass
- Unlock: Have your butt groped by ten different people
- Effect: Charm +1, Lower Butt desire necessary for your anal petting or spanking
- Groped Butt Cheeks
- Unlock: Have your butt groped fifty times
- Effect: Increased Butt sensitivity, lower Butt desire necessary for your butt to be groped, lower butt desire necessary to be spanked for each time your butt is groped that battle
- Sensitive Big Butt
- Unlock: Have your butt groped by thirty different people
- Effect: Increased butt sensitivity, the butt desire necessary for anal petting is lower each time your butt is groped
- First Time Spanked
- Unlock: Be spanked three times
- Effect: Strength +1, Increased Butt sensitivity, Lower Butt desire necessary for Spanking
- Spank Marks
- Unlock: Be spanked by ten different people
- Effect: Strength +1, Increased Masochism, Increased Pleasure from getting spanked
- Perfect Butt for Spanking
- Unlock: Be spanked 25 times
- Effect: Strength +1, Lower Butt desire necessary to be spanked, pleasure from spanking increases every time you’re spanked that battle
- Intruded Hole
- Unlock: Experience anal petting 5 times
- Effect: Endurance +1, increased anal sensitivity
- Wrong Hole
- Unlock: Receive anal petting from 10 different people
- Effect: Increased anal sensitivity, lower butt sensitivty necessary for anal petting, anal petting reduces the cock desire necessary for anal sex that battle
- Rising Abnormal Desire
- Unlock: Experience anal petting 25 times
- Effect: Increased Anal sensitivity, lower Butt desire necessary for anal sex
- Invaded Anal Space
- Unlock: Have anal sex five times
- Effect: Anal level +1, lower Butt desire necessary for anal sex.
- Likes it Up the Butt
- Unlock: Have anal sex fifteen times
- Effect: Increased Anal sensitivity
- Sudden Semen Enema
- Unlock: Have someone ejaculate inside you during anal sex
- Effect: Lowers Cock desire necessary for anal sex and anal creampies
- Multiple Semen Injections
- Unlock: Have someone ejaculate inside you during anal sex five different times
- Effect: Increased anal creampie sensitivity; lower Cock desire necessary for anal creampies
- Semen in Wrong Direction
- Unlock: Have someone ejaculate 150 ML of semen inside you during anal sex
- Effect: Increased anal sensitivity when there is semen inside; increased anal creampie sensitivity; men will ejaculate more when coming inside you
- Filled Intestines
- Unlock: Have someone ejaculate 50 ML of semen at once inside you during anal sex
- Effect: Men will ejaculate more semen inside you during anal sex; lower Cock desire necessary for anal sex and anal creampies
- Ideal Area for Absorption
- Unlock: Have someone ejaculate 150 ML of semen at once inside you during anal sex
- Effect: Restore a bit of energy when men ejaculate during anal sex with you; experience gain rate is increased based on the amount of fresh semen in your intestines
- Experienced Anal Beads
- Unlock: Have anal beads inserted three times
- Effect: Increased Anal sensitivity, lower Strength while anal beads are inserted
- Anal Sex Orgasm
- Unlock: Orgasm four times during anal sex
- Effect: Men will ejaculate more semen inside you during anal sex; lowers Cock desire necessary for anal creampies
- Semen Enema Orgasm
- Unlock: Orgasm while a man ejaculates during anal sex with you
- Effect: Increase Masochism; lower Butt desire necessary for anal petting
Sadism & Masochism Passives
- Confident Warden
- Unlock: Subdue 25 prisoners
- Effect: Unlock Taunt energy skill
- Hundred Men Subdued
- Unlock: Subdue 100 prisoners
- Effect: Cockiness rises whenever you subdue or taunt an enemy; Cockiness increases Confident’s effects, and resets when you’re defeated.
