Made in Abyss: Binary Star Falling into Darkness – Mob Spawning Guide

Here you are just minding your own business when all of a sudden you get assaulted but an endless wave of like rodents and such. You kill them but find that they keep coming back? What’s going on? Well I’ll tell you.

Guide to Mob Spawning


Do not kill any mobs. Why you might ask? Well if you play deep, you prolly ran into endless waves of murder squirrels and those damn bugs. Well I’mma teach how to avoid them.

What to Do About It

Step one… don’t kill anything. If you kill a pod of enemies, one murder squirrel spawns infinitely. Kill 2 pods and 2 squirrels spawn infinitely and so on.

If you do have to kill a couple groups, just leave the area and come back. If that doesn’t work, refresh the whole thing. You don’t want to deal with more than 3 squirrel or bugs.

What Not to Do

Don’t kill mode than 3 groups. I’ve seen 5 squirrels and 5 bugs spawn, it makes it impossible to leave safely. Especially the bugs. If you get a group of 5 or 4 hitting you, just alt f4 at that point… ok not really but it’s gonna be a nasty stun lock.

Once again, kill nothing, plants, birds, and anything else, avoid unless necessary. You can just sneak past everything. It’s slow but better than risking food and enery sprinting and rolling cause if a group of 3 is on you and you tire out, you’re done.

That’s All Folks

Anyhow, these are just a few tip on how to avoid an army of those damn murder squirrels and just to make your cave raiding more fun and easier. Hopefully the devs get the dinks and such out and polish this game. It’s good but it as flaws. Good luck yall.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 7052 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. There is a way to partially prevent spawning if you need a break, especially at the 3rd and 4th layer.

    Stand on the edge of something, turn your camera and make sure that there’s no ground behind your vision. Mobs can’t spawn within your vision, thus preventing the endless spawning of ground enemies. That way, only birds can spawn on you.

    This is crucial for climbing the 3rd layer’s cliff. If you have a break on a small platform and fail to cover all the one square meter area with your vision, a crab will teleport in and push you down to oblivion.

  2. This is not helpful at all and will change nothing.
    Every single area in the game has a 5 minute timer coded into it. If you stick around for 5+ minutes you will begin spawning mobs out of your FoV infinitely, has nothing to do with killing mobs beforehand.
    It’s a horrible game design decision made to keep the player moving, some people are already looking into modding it out of the game or toning it the hell down.

    • Nah, killing does work. Wiped put a group and got it right out of the gate, literally. The time does exist though but level tens and just get the red whistle perks to quick explore and and leave to reset it. However, do you know how to mod this yet? Cause that infinity spawn is nasty at times

    • Eh maybe. I had time where I killed nothing and still got them. Do you mean the infinite once or the natural oneS idk

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