Lethal Company – Guide to Average Value for Each Moon

This guide will simply show the average daily value of each moon, to help you decide where you want to go, with some added tips.

Average Value for Each Moon

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Value Per Scan (Sheet)

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Here I have done a scan on 15 different days, for every single moon, and from it we can see that it is actually better to mostly go for Assurance or March over any of the other free moons, since Experimentation is so low in comparison, Vow has a very high Bracken spawn chance (higher than any other moon!) so unless your fetish is having your neck snapped, don’t go there, and Offense is as dangerous as March but with a similar average value to Assurance.

As expected, Titan has the highest average, and is your go-to choice when your quota starts being too high.


I recommend mostly going for Assurance at first, and either Vow, March or Offense if the weather on Assurance is eclipsed or stormy. If you do go to March or Offense, bring a shovel or stop sign (not the yellow one, too heavy) as thumpers will most likely be spawning in there. If you’re going to Vow, watch behind you often enough since chances are, there will be a bracken sneaking up on you.

Once your quota reaches about 700, you should have enough then to afford going to Titan while already having the teleporter in case someone dies.

It’s the most optimal way of going based off the sheet, but if you’d rather go for a mansion interior then go for Rend or Dine, or if you simply don’t want to deal with the ghost girl as much as on Titan.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 6883 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. I like the job but the scan is unaccurate
    Would be great to have averages on the total at the end of each run (it doesn’t count bonuses such as apparatus / beehives) but at least would be much more accurate than the scan and telling us how much we can expect to make from each planet

  2. scans are completely inaccurate – i’ve fully looted experimentation at least 5 times and in total it is around 400-500 scrap, even if the scanner tells me beforehand its like 700-1200 scrap. i’ve tested dropping items outside the ship and checking the value changing on the scanner, and it is completely inconsistent. like i put an engine worth around 25 credits outside, and the scanner thought it was worth 100ish. no idea how the scanner calculates it

    • I checked scans made on a save with 20 days, and another with 1, the results stayed similar.
      as for the scans being inaccurate, well it’s the game being strange I guess, but even if they all are, you can still see some kind of pattern.

  3. i may be wrong but i think game increases the worth of the moons each day. for example on day 1 experimentation had 700 worth of loot. but on day 8 it had like 1.2k(same playthrough).

  4. titan is the easiest as there is a lot of loot which means you don’t have to collect most loot to reach the quota if you are not late game which you are then you know how to deal with threats, so early game if shirt hits the fan you can leave with most loot uncollected.

  5. I recommend march over any other free moon. Reason being is if you get lost on march there are more fire escapes, so more chances to escape. On assurance there is only 1 fire escape.

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