- Look at everything.
- A single click now makes Kathy say something about objects in the inventory or notebook entries if you need an ingame hint. Using items is now drag and drop.
- Locations you have finished will be greyed out and can’t be visited anymore.
- Pressing space shows you interactive spots.
Day One
- Turn off alarm clock
- Leave the dorm room
- Go to the cemetery
- Move to the left to trigger funeral
- Talk to Mrs Rain
- Leave the cemetery
- Go to Rain Residence
- Enter the living room
- Ask about Incident in ’81
- Exhaust dialog options, offer to help
- Leave the house, go to sheriff station
- Talk to blond guy behind desk
- Ask him about incident
- Leave the conversation, go right
- Talk to sheriff, ask about incident
- Ask about police report
- Ask Lenny about the report
- Pick up the coffee pot and empty it onto the plant nearby
- Search the police reports on the shelves
- Read the note on the desk
- Try talking to the man in the cell, he can’t understand you
- Switch off the TV on the right
- Talk to bum in cell
- Persuade him to distract Lenny
- Leave the cells area
- Search Lenny’s desk
- Go to cell area again
- Use locker key on evidence lockers
- Examine dictaphone (in inventory), press play, get note “attic”
- Go back to Rain residence
- Ask grandma about “attic”
- Use light switch, the bulb is burned out
- Go back downstairs
- Remove lightbulb from table lamp
- Go back upstairs
- Use new lightbulb with burned out one
- Press lightswitch
- Pick up math book
- Look at briefcase, note “locked briefcase”
- Remember the message on the tape (three red roses, a blue violet, two yellow tulips)
- Read math book
- Take first three digits from the red bookmark, first one from blue, first two from yellow
- 235 1 31
- Input number into briefcase lock
- Take envelope, (in inventory) open envelope
- Read newspaper clipping
- Take tape from dictaphone, put new tape (answering machine) in it, play, get note “Cocky”
- Go downstairs
- Talk to grandma
- Ask her about Cocky, note “Cocky” changes to “Cocky – call sign?”
- Show her the overexposed picture
- Show her newspaper clipping, get note “drowned teen girl”
- Show her photo of soldiers, get notes “Charles Wade” and “McConnell AFB”
- Ask about Charles Wade
- Ask about McConnell AFB
- Go back to the hall
- Use the phone book
- Search for Charles Wade and McConnell AFB
- Go to cemetery
- Look at tombstones, the one left of the mausoleum is important, note changes from “drowned teen girl” to “Lily Myers”
- Talk to little boy
- Try to leave the cemetery and go back to grandpa’s grave
- Go to the station and enter the cell block
- Call McConnell AFB from the blue phone
- Ask about Charles Wade
- Pretend to be a cop
- Accuse him of being sexist
- Call Wade residence
- Go to Rain residence
- Talk to grandma about Lily Myers, get note “the Myers family”
- Use the phone book to look up Myers
- Go to lakeside cabin
- Knock on door
- Knock on door AGAIN
- Offer Sue a smoke (if you are too slow, just knock on the door again)
- Talk to Sue
- Ask about incident, about Lily,( about her family,) Lily’s art, and the art collector
- Show her the photo of soldiers, note “art collector” disappears
- Ask her about Charles Wade
- Leave the cabin, the note “the Myers family” disappears
Day Two
- Read note on computer screen
- Call hacker Dave, exhaust all options
- Pick up envelope, (in inventory) open it
- Read instructions on floppy disk
- Call Clyde from IT to ask about Eileen’s username (First letter of given name plus surname)
- Find Eileen’s surname on her pink suitcase (Summers)
- ESummers (not case-sensitive)
- Use floppy disk on PC (switch it off first if it’s on)
- Switch it on
- Choose “corrupt hard drive MBR”, then shutdown
- Call Clyde from IT, “broken computer”
- Under username, put ESummers
- Under password, put ANYTHING BUT angellove (English and Italian) / engelliebe (German) / angedamour (French) / amordivino (Spanish) / zbawienie (Polish) (other languages maybe later)
- Hit Enter a couple of times until you locked yourself out
- Switch off the pc
- Put the floppy in the PC again, choose extract admin password
- The credentials are: Username admin, password gadget
- Remove the floppy, press the power switch twice
- Use Clyde’s credentials
- Click on Network Settings (the symbol, not the text), choose dorm B, port 8, switch it on
- Log out
- Call hacker Dave
- Pick up envelope, (in inventory) open it
- Sign back in as Eileen
- Put “tools” floppy in PC drive
- Click on floppy symbol
- Go away from PC