- One vs. All
- Unlock: Subdue 150 prisoners, and have enough Charm to unlock your third accessory
- Effect: Unlock Flaunt energy skill
- Fearless
- Unlock: Max Cockiness
- Effect: Sadism increases based on Cockiness; at high Cockiness, you might start a battle Confident
- Excessive Confidence
- Unlock: Gain 300 Cockiness
- Effect: Masochism increases based on Cockiness; Sex Resist and Petting Resist decrease based on Cockiness
- Provocative Mouth
- Unlock: Taunt 10 times, affecting 30 prisoners, and subdue 75 prisoners
- Effect: Mind +1; Sadism increases while Confident
- Cock Hunter
- Unlock: Subdue 30 erect prisoners with a standard attack
- Effect: Dexterity +1, Increased Sadism
- Spartan Cock Hunter
- Unlock: Subdue 100 erect prisoners with a standard attack
- Effect: Dexterity +1, unlocks Cock Kick attack skill
- Cock Punisher
- Unlock: Use Cock Kick 15 times and max out Cockiness at least once
- Effect: Increases Sadism, using Cock Kick increases Cockiness
- Taste of Defeat
- Unlock: Lose Three Times
- Effect: Endurance +1, Lowers Talk Resist
- Defeated Warden
- Unlock: Lose Eight Times
- Effect: Endurance +1, Increases Masochism
- Sadistic Orgasm
- Unlock: Orgasm from Sadism
- Effect: Sadism rises with Cock desire
- Masochistic Orgasm
- Unlock: Orgasm from Masochism
- Effect: Masochism rises with Cock desire
Other Passives
- Sexual Harassment Chatter
- Unlock: Be talked at ten times
- Effect: A random desire is higher at the start of each battle
- Unrelenting Gossip
- Unlock: Be talked at by 25 different people, with a Slut Level of 10
- Effect: Increased Talk Sensitivity
- Piercing Stares
- Unlock: Be ogled by ten different men and have enough Charm to wear a second accessory
- Effect: Increased Sight sensitivity
- Sensitive to Being Eyeballed
- Unlock: Be ogled by fifty different men and have enough Charm to wear a third accessory
- Effect: Increased Sight Sensitivity
- Stripped Panty Wearer
- Unlock: Have your panties stripped five times, and a Slut level of 10
- Effect: Lower Strip resist, gain a random chance to forget to put your panties back on after a battle where they’ve been stripped
- Naughty Thoughts
- Unlock: Max All Desires
- Effect: Mind +1, start each battle with a random desire higher
- Overactive Imagination
- Unlock: Max All Desires 10 times
- Effect: Mind +2, all desires rise and fall faster
- Full Service Waitress
- Unlock: Have sex as a waitress
- Effect: Lower desire requirements at your side jobs; any learned Release Desires can be used while working as a waitress
- Hedonistic Waitress
- Unlock: Have sex as a waitress ten times
- Effect: Lower desire requirements as a waitress; earn more tips as a waitress
- Made the Bar her Fuck Room
- Unlock: Have sex as a waitress thirty times
- Effect: Lower desire requirements in your side jobs; earn more tips as a waitress
- Feel of Semen
- Unlock: Be bukkaked 3 times
- Effect: Increase bukkake sensitivity
- Interest Towards Semen
- Unlock: Be bukkaked by 100 ml total of semen
- Effect: Agility decreases based on amount of semen on body
- Smooth Skin
- Unlock: Be bukkaked by 100 ML of semen at once
- Effect: Charm increases based on amount of semen on body
- Creamy Skin
- Unlock: Be bukkaked by 300 ML of semen at once
- Effect: Increased bukkake sensitivity; stamina regen increases based on amount of semen on you
- First Adult Toy
- Unlock: Have an adult toy inserted into you
- Effect: Lower desire requirements necessary for toys to be attached or inserted
- Getting Used to the Feel of Toys
- Unlock: Have adult toys inserted into you 25 times
- Effect: Lower desire requirements necessary for toys to be attached or inserted
- Double Orgasm
- Unlock: Have a double orgasm
- Effect: Less energy lost from having an orgasm
- Addicted to Consecutive Orgasms
- Unlock: Have a triple orgasm
- Effect: Less energy lost from having an orgasm
- First Taste of Paradise
- Unlock: Have an orgasm
- Effect: Greatly lower petting and sex resistance; a random desire increases a bit each turn
- Weak to Ecstasy
- Unlock: Have Seven Orgasms
- Effect: Charm +1, squirt more when having an orgasm, less energy lost from having an orgasm
- In Love With Orgasms
- Unlock: Have 20 Orgasms
- Effect: Lower Petting and Sex resist, a random desire increases a bit every turn
- Pussy Faucet
- Unlock: Drip more than 10,000 tenths of a ML from being wet
- Effect: Get wet faster when aroused
- Cum Shower Orgasm
- Unlock: Orgasm from bukkake
- Effect: Men will ejaculate more during bukkake; lower cock desire necessary for creampies
- Dirty Talk Orgasm
- Unlock: Orgasm from being talked down to
- Effect: Increases Masochism
- Ogled Orgasm
- Unlock: Orgasm from being watched
- Effect: Lower Strip resist; gain Pleasure every turn while naked
- First Orgasm from Adult Toys
- Unlock: Orgasm from adult toys
- Effect: Gain Cock desire every turn a toy is inserted or attached
- Petting Orgasm
- Unlock: Orgasm four times from Petting
- Effect: Masturbation +1, lower desire necessary for petting
- First Time In Heat
- Unlock: Get Horny
- Effect: All desires rise every turn while horny
- Overheating
- Unlock: Get Horny 15 times
- Effect: Horny lasts an additional turn, and Suppress Desire skills cost more to use while horny.
