King Arthur: Legends Rise – Ultimate Heroes Guide

Legendary Heroes


Places to Use:

Story mode, pig boss, tiger boss, bear boss, dragons, arena. Bedivere the one handed great warrior.


Frost relic > Storm / Fire S2 frost hits incredibly hard, his frost s3 is only relic of his that does AOE.

Useful Tips and Notes:

Highly recommend do not level him up until you max his (first passive, gives additional target of random crit damage attack and lowers the cooldown).

Gear Sets:

ATK/Crit Rate.

Stat Builds:

Build ideally high atk, crit damage and decent crit rate. Need around 40% plus to have fairly high success with the buff on storm/frost s2. Atk neck. (Crit damage ears for frost (s2 gets a crit rate increase). Fire relic neck will depend on how much crit rate you have elsewhere. Atk ring. Ideally you want as much crit rate,crit damage and atk subs. (vigor subs or speed subs are decent) Ideally as attacker you want him to be slower than your buffer but faster than enemy team.


Places to Use:

Story mode, hard and hell specialist, pig boss, tiger boss, bear boss, gorgos, dragons, arena


Frost relic gives damage reduction ability from s2 frozen remains and fire gives heal from the s2 pheonix effect.

Useful Tips and Notes:

Frozen remains allows any toon hitting a chance to get 90% atk guage every attack into it, also gains your team immunity to dots when attacking into it. Also paired with toons that give atk guage down with his frozen remains bonus hits you can rewind stuff near infinitely. Fire relic pheonix works in similar fashion i dont have the relic but have been told.

Gear Sets:

Vigor/Effect accuracy.

Stat Builds:

Build ideally 3+ vigor, for hell mode, you need 130+ speed bare minimum, as well his training gives him +10 speed. He has various ways he can be built, in end you want to have as close to 50% eff acc as possible, he’s fairly tanky as is, so you could go more attack build in most cases, my personal build has eff acc necklace, crit rate ears, and vigor ring, with speed, vigor, crit rate, atk subs i could get. He isnt a main dps but he can do decent damage in atk build.


Places to Use:

Story mode, hard and hell specialist, pig boss, tiger boss, bear boss, dragons, arena.

Power of Gillian and Morgan duo dragon d10 The full run wasnt 2 man, the rest died along way, just showing the power of the healing and atk guage manipulation.


  • Fire: One of best turn manipulation mechanics in game, s2 (3 vigor) does aoe atk guage down up to 60% passive also allows for additional 20% when using s2 on a cooldown, passive plus s1 gives defense down and damage taken increase to enemy, s3 does damage taken increase and disrupt recovery.
  • Frost: S1 remains same, s2 gives 3 turn damage taken increase to enemy but no rewind other than the passive, s3 gives ark guage recharge of 50% to a single ally, gives 10% shield and attack increase to all allies (5 vigor) prolly not most useful ability at the vigor cost).
  • Storm: I don’t have so just have to go off tool tips, but she aoe sleeps enemies on s3 so should be good for cc (note Sleep is broken when the toon is attacked) so not as useful as freeze, bind, stun but still a viable option. S2 gives def decrease (some state def down doesn’t work currently I haven’t tested myself to verify).

Useful Tips and Notes:

She has alot of uses see relics for breakdowns, with her passive she can remove buffs, she can manipulate attack guage or TM(turn meter) She can do mild CC and she increases damage dealt significantly with her damage taken debuff she can apply to enemies.

Gear Sets:

Vigor/Effect accuracy.

Stat Builds:

Build ideally 3+ vigor, Ears and neck are depending, shes can go atk build or more health like merlin depending on preference, she isnt a high damage dealer in her own right. Eff acc needs to be as near 50% as possible. Look for eff accuracy, speed, vigor for subs.


Places to Use:

Story mode, pig boss, tiger boss, bear boss, gorgos, dragons, arena.

Power of Gillian and Morgan duo dragon d10 The full run wasnt 2 man, the rest died along way, just showing the power of the healing and atk guage manipulation.


  • Fire: S2 massive single target heal 5-7k at max levels/gear. Also has attack guage decrease max of 50%.
  • Storm: S2 massive single target heal as well with atk gauge deacrese max of 35% also cast temptation.
  • Frost: S2 massive single target heal, with max 40% chance to heal all allies.

Useful Tips and Notes:

Highly recommend do not level her up until you max her first passive gives higher activation rate and an extra target for attack guage down, other passives not that important. Highly underated healer with actually a control factor in her kit as well with attack guage reduction paired with morgan makes really good guage manipulation.