- Put overexposed picture on scanner, use PC
- Click on scanner symbol
- Drag&drop the picture on the “Image Analyzer” program
- Play around with the filters until you get the best possible result

(Click on picture to enlarge)
- Click in the middle of the three lights to enhance that area, click on “analyze” (middle symbol on the left)
- Zoom in on the flower, print, back out to desktop (arrow)
- Put the attic tape in Mr Dicto and rewind if you need to
- Click on “Voice Recorder” on Eileen’s desktop
- Play the tape
- Drag&drop the soundfile onto the “Voice Forge” program
- Go to voice #2
- Choose the words HELLO ERICA IT’S YOUR FATHER CALL KATHY RAIN, or something like that, does not have to be exact (instead of YOUR FATHER you could use CHARLES, for example) and click on “process”
- Go away from PC, grab printouts from printer
- Call Erica Wade, LOOK at Mr Dicto, press play
- Combine picture of lights with church brochure, get note “Church of the holy trinity”
- Answer the phone
- Ask about the incident, Charles Wade, Lily Myers, Lily Myers’ art
Day Three
- Go to community clinic
- Talk to bum, ask about him, ask about his showbiz career, and get a synopsis of the movies
- Go inside the clinic
- Talk to nurse
- Go back outside, talk to Goober
- Ask him to do some acting for the nurse
- Get Goober to perform “The Usual Surprises”, shock him with the taser
- Look at the notice board behind the desk
- Switch off the PC
- Use the “boot” floppy on the nurse’s PC
- Switch it on again
- Extract admin password
- Username cmendez, password otorgador
- Look for “wade” or “charles wade” (without “) in the database, leave the PC
- Go up the stairs, the note “Charles Wade” disappears
- Ask Charles about the incident, about Cocky (the note changes to “Jimmy Cochran”), ask about Jimmy Cochran, about Lily Myers’ art (note changes to “Lily’s art – stolen?”), ask about the art theft
- Go to sheriff station
- Ask sheriff about the art theft
- Read the police report, scroll down all the way, get note “Franklin Goldfarb”
- Go to nature reserve
- Ask grandma about Franklin Goldfarb
- Go to nature reserve AGAIN
- Pick up the torn picture and take the shovel
- Go to lakeside cabin
- Put the part of the picture you found together with the half still lying on the floor, get note “the red man”
- Ask Sue about the red man (and Franklin Goldfarb)
- Go to clinic
- Talk to nurse
- Go to church
- Ask Father Isaac about Lily Myers, the incident and the church
- Talk to Goober
- Ask him about his real name, Franklin Goldfarb
- Show him your lighter, note “Franklin Goldfarb” disappears, you get note “BH”
- Go to Rain residence, ask grandma about “BH”, note changes to “Black Hats”
- OR
- Go to clinic, ask Wade about “BH”, if his location is still available
- Go to sheriff station, ask Lenny about Black Hats
- Go to Black Hats club house
- Zap the guy
- Show your lighter to Beau
- Ask him about art theft, then leave the conversation
- Go to nature reserve
- Grab the flower
- Go back to the Black Hats
- Give flower to barkeep
- Give drink to Beau
- Go to Rain residence
- Talk to grandma
Day Four
- Go to living room
- Ask Jimmy about (in that order):
- Lily Myers, Jimmy Cochran, the Black Hats, the Red Man, the incident in ’81, and church of the Holy Trinity
- Get note “Eileen”
- Go to church
- Enter door on the left
- Search the desk
- Take mop, hit the bulletin board with it
- Search the board
- Bend the paperclips (in inventory)
- Use paperclips (aka makeshift lockpick) on lock
- Lockpicking is randomised. If the lock resets, just redo the correct steps
- Use the lockpick on the big locker
- Call Lenny from the blue phone
- Tell him you escaped
- Turn on the TV (If you run out of time do that before the phone call next try)
- Leave locker door ajar
- Hide under the desk
- Leave the station
- Go to cemetery
- Use old key on mausoleum (Isaac must have had another, I guess)
- Untie Eileen, use rope on Father Isaac
- Search Father Isaac
- Look at key you got from him, get note “storage facility”
- Leave mausoleum
- Search phone book for “storage facility”, lose note “storage facility”
- Go to storage facility
- Use key without tag on the lock of storage A7
- Go inside, search boxes on the left
- Listen to the tape you found
- Look at scout uniform
- Use tagged key on the lock of storage A5
- Grab the paint thinner
- Read text on wall, look at paintings
- Go to lakeside cabin
- Use paperclips (aka makeshift lockpick) on lock. Correct sequence is randomised
- Use paint thinner on picture
- “No one. I just found out.”
