Basics, observations, and, strategies for Low Magic Age’s Arena Mode.
Gold and XP awards scale with the number of mobs you are fighting against. Challenges with multiple non-elite mobs of lower levels are usually much easier and can be used to produce significant gain for little risk or resource cost (such as potions or spells).
A challenge can be replayed for gold and XP, however it will not refresh the item shop or award challenge points. This can be leveraged to build up enough gold to buy an item without spending challenge points on the “Lock Item” perk.
A new set of challenges can be rolled (for a scaling cost in gold) for a specific difficulty (easy, normal, or hard). Take advantage of this to avoid difficult or risky challenges. Do not forget to do the less risky challenges before you roll a new set to maximize party gold and XP.
Character Progression
The first stage where a character’s feats and spells are the determining factor in winning or losing a challenge. This is generally early game when a character has weak gear.
The second stage where a character’s feats and spells cannot win a challenge on their own. Adding a few pieces of magic (or better) gear at this stage will make a noticeable difference in difficulty and outcome of challenges faced.
The third stage is where a character’s feats and spells are unable to win a challenge without very good gear. This usually occurs around or after level 20+ due to scaling.
Be aware of which stage of the game you are in and use the retrain functionality (costs in gold) to optimize your character for the stage of the game they are in and the gear that is available.
Combat maneuvers may have a significantly higher chance to hit than normal attacks in some circumstances. Be sure to check your available combat maneuver(s) hit chance if your normal attack hit chance is low.
The trip combat maneuver is especially effective if you have multiple party members (or summons) who can take advantage with an AOO.
Summons can be very useful, especially early in the game and for solo characters (to provide flanking). Summons can be attained through cast spells or feats such as Summon Nature Ally X and Animal Companion. Summons can also be attained through specific trinkets (“Elemental Gem of …”).
Most martial characters, especially Fighters are essentially stat (and RNG) checkers. You should know if you can win the fight before you take it and you often have little no recourse if things begin to go poorly (like a string of bad rolls).
Tips, Tricks and Learnings
Prioritize being able to hit with spells and abilities
Enemy AC increases fairly quickly and becomes VERY high after levels 20+. Enemy AR scales similarly which puts a clock on how often you can miss on average (not to mention bad beats).
Corollary, purchase and upgrade weapons first; prioritize the main hand if character is a two-weapon fighter.
Prioritize items you can benefit from immediately
Early in the game and at certain break points (e.g. when you are able to upgrade all your gear) gold is a scarce resource. Spending your gold on items which do not immediately benefit you effectively makes your enemies stronger in the short term in the hopes of long term gain.
Itemize to kill faster, not outlast the enemy.
Sell items with intent
Sell items with intent, such as to enable the purchase of an upgrade or because your party has become encumbered.
Upgrading is cheaper than buying it at that level
It is cheaper to upgrade an item than to purchase that item at that level. It is also cheaper to equip a higher level item you already have (usually via looting) than to to upgrade a lower level item.
+AC Bracers are essentially worthless
The +AC bonus does not stack with AC from armor/body. Additionally, the +AC bonus negates the monks “AC Bonus” feat (I do not know if this intended or a bug).
Affixes and Materials
Armor made from adamantine adds a physical damage reduction affix. This can be valuable against archers and for front liners.
This affix is valuable when applicable (i.e. not immuned or irrelevant) as it is included in critical strike damage calculations.
Defense/Greater Defense
Melee characters which do not use a shield can benefit from the AC from Defense/Greater Defense. As with other affixes of the same type, this does not stack with a shield OR when on both weapons for two-weapon fighters.
Keen does not stack with the Improved Critical feat, instead it adds 5% critical strike chance. Keen is incredibly valuable prior to a character having the Improved Critical feat. After the Improved Critical feat is chosen Keens value scales inversely with the weapons improved critical strike chance. As an example, let us calculate the “value” of Keen for a Scythe and a Greatsword.
Name | Base Crit Chance | Improved Crit Chance | Improved Crit Chance + Keen | Keen Value |
Scythe | 5% | 10% | 15% | 5% / 10% = 50% increase |
Greatsword | 10% | 20% | 25% | 5% / 20% = 25% increase |
Wound damage stacks and extends duration upon application. Wound damage does require a failed fortitude save to apply. Some creature types are immune such as elementals and mechanical/clockwork beings.
Unique Effect Item Locations
- Arms/Bracers
- Neck
- Ring
- Trinket
Natural AC
- Neck
- Cloak
Purity (Poison Immunity)
- Neck
- Trinket
Speed and Web Walking (Immune to Beb)
- Boots
Troll (Regen / Recovery / Self-Healing)
- Belt
- Ring
- Trinket
Always be aware of the enemy mobs attributes, AC, AR, immunities, and damage reductions before going into a fight.
When Orcs get to low HP (not sure of the exact percentage) they gain a buff called “Blood Rage” which gives an increase to attack rolls, attack damage, and a reduction to AC. Ideally you are able to outright kill the Orc to avoid this or have incredibly high HP and/or AC. Orc crits with this buff are often fatal.
Gnoll Packleaders can be dangerous because they have a passive Trueattack Aurau which increases the attack rolls for all enemy (friendly to the Gnoll Packleader) mobs in 3 squares (including their own).
These mobs are immune to a large variety of effects and can sometimes self heal an unlimited number of time on a turn-based cooldown.
Super dangerous, cast spells for lots of damage and have decent/high AC. Best avoided.
Clerics and Warpriests
Their danger comes from a combination of decent AC (shield users), self healing, and some CC spells (usually fear).
Basilisk and Medusa
These mobs can one-shot a character with Petrify because there is a minimum 5% chance of success regardless of saves. These are always dangerous.
Wererats, Elves, and Halflings
High AC and damage make these mobs dangerous if you are unable to land hits.
The boss fights are not deterministic. Also, if you lose or retreat from a boss fight, then next time you attempt that fight (even if it’s immediately after) it will likely be a different boss.
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