Explanation of Random Options
To explain random options:
Sliders are 100% tied to genres – if you change one genre, the sliders for that genre, and all its “hybrid” sliders (when used with a subgenre) will change.
The game does not care about “logic” when it comes to randomness because true randomness doesn’t care about logic, either. Also, I don’t believe there’s such a thing as bad genre/topic combinations, one of my favorite game franchises is a Sports RPG.
Random options do not always mean “more challenge.” The worst offender here is the “random platform popularity” which simply shuffles platform active users. This will, nine times out of ten, cause scenarios where you end up with platforms that have ten times the active users they normally would, and that makes the game a lot easier.
Having sliders changed around doesn’t make the game harder either, if you like the “slider hunting” minigame you would already not be memorizing the sliders to ‘cheat’ around it, so them being normal or random doesn’t change a thing there.
One thing that may make the game slightly harder is that with random genre combinations, things aren’t (IMO) optimized. You may have the starter genres have no fitting sub-genre anytime before 1985, and having no sub-genre will give you a penalty to review score. This penalty is bigger the higher the difficulty you choose, so for Legendary runs, random genre combos may be the most difficulty-enhancing one.
Random events themselves are silly, I tested them a lot, and on average, they make the game easier by giving you free stat points for your games, making the needed development time shorter. And things like getting bugs after release are pointless – your potential sales will be crippled by bugs your game releases with but those random event bugs will only slightly affect your ongoing sales, so they’re more of a “waste five seconds making a patch” thing than actual difficulty.
And heck, when playing in maps where I need to buy more building area, the game keeps giving me the random event that makes buildings cheaper. That definitely makes the game a lot easier in those maps.
Extra Tip: Bad combinations of genres and topics will only slightly affect review scores, so they can actually be ignored. And it’s better to have a bad combo than no combo at all. Not having a sub-genre/subtopic weighs against review score more as the game progresses.
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