- “That’s not my style, Sue. I don’t rat people out.”
- “I understand that…”
- Pick up the picture on the hut’s deck (1)
- Go to the boat dock
- Pick up the picture there (2)
- Examine the boat engine
- Go to the storage and use the spark plug on the lawnmower
- Go to the police station and take the gas can from the cell block
- Go to the lakeside cabin
- Fill the gas can from the Katmobile’s tank
- Go to the dock
- Put the spark plug in the boat engine and fill the tank
- Pick up the drawing at the island shore (3)
- Go to the tree house
- Pick up the drawings on the ground (4 and 5)
- Shout at the tree house
- Use any picture on the tree house
- Clcik the drawings in this order: Top right, bottom left, top left, bottom middle, and bottom right
- Go to church
- Go through the door on the left
- Move the painting
- Try to open the safe, press random keys to get the number of digits (6)
- Go to cemetery, enter mausoleum
- First part of the riddle: Make a cross. For that, mark Henrietta, Agatha, Father Bill, Joshua, Isaac, and the empty grave below Father Bill
- Second part of the riddle: Birthdays. Mark the birthdays of the people around Father Bill – Henrietta, Agatha, and Joshua
- Third part of the riddle: Right to left, long measurement unit of time to shorter, to shortest. Year (on the right grave) to month (on the middle one) to day (on the left)
- Solution:611122
- Go to church, put in the code for the safe 611122
- Read the bible pages, note changes from “the red man” to “the Crimson One”
- Put tape from wall safe into Mr Dicto, listen to it and rewind
- Go to sheriff station
- Enter cell block
- Use Mr Dicto with Isaac
- Go to the Rain residence
- Get the metal detector from the attic
- Go to Parowan Peak
- Use the metal detector and go as far left at the bottom as you can
- Dig at the marked spot (you might have to move Kathy so that the X is between inventory blocks)
- Open the metal box
- Listen to both tapes
- Go to the clifftop
- Go to lakeside cabin
- Grab the thermometer (you can only get it if you listened to the tape from the buried box)
- Go to Conwell forest
- Look at thermometer (in inventory), it will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen
- Get close to the area’s exits, take the one that is the coldest
- Repeat a couple of times
- Smell the flowers
Day Five
- Get pen from table lamp
- Use pen on guestbook
- Use lift, press button #2
- Go right and through door in back wall
- Use pen on bloody wall (panel), get scalpel
- Use scalpel to cut “mom?” loose
- Kill “mom?” with scalpel
- Look at fridge:

(Click picture to enlarge)
- Open fridge, get scarab
- Go back out, pick up postcard
- Let the attacker walk over the weak spot in the floor twice
- Go back to elevator, press 1
- Look at combination lock
- Remember the scrabble letters
- THE CODE IS NEAR (3215, English)
- DER CODE IST HIER (4125, German)
- LE CODE EST LOIN (5413, French)
- LA CLAVE ES LEER (5225, Spanish)
- IL CODICE È A EST (1253, Italian)
- KOD TO MARA (3151, Polish)
- (More languages to come, maybe)
- Take the lock
- Enter lift, press 3
- Use padlock on broken chain
- Turn crank
- Place scarab in indentation
- Turn crank again, twice
- Pick up key
- Enter lift, press 1
- Use key on padlock
- Fasten chain to door
- Fasten other chain to elevator
- Connect both chains with the padlock
- Use lift
- Go to the living room
- Look at TV
- Put coin into slot
- Pick up the remote and use it on the TV
- Leave the room and examine the desk
- Enter lift, press 3
- Use crowbar on casket
- Enter lift, press 2
- Pull vines towards hole
- Pick up the postcard and read it
- Press the left grave, the one highest up, and the second from the right
- Don’t get hit by the fallen rocks, look for the moving chains
- Pour paint thinner on the flowers and burn them
- Leave the forest
Thank you! Now it’s all “hey come watch my youtube video” so when you get stuck on a game, it takes forever to find the solution and you get spoiled all over the place.
So thank you for using your words and for the concise and precise help
Obrigada. Ajudou bastante
Thank you very much !
Btw, I didn’t get the plot of the story…