Gear Sets:

Vigor/Effect accuracy.

Stat Builds:

Build ideally 3+ vigor, Vigor ring, ears/neck health, Need as much vigor, eff acc and health subs as possible.


Places to Use:

Story mode, pig boss, some possible uses on other bosses, arena.


  • Fire: S1 for all relics removes buffs, s2 aoe damage, and 7% shield to all allies proportional to her max hp.
  • Storm: S2 single target atk, shield to all allies except self for 10% of hp.
  • Frost: s2 does aoe dmg, single ally shield for 30% and shield to self for 5% hp.

Useful Tips and Notes:

Highly recommend do not level her up until you max her first passive. Her first passive gives all allies besides self romantic reversal which is abnormal status immunity, maxes at 50 turns and coop damage 40% increase and allies take 10% less damage. This all is granted at spawn.

Gear Sets:

Effect accuracy (main) vigor, speed, health, defense, atk, counter, blessing.

Stat Builds:

Her main use is removing buffs, and her passives so you can get creative on her builds. I run two sets of gear, blessing and double eff acc sets for use for pig or anything buff removal is a high priority, Blessing is to make sure she doesnt get stunned right away. My 2nd set is vigor, crit rate with atk stats, vigor ring so she can spam s2 as fire for some ok damage and constant shields.


Places to Use:

Story mode, bear boss. Gawain test fire and storm relic Pure dps testing video.


Storm: is default relic and most people will use it, i have not personally tested any other relic, although fire and frost seems to be same thing as storm for most part. s1 puts defense down, s2 does a dot, debuff and aoe for ok damage, s3 does big aoe lays down a debuff specific to gawain and can remove buffs from enemy.

Useful Tips and Notes:

His passives arent the biggest priority as they arent as impactful as some other heroes, also shares same with bedi and if you have both bedi should be getting sun talismans. His 3rd passive is probably best if you want to use him in arena as he gets multiple turns of blessing on spawn. He can be used as a map farmer to power level as his aoe is strong enough to clear entire waves although it is a 5 vigor requirement.

Gear Sets:

ATK/Crit Rate.

Stat Builds:

Gear is straight forward as dps build. Atk as primary on all gear slots, Subs as much crit rate/crit damage/atk as you can.


Places to Use:

Story mode, could be used in almost all bosses as she has atk guage down. Claudus, the jack of all trades master of none? Pure dps testing video, see further notes how you should build her imo.


All relics remove atk guage:

  • Fire: S2 aoe dmg 2x hits and aoe atk guage down, also only relic that gives allies atk speed increase 1 =15% , s3 hits fairly hard as single target and adds confusion.
  • Frost: S2 aoe dmg 3x hits lowers enemy atk guage, s3 single enemy target has 4x hits, each hit having a chance to land confusion and conditional if enemy has abnormal status it does bonus damage.
  • Storm: S2 gives atk speed increase to allies, 2 hits aoe dmg with chance for confusion, s3 atk speed increase to self and atk guage down aoe. (IMO fire is best, then probably frost at least for control as the atk guage down comes off a 3 vigor skill where storm takes 5 vigor skill, frost appears to have highest damage skill on the single target s3 IF you can land abnormal status effects, which means for any boss it will not really do any bonus damage and will be similar as fire).

Useful Tips and Notes:

Claudus is an interesting hero on paper, but seems to not function as well as seems as she kinda does a little of everything but nothing great. All of her kits revolve around her getting speed up and her lowering enemy atk guage, but shes not control shes an attacker. If you build in full attack gear then she will not lower the enemy atk guage reliably as it can be resisted. I have not put her in full on dps gear but her damage seems lackluster for that role so i chose to gear her for control. She also has alot of the kit working with confusion so needs effect accuracy as well.

Note: Upon further testing unless you have nothing else i do not recommend going dps build when rares out damage her in same gear sets even when they have almost 1000 less attack

Gear Sets:

Control build Vigor/effect accuracy. DPS build atk/crit rate.

Stat Builds:

Control build needs 3 vigor really to be able to spam her s2. So will need vigor and effect accruracy. Unless you have godly gear or correct keepsakes you will need a vigor ring, other two slots will be optional to what your other stats are. I personally tried to get as much damage out of them as i had enough effect accuracy already. You could also go for health/def for those slots if she needs to survive better for you. Dps build is straight forward atk/crit rate. atk on all slots, crit rate, crit damage, and atk as subs, vigor, speed, effect accuracy are also nice subs for her.

