King Arthur: Legends Rise – Ultimate Gear Guide

Guide to Gear

By Seether.


How many stars on a piece of gear. Maximum class is currently 5 stars. Determines the level 0 (starting) value of all stats. Main stats are fixed values at all levels (i.e. all 4-star gear with Atk % as main stat will start at 2.76%). Sub-stats however roll in a range and is rng (i.e. 4-star gear with Atk % sub-stat will start anywhere between 0.80%-0.99%).


The tiers are: Legendary, Rare, Uncommon, and Common. Determines how many substats are visible at level 0. Legendaries show 3 subs, Rares show 2, Uncommons show 1, Commons show none. 

Note: Gear can have a “bonus” sub-stat. It is fixed (can’t be changed or upgraded) and will show as a light blue color. The gear piece will also show a “title” underneath its rarity (ex: Meticulous for effect accuracy, Nimble for atk spd). Example photos below.

Enhancing Equipment

(Leveling Up Gear)

Max level is +12. The main stat will increase with every level. The sub-stats will change in one of two different ways as the gear is leveled up to level 3, 6, 9, and 12. Either a random sub-stat line/slot (more on this below in the Change Stats section) will increase or a new substat will generate. This is why legendary pieces are superior – they already have 3 of the 4 sub-stat lines populated – so one of these lines will increase at level 3, 6, and 9 instead of generating a new base value sub-stat. Sub-stat 1 is generated at level 3 (for common gear), sub-stat 2 at level 6 (common & uncommon), sub-stat 3 at level 9 (common-rare), and sub-stat 4 at level 12 (all gear will generate a new sub-stat for level 12).

Note: Sub-stats always generate at their base (non-upgraded) value, not at the value of the gear level itself.

Change Stats

As stated above, sub-stat lines 1-3 have a chance to upgrade at gear levels 3, 6, and 9. The upgraded value is assigned to the sub-stat line, not the sub-stat itself.

For example, let’s say you have a rare piece of gear (showing 2 sub-stats). Let’s say sub-stat 1 is Atk % and sub-stat 2 is Atk Spd. Let’s say you level it up from 0 to 3. At level 3, because sub-stat 1 is already showing, one of your existing sub-stat lines will be increased (either Atk % or Atk Spd at random). Let’s say Atk % is what increased (sub-stat 1). Now, if you use a Stat Change Stone to randomly change a sub-stat, and it changes Atk % to Atk Spd, the Atk Spd value will stay at its increased value (it does not revert back to the original base value as it did prior to patch 0.50).

Therefore, it is important to note which sub-stat line(s) are increasing at level 3, 6, and 9 because as you reroll using stat change stones you may want a particular stat in a certain stat line of the gear. Now, let’s say you took this same piece of gear to level 6 and Atk % upgraded again. This means sub-stat 1 is holding two levels of increases (and sub-stat 2 isn’t holding any). So if you rerolled to Atk Spd in line 1, it would be 5-7, but Atk Spd in line 2 would only be the baseline value of 1-3.

Possible Stats By Piece & Stat

Click to enlarge…

Examples of Sub-Stat Lines Increasing during Enhancement

Example of Same Gear Piece with & without a Bonus Stat

Hope you enjoy playing King Arthur: Legends Rise! And if you’re looking for more tips, check-out our Beginners Guide. Wishing you luck!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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