- Unsteady
- Unlock: Be knocked off-balance ten times, and defeated once
- Effect: Being put off-balance while aroused or horny may make off-balance last an additional turn
- Clumsy Chief Warden
- Unlock: Fall down three times
- Effect: Unlock “Rest for a Bit” fallen skill
- Ex-Secretary Gone Wild
- Unlock: Have 10 different sex partners, and max out all desires
- Effect: Unlock Release Desires and Release Cock Desire edicts
- Convenient Sex Object
- Unlock: Have 30 different sex partners, and max out all desires 4 times.
- Effect: Unlock “Give Up” Energy Skill
- Walking Talking Cock Sleeve
- Unlock: Have 100 different sex partners, and max out all desires 10 times
- Effect: Unlock Surrender skill
- Budding Virgin Hunter
- Unlock: Claim 3 different virgins
- Effect: Virgin enemies require less Charm
- Virgin Honeytrap
- Unlock: Claim 10 different virgins
- Effect: Virgins have less accuracy, and more built-up pleasure at the start of a fight.
- Starving Virgin Hunter
- Unlock: Claim 30 different virgins
- Effect: Virgins appear more often; you gain a little bit of cock desire whenever a virgin is present
- Goblin-Sexual
- Unlock: Have five different goblins as sexual partners
- Effect: Goblins are more likely to prefer sex skills over physical attacks; less Pussy desire required for cunnilingus
- Goblin Mater
- Unlock: Have 20 different goblins as sexual partners
- Effect: Goblins will prefer to use sex skills over physical attacks; lower petting resistance
- Thug Influence
- Unlock: Have five different Thugs as sexual partners
- Effect: Start each battle with extra Cock desire; Thugs prefer to use more sexual skills over physically attacking
- Thug Sex Friend
- Unlock: Have 20 different Thugs as sexual partners
- Effect: Lower Talk resist; Thugs prefer to use more sexual skills over physically attacking
- Guards’ Favorite New Boss
- Unlock: Have five different Guards as sexual partners
- Effect: Lower Talk resist; better sleeping quality in Guard Stations
- Guards’ Sex Worker
- Unlock: Have 20 different Guards as sexual partners
- Effect: Guards ejaculate more, better sleeping quality in Guard Stations
- Nerds’ Fap Material
- Unlock: Have 5 different Nerds as sexual partners
- Effect: Lower Sight resist, Nerds now prefer to use more sexual skills over physically attacking
- Nerds’ Cum Tissue
- Unlock: Have 20 different Nerds as sexual partners
- Effect: Lowers desires necessary for toys to be attached or inserted, Nerds will never get angry again under any circumstances
- Rogues’ Beat Stick
- Unlock: Have five different Rogues as sexual partners
- Effect: Lower Petting resist, Rogues now prefer to use more sexual skills over physically attacking
- Rogue Cock Sheath
- Unlock: Have 20 different Rogues as sexual partners
- Effect: Lower Rogues’s strength, Masochism is raised whenever Rogues are present
- Slime Bait
- Unlock: Have five different slimes as sexual partners
- Effect: Start each battle with extra Butt desire, Slimes now prefer to use more sexual skills over physically attacking
- Slime Nest
- Unlock: Have 20 different slimes as sexual partners
- Effect: Lower Petting resist, Slimes have lower agility
Note: These are from version 0.5
New Passives
- Unidentified Object Sighting
- Unlock: Have enemies jerk off + 4*Enemy Talk (about cock) more than 20
- Effect: Unlock sex skill: Cock Stare
- Premonition of Budding Slut
- Unlock: Use Cock Stare 5 times
- Effect: Cock Stare’s effects are stronger. Shorter cooldown for Cock Stare.
- Cock-curious
- Unlock: Use Cock Stare 15 times
- Effect: Cock Stare’s effects are stronger. Start each battle with extra Cock Desire.
- Inebriated Flasher
- Unlock: Flashed 3 times while waitress
- Effect: Lower Boob Desire needed for flashing in the bar. Lower Sight Resist.
- Warden Gone Wild
- Unlock: Flashed 30 times while waitress
- Effect: Lower Boob Desire needed for flashing in the bar. Lower Sight Resist.
- Makeshift Urinal
- Unlock: Get fucked in urinal
- Effect: Lower Cock Desire needed for vaginal and anal sex.