Note: Upon further testing unless you have nothing else i do not recommend going dps build when rares out damage her in same gear sets even when they have almost 1000 less attack.

Rare Heroes


Places to Use:

Gorgos, some people have success on bear.


Frost has dots galore, potential of 3 chill on s3 for 4 vigor. Fire has 2 burn aoe for 4 vig, storm has 1 bleed aoe for 4 vig (no current known uses for other relics).

Useful Tips and Notes:

He has his own self eff accuracy buff, so at 60% eff accuracy he has 100% effective after a few turns. Ideally want as much rank in his 2nd passive and as max his s3 skill when using in gorgos you want auto set to s3 primary, s1 secondary.

Gear Sets:

Vigor/Effect accuracy.

Stat Builds:

Eff acc neck, vigor ring, earing of choice, best subs vigor, eff accuracy and speed.


Places to Use:

Story mode, Gorgos, bear, dragons.


Frost is main build (fire and storm have some potential as their s3 are strong but would require a lot of vigor to make it worth using (3 dot removal at max and heal plus heal over time).

Useful Tips and Notes:

She doesn’t heal a lot for her on turn heal its from her heal over times applied. Imo she can be used as a vigor battery as her heal is 1 vigor, put her before toons that need more vigor and get a bonus couple vigor. should try to get sp2 maxed and get as much on passives as they clear dots and more dots.

Gear Sets:

Vigor, hp.

Stat Builds:

She can be built alot of ways gear wise if you use some the other relics out of box these could change. Vigor ring, hp neck and ears.


Places to Use:

Story mode, First dragon. Arthur is he king? Pure dps testing video.


  • Frost: His frost relic is by far his most impressive, S3 at 4 vigor does massive aoe damage, gives himself atk increase 2 and with passive he can hit for 15-20k aoe dmg, passive also allows him to regain atk guage and take a 2nd turn which can generally follow up with an s2 aoe. Decent damage and chance to apply def down.
  • Storm: S3 gives team wide atk increase 1 and atk speed increase (4 vigor but can be useful) s2 can hit hard and allows him to regain atk guage per kill.
  • Fire: S3 has aoe with low chance to stun, s2 gives chance for def down and burn.

Useful Tips and Notes:

Both his passive abilities worth maxxing, He’s a self buffing machine so makes himself very potent without a seperate buffer for his first few turns. Frost relic in arena shop probably best arena shop purchase you can currently make.

Gear Sets:

Attack, crit rate.

Stat Builds:

Unless you are using him to stun in a fire build, I would recommend full dps build. Atk on neck, ears, ring and crit rate/crit dmg subs, with speed/vigor all as perks as well.


Places to Use:

Story mode, possible dragon, boar. Mothwoman prophecies of a knightly takeover. Pure dps testing video.


Fire: Base relic might be best relic, i havent done any testing on others yet. S2 AOE that slaps and a solid s3 Storm and Frost can be viable relics, my video attached shows some capabilites of them, but overall fire is best for raw dps and dps per vigor. Frost has a s3 aoe that hits harder than her fire aoe but it cost twice as much vigor to use.

Useful Tips and Notes:

Both her passives are worth working up some of the conditionals are annoying but still shes a rare and easy enough to raise. There is some argument you could make to her being a hybrid or control focused build, I havent tested as i dont really see much of a use in current state of game for that.

Gear Sets:

Attack, crit rate.

Stat Builds:

Typical dps build atk and crit rate sets with atk on all jewerly spots. Subs Crit rate, crit damage, atk, vigor, effect accuracy subs.


Places to Use:

Story mode, gorgos, anywhere you need a healer, possibly other dungeons.


  • Fire: S2 aoe heal and at max 50% removes 3 debuffs on all allies, s3 not that great 90% chance to remove -40% atk guage and atk dmg.
  • Frost: Aoe heal and at max 60% chance to remove 3 dots, s3 70% chance to remove 50% atk guage and damage.
  • Storm: S2 aoe heal 65% chance to remove 3 abnormal status on all allies, s3: 3 hits with 30% chance each to reduce atk guage by 30% each.

