Living With Sister: Monochrome Fantasy – How to Unlock All H-Skills & Avoid Early Endgame

Important note! You need to require the uncensored patch.

Guide to Unlock All H-Skills & Avoid Early Endgame

1st Up Everyone’s Favorite

Unlocking all the naughty Skills

  • Titty ****: Bookstore in town – Naughty book
  • Doggy Style: Bookstore in town – Thin book
  • Cowgirl: Pretty sure only requires a naughty, maybe more chances to trigger earlier with a thin book together – just buy em and let them sit in the inventory. Eventually an event will occur and there will be a eureka moment to unlock it. – It’s then triggered by going to bed with a pent up sis.
  • 69: To unlock select fap while Sis is awake & on her side – triggers at high lust when fapin once unlocked.
  • Piledriver: When she’ll ill, instead of tending to her select bathe first, usually has to be done twice to trigger, can be done on 1st night, sleep after and bathe again on 2nd day after then treat her.
  • Position 6 at night: Occurs on random days, in the morning, there will be a “hot weather” notice & on these days, Sis will begin in position 6, it can’t be switched to.

But I Don’t Want to Be a Farmer

Farmers ending: Relies on whether you defeated the the Gourment club the 1st time around, it’s okay to fail.

Losing you’ll get the event to prevent the guild from getting combined – gotta get Chef cooking skill,& have Sis cook meals, when the event from finding some reason to keep the guild going pops-up eating Sis’s food will get trigger the resolution of adding a new menu to the guild , things continue normally there-after.

Winning the fights will cause there to be an hunting quest to be completed – not too difficult.

Losing to the gourment club a 2nd time will cause the Farmers ending, try to avoid that….

Losing the 1st fight in the coliseum will cause the endgame boss to appear a lot earlier and probably end your run. More on that later.

Combat Skills & General

Combat skills one’s are received from random events & training with your guildmates – triggers quite often when you have about 30 extra energy leftover after ending the day. You can also buy a couple scrolls at the bookstore.

Having a bath… With 2 people.

Works at around 100 trust or so, possibly some interest requirement as well – keeping he mood at LOVE makes gaining the stats easier.

Hot Springs unlock: After day 100, curing sis via the Adventure on weekends might also be needed to trigger it & another fight with Akatsuki after which the Hot Springs open on weekends.

Dream Scenes

Bring your Lust to up to the max, then just go to sleep normally, alone.

Can I have Wife up the other girls: Why would you do that you got all you need already… Will be included in DLC not how deep it’ll b.

Making $: Subjugation/hunts & community work will produce income – rest of the activities will cost a little – basically go out and hunt or sweep the floor for a bit to keep income generating.

Help I’ve spent too much time training my sister instead of my stats

If there’s a fight that can’t be won, you can still salvage a save if you really want to avoid restarting – require’s Cheatengine to edit your stats.

Scan type Exact value & Value is 4 bytes.

Find the stat you want ex. Atk is currently 100 – enter 100 as the value and run a first scan. You’ll get a wide list, either train at night or guild event to upgrade the stat, so now the Atk stat is 110 – enter 110 as the value and use “Next Scan” you’ll only have 1 address ID leftover. Select it and add it to the table, you can max it at 400. Repeat for other stats as needed, works for $ as well so go buy your Sis a fancy mattress k.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. how to unlock hole in one and quick shot?
    are they even unlockable? those look detrimental tho

    • if u cum below 110 too often it will auto unlock quickshot , required 20 skill point to delete it , hole in one i dont know , have same quest about it

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