- Human Urinal
- Unlock: Get fucked 5 times in urinal
- Effect: Increased pussy and anal sensitivity while being fucked doggy style.
- Semen Urinal
- Unlock: Get fucked 15 times in urinal
- Effect: Increased vaginal and anal creampie sensitivity while being fucked doggy style. Increased masochism.
- Uniformed Grope Magnet
- Unlock: Get petted 10 times while working
- Effect: Endurance +1. Lower Petting Resist.
- Greet Me With Petting
- Unlock: Get petted 100 times while working
- Effect: Endurance +1.\nLower Petting Resist.
- Butt Slap Orgasm
- Unlock: Orgasm from spanking twice
- Effect: Increase chances of getting Off-Balanced after being butt spanked.
- Importance of Stamina Management
- Unlock: Run out of stamina 12 times (in combat)
- Effect: Stamina +50. Revitalize restores more Stamina.
- Sketchy Receptionist
- Unlock: Engage in sexual activities with a visitor
- Effect: All Desire Requirements are lowered while working as a receptionist and in other side jobs. Release Desire willpower skills can be used while working as a receptionist if learned.
- Rumored Receptionist
- Unlock: Engage in sexual activities with 10 visitors
- Effect: All Desire Requirements are lowered while working as a receptionist. Increased chance of other visitors noticing sexual acts.
- All Cocks Are Welcomed Reception
- Unlock: Engage in sexual activities with 30 visitors
- Effect: All Desire Requirements are lowered while working in side jobs. Increased chance of other visitors noticing sexual acts.
- Overflowing Pheromones
- Unlock: Use ‘flaunt’ skill 10 times and on 30 different enemies
- Effect: Increased charm growth. Cockiness increases the chances of Flaunt making enemies horny.
- (NOTE: Could already be acquired in v0.4u but did not appear in passives list.)
New Titles
- Imperial Idol
- Unlock: Give 42 handshakes at the reception
- Unlock Bonus: Receptionist Fame +3
- Equip Effects: Get a small tip from handshakes, Sight Resist -30%
- Everyone’s Idol
- Unlock: Have first kiss with visitor
- Unlock Bonus: Receptionist Fame +2, Receptionist Notoriety +3
- Equip Effects: Visitors Ejaculation Volume++, Petting Resist -20%
- Diligent Receptionist
- Unlock: Work thirty shift at the reception
- Unlock Bonus: Mind +1
- Equip Effects: Stamina Regen +66% (Receptionist), Strip Resist +15%
- Gokkun Front Desk
- Unlock: Swallow 420 ml semen from visitors
- Unlock Bonus: Receptionist Notoriety +4
- Equip Effects: Energy +25%, Talk Resist -30%
- Goblin Waste Basket
- Unlock: Get creampied 420 ml from goblins at the reception
- Unlock Bonus: Goblins Ejaculate Volume+, Goblin Energy++
- Equip Effects: Goblin attack chance—
- Paper Pusher
- Unlock: Process 150 pages at the reception
- Unlock Bonus: Process paperwork faster
- Equip Effect: Process paperwork even faster, Strip Resist -30%
- Scandalous Idol
- Unlock: Shake 15 visitor’s hand while being fucked at the reception
- Unlock Bonus: Receptionist Fame +1, Receptionist Notoriety +3
- Equip Effects: Talk Resist -30%, Sight Resist -30%
- Radio Free Fort Ganon
- Unlock: Have orgasm while radio checking room status in reception job
- Unlock Bonus: Starting order +1
- Equip Effects: Control +2 (Equip for whole day), Guard Stats+++
- Busty Barmaid
- Unlock: Get petted 25 times in waitress job
- Unlock Bonus: Bar Reputation +1
- Equip Effects: Charm Growth +15%, Petting Resist -15%
- Clumsy Wench
- Unlock: Have three orgasms in waitress job
- Unlock Bonus: Bar Reputation +1
- Equip Effects: Less energy lost from having an orgasm
- Cum Guzzler
- Unlock: Drink 300ml from the mug in the waitress sex scene
- Unlock Bonus: Bar Reputation +1
- Equip Effects: Energy Growth +33%, Sex Resist -25%
- Golden Waitress
- Unlock: Reach 30 bar reputation
- Unlock Bonus: Endurance +1
- Equip Effects: Endurance +10%, Petting Resist +15%
- World Class Receptionist
- Unlock: Reach 30 satisfaction, 30 fame and 30 notoriety in receptionist job
- Unlock Bonus: Mind +1
- Equip Effects: Mind +10%, Willpower regen +3%, Sight Resist +20%
Note: The reputation, fame, notoriety increases are permanent (they effectively raise the minimum value).
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