The only guide you need to pickup the game, and be ready to idle the volcanic dungeon in 7-10 days. This guide is made with adventure mode in mind and will save as much money as possible on buying skills.
Level 1 to Idling Volcanic Dungeon in 47 Steps
In Adventure mode your combat level will be the limit for the normal skills and the cost to unlock skills will be more expensive the more skills you unlock. This guide will get you from level 1 all the way to the point where you can idle volcanic cave dungeon. It will do it with minimum amount of unlocks so you are free to spend money in whatever skill you please, instead of having them locked behind 100m costs.
It will also try doing it in minimum amount of time, mostly doing combat. If you are active you can have everything you need in just 7-10 days.
Lastly it will only kill monsters you need, hitting several goals at once. With all that said let’s go to step 1 of the 47 needed.
Special Note: This guide will contain massive spoilers about the game, the monsters and the droptabels.
- Complete tutorial island if you want, this will reward about 6k gp. The skills you unlock with tutorial island will still be locked afterwards tho.
- It’s worth doing however as 6k will save some time unlocking the first skill. If you don’t apply the compost on the farming part you can sell it afterwards to start with 7k gold instead.
- Equip the shrimps and the bronze sword, you can sell everything else in the bank.
- Kill chickens, sell all their feathers and raw chicken until you have 10k gp and level 5 attack, strength and defence. Unlock cooking as your first skill.
- Save the bones.
- Kill cows until level 20 att/str/def.
- Save the bones, the beef and the leather.
- When you get low on food, cook the beef.
- When you get 20 att/str/def, cook all the raw food you have.
- Kill steel knights until you have full steel armor, steel sword and/or steel scimmy. If you only find one weapon that is ok too.
- If you can’t find a steel platebody you can skip it.
- If you somehow run out of food, go back to killing cows.
- At this point if you need to go offline, turn on the offline combat training in settings and go fight something easy, like chickens.
- Kill cows until you have 250x leathers. If you have 250 or more from step 4, you don’t have to kill more cows for this step.
- Take turns in buying green dragonhide and then selling them in the store. This will give 100gp profit for each leather you have.
- Don’t sell the leathers without first turning them into green dragonhides or you will lose out on money.
- After 250 leathers you will have 25000gp, unlock slayer as your second skill.
- Slayer gives you a new curency called slayer coins, which is rewarded everytime you kill a monster you are assigned too.
- From now on save up until you have 25000 slayer coins and then buy desert hat.
- Next alter your slayer task, you can change it for free to be on cows. Extend them for 100 points when you can.
- Kill more cows until you have 25 att/str/def.
- Trade leathers for green dragonhide like you did before and then sell the green dragonhide.
- Keep changing that slayer task when they run out. You will do it like this for many monsters in the game.
- Kill even more cows until you have level 30 att/str/def and atleast 1000 leathers.
- By now you should not need to manually heal.
- Don’t forget to get a new cow slayer task when they end.
- If you get to 30 att/str/def before you have 1000 leathers, keep killing for the leathers until you do and put the extra xp in attack.
- Trade leathers for green dragonhide like you did before and then sell the green dragonhide.
- Cook beef until either you don’t have any left, or reach the current xp limit.
- Unlock bankslots until you have 30 of them, this will cost 13500gp.
- With 50000gp unlock thieving as your 3rd skill.
- If you trained offline you will likely have higher combat stats by the time you reach 1000 leathers, which will save time later.
- Switch your slayer task to tentacles if you want some variation or stick with cows. Cows can be trained offline at this point. Train your attack to 40 here.
- Keep switching slayer task when they run out to always be on tentacles/cows. Don’t forget to extend the tasks.
- With atleast 40 att 30 str and 30 def and atleast 200 beef it’s time to get a new weapon.
- Go to icy hills and fight ice monster until you get an ice sword, this has a 1/10 drop. The ice monster can hit high and often, be ready to use your food.
- Inbetween fights if you are quick, you can healup.
- Do not open chest of witwix until you finished reading this step!
- Next make sure you have around 200 food again. Now you will kill leech for an amulet. Jump to wet forest and kill leech until you get a chest of witwix. Don’t forget to equip your new sword.