Useful Tips and Notes:

Shes baby gillien basically, shes probably one the coolest healers for the aspect that she does different things with every relic. She can remove dots, debuffs, or abnormal status. Her passives are pretty legit, one she does an attack which gives a small heal and also lowers atk guage, big reason eff accuracy is needed on her, the s3 passive does do ok damage but shes a healer, she isnt really there to do damage, and for most part I dont recommend using her s3 in any relic for most part.

Gear Sets:

Vigor/eff accuracy (possibly counter if you get eff acc elsewhere).

Stat Builds:

Typical healer build with health neck, ears, vigor ring ( theres situational builds where effect accuracy on neck might make sense or speed ring) Subs, health, vigor, speed, effect accurary.


Places to Use:

Story mode, anywhere you need a healer, possibly dragon.


  • Fire: Relic: s3 grants 100% buff steal on all enemies, s2 is group heal, plus buff transfer to single ally.
  • Frost: S2 single enemy 70% buff steal, with s3 thats aoe heal and all ally buff transfer.
  • Storm: S2 Buff transfer single ally, and aoe heal all, s3 aoe buff steal 60%.

Useful Tips and Notes:

Passives are nice perks, as a rare should be easy to work up.

Gear Sets:

Vigor/eff accuracy.

Stat Builds:

Typical healer build with health neck, ears, vigor ring ( theres situational builds where effect accuracy on neck might make sense or speed ring) Subs, health, vigor, speed, effect accurary.


Places to Use:

Story mode, anywhere you need a healer. Big things come in small packages. Shows her healing in action.


  • Storm: S3 fully booked is 3 vigor 70% chance to apply max hp increase and atk speed increas to all allies for 2 turns, codex states applies heal to single ally, game tip shows all, and in game actions are full team aoe heal and it is the strongest heal in game (this could be a bug and eventually changed, but in previous cases similar the codex was fixed to match the ingame action) s2 goes to 1 vigor cost, effect accuracy and def increase to all allies, weather is night gives revocery over time to all allies (situationally good at a low cost).
  • Frost: S3 50% chance to apply recovery increase to all allies and aoe heal (4 vigor unlike storm) s2: single target recovery over time if weather night gives eff resist and max hp increase to single ally. (I have not tested any relic besides storm).
  • Fire: S3 single target dps, s2 evasion and effect resist increase for 2 turns can be booked to 1 vigor if night recovery over time.

Useful Tips and Notes:

Passives are nice but not must immediately level. Per my comment under relics subject to being changed, as currently the storm s3 is very powerful with her giving the increased hp she can do aoe heal for 5k or so. Add an hp lead toon, and some other situationals ive seen the heals get up to 10k, by far its the strongest aoe heal in game and does take alot of books to get to 3 vigor. at 4 vigor for a heal its one the most expensive heals in game but when booked to 3 vigor it makes it viable. She has alot of team things that apply with kyrddin and aine and synergies that work together but no CO-OP attacks.

Gear Sets:

Vigor/ hp or resist.

Stat Builds:

Typical healer build with health neck, ears, vigor ring, vigor and speed subs probably most important, along with resist/hp/def coming in as other options.


Places to Use:

Story mode, bear boss, anywhere you need a healer.


Storm is going to be main use relic, as her best use is bear, they all do fairly similar things, you will typically have her set on s2 to heal and she cleanses debuffs on her team.

Useful Tips and Notes:

Her passive help her clear debuffs as well as her s2 so this is main reason she makes a great bear healer as she can remove the effect accuracy down that bear applies so you can make sure you are landing the disrupt recovery.

Gear Sets:

Vigor/ anything.

Stat Builds:

You will want a vigor ring on her more than likely to make sure she can get her s2 everytime, plus a vigor set. After that rest is kind of optional, the health set would help her heals most, then health ears and neck, but if you want to land her prevent buffs, debuff then make sure you might want to go with effect accuracy 2 piece. Argument could be made for some other things such as counter or any other 2 piece as its situational.

Uncommon Heroes


Places to Use:

Story mode, tiger, dragon 2 and 3, could be used on pig.


All relics do the same, so choose one you prefer or affinity that works for your needs.

Useful Tips and Notes:

Easy enough and worth maxing all passives. You are using him for his s2 mainly which is only 1 vigor so any bonus vigor makes him a vigor battery. Recommend max s2 skill wise at minimum.

Gear Sets:

Effect accuracy, and anything else, I like vigor or speed.

Stat Builds:

His main goal is to decrease atk guage by 30% with his s2 which maxed skill and 70% proc rate. You can get pretty creative with his gear, Ideally you want him FAST to get out ahead and get atk guage reduction down. Speed ring could be used in play here, Regardless of your choices you need 50% or better on eff accuracy. Beyond that he needs to be able to survive, he will never do tons of damage, so other gear spots should be health/defense. Subs should be eff acc, health/def, vig, speed.


Places to Use:

Story mode, pig boss, dragons, as hes a buffer could be used elsewhere.


  • Fire: Main use will be fire S2 gives 40% attack increase on team, gives a heal over time, s3 gives small defense increase and does a healing turning the marks into overhealing can do large heals 2-6k.
  • Frost: S2 gives larger defense increase, s3 same – used for damage mitigation team comps, fire dragon.
  • Storm: S2 gives 30% atk speed increase on team, s3 remains same.

Useful Tips and Notes:

All relics could have situational uses but the fire is most useful. Passive applies the recovery over time when using s2, and other passive gives mark to 3 random enemies. Max. Lastly atk buffs are maxed at 80% so two buffs is max he will apply will keep reapplying but wont go higher count, defense buffs are same as well.

Gear Sets:

Speed/Effect accuracy Vigor/effect accuracy HP/DEF.

Stat Builds:

Ideally he needs to take turn before your damage dealers to give them attack buff, he will need eff accuracy to land mark on enemy (main time it matters is dragon) possible gear sets, speed, vigor, eff acc, health. could use him as stamina battery if he goes after your control toon, He just needs to be faster than your damage dealers ring should be either speed or vigor (depends what you need, neck unless you got enough eff acc should be eff acc. Ideally for top end stuff he will need to be 10-15k hp for some stuff you can use him to take one turn buff and die and he wont matter.


Places to Use:

Story mode, almost any dungeon, arena, anywhere for 80% damage reduction. Damage mitigation examples.


All relics do the same, so choose one you prefer or affinity that works for your needs.

Useful Tips and Notes:

S2 is main use you will use ability wise, he puts up damage taken 40% and maxed skills he puts it up for 4 turns, so you can stack 2 of them for 80% damage reduction to entire team. (Defense up, share damage, shields, etc all can stack or be beneficial on top of this).

Gear Sets:

Speed or vigor as main, hp/def as secondary.

Stat Builds:

You need him to be at least 135 speed or faster for hell modes. Speed subs, and either speed ring or vigor ring best, rest of subs can be in the hp/def categories, and neck/ears the same.


Places to Use:


Frost preferably, then fire if nothing else, storm is his default but is going to be hardest to get him to survive gorgos in.

Useful Tips and Notes:

S2 is what you will lock with him preferabbly you want to skill it up to get the 2 dot removal. Passive 2 isnt bad to have but not a must have.

Gear Sets:

Anything you got access.

Stat Builds:

His gear could be pretty much anything as his sole purpose is to clear dots, he has to live to do so. Health,def, vigor are most important attributes. Effect resistance doesnt come into play against gorgos as his stuff cant be resisted (or at least in early versions of game it couldnt as they patch more it could change.


Places to Use:

Story mode, poor mans merlin for aoe cc.


  • Storm: S3 gives root bind (aoe stun/freeze basically) two hits 30% chance per hit to proc aoe, s2 is a single target small heal, might remove abnormal effects with overhealing.
  • Frost: S3 aoe freeze same as storm 30% chance 2 hit, s2 same.
  • Fire: S3 gives confusion same way but confusion isnt a guarentee the enemy doesnt attack you still (imo one of worst CC types in game)

Useful Tips and Notes:

He can be used to push hard in story mode hard/hell for players without merlin, he can CC the entire field, downside is he has alot lower chance to do so. But he’s one of the few other toons to have aoe cc in this fashion.

His first passive is interesting as should apply a buff of recovery increase (which makes heals do more) to all allies anytime a shield is applied, so could pair well with hector/guinevere and all the others that add shield. Has CO-OP attack with pelegraf, she doesnt seem that useful but does apply mark so could have uses. Also he has backwards CO-OP with Maoul along with Beborne and Gafrede. meaning he assists Maoul, currently co-ops arent that great.

Gear Sets:

Vigor/ Effect accuracy.

Stat Builds:

You need to get him to 3 vigor at least so you can cc every turn he takes, effect accuracy is needed to make sure they arent resisted. Vigor, speed and effect accuracy subs.

Hope you enjoy playing King Arthur: Legends Rise! And if you’re looking for more tips, check-out our Beginners Guide. Wishing you luck!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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