- This may take upto 150 kills. Restock for food if needed. Adjust your slayer task to leech. When you get the chest, don’t open it.
- First go to the menu and “change account name” Set your account name to “witwix”. Open the chest. After this you can change your account name back if you want.
- Try and get 40 att/str/def while killing the leech.
- If you changed your name the amulet has 100% droprate.
- After you get the chest, equip yourself with steel gear, amulet of calculated promotion (from witwix chest) and ice sword.
- Alter your slayer task to kill mummys, in the slayer area called Penumbra.
- You want to find one gold topaz ring and one gold emerald ring. Save those two and the bones and sell everything else.
- If you have good memory, equip the emerald ring everytime you do combat and swap to the topaz everytime you don’t.
- If you are lazy just equip the topaz ring and leave it there.
- Work towards 40 att/str/def.
- With the topaz ring equipped you have a very small chance to find two ring halves which in turn crafts a very powerful ring.
- One comes from combat and the other from non-combat.
- When you have the topaz ring and the emerald ring, change the slayer task to cows or tentacels.
- Before you can move on to step 16, you need 40 att/str/def.
- Cook all your raw food.
- Change your slayer task to cows, tentacels or statues.
- Keep food, bones, silver and gold bars and sell everything else.
- Stay until you have 44 att/str/def. Remember to get a new slayer task when they run out.
- Keep saving towards 25k slayer coins.
- Alter your slayer task again to steel knights. Farm these for any steel armor piece you are missing.
- When you have steel helm, shield, chest, legs and boots change your slayer task to mithril knights instead.
- You do not need the mithril weapons.
- The chest and legs are very rare, skip them if it takes to long. Work towards 50 att, 50 str, 50 def.
- Goals to have before you proceed. 50+ combat level with 44+ att, 44+ str, 44+ def and level 1 thieving. Full armor with either full mithril or a mix of mithril and steel. Ice sword, amulet of calculated promotion.
- Atleast 200 food. Gold topaz and gold emerald ring. Cape, gloves and ammo slots still empty, but rest are filled.
- Now you have a choice, the goal is to reach 1.2m gp.
- You can do this with master farmers to also get slayer xp and slayer coins aswell as combat xp. This takes about 10 hours of online combat with manual heals.
- The master farmer way will get you the money slower, but it gives great xp in combat, slayer and slayer coins, this will save you many hours later.
- If you choose this way you can jump to step 22 after.
- Save up 100k gp and buy thieving gloves. Cows are still decent money. You can also kill master farmers for more profit, but it requires you to manually heal, upto u.
- The thieving way will get you the money faster, allowing you to idle crabs with autoeat later. The downside is you lose 300k gp from buying gloves, and you need much longer at crabs compared to the first choice.
- Also thieving is not fun without autoeat.
- If you choose this way, move on to step 21.
- Equip thieving gloves and gold topaz ring.
- Next you will train thieving, start by pickpocketing man until level 4, then change to woman. You will need 3-4 hours and about 200 beef until you will regen more hp then you take in damage.
- When this happens, with only gloves you will make over 100k gp/h. At the time when you find coinpurse and necklace you will make 200k/h with 100% sucess rate, this happens around level 40.
- Pickpocket until you have 1.2m gp and unlock autoeat – 1 when you do.
- When your glove reaches 0 charges buy 2 more. After the 3rd one reaches 0 charges you should be fine without it.
- Switch your slayer task to giant crabs, your goal here is to farm slayer coins in order to buy desert hat and reach level 59 hitpoints. If you reach 25000 slayer coins but not yet the hp,
- You can buy basic resupply for 5000 slayer coins. Keep the bones, the lobsters, the raw crabs and sell everything else.
- Work towards level 50 slayer.
- After you have the hat you can also use offline combat training.
- This whole step is optional, you don’t need astrology to safely idle volcanic dungeon, but it provides some extra combat stats.
- Unlock it if you want, or move on to step 24 without it.
Unlock astrology for 200000 gp.
- Train astrology to level 40.
- Start by training deedree to level 10, then change to Iridan at level 10.
- Use Iridan to level 10-30. Make sure you have level 20 mastery in Iridan before moving on.
- At level 30 switch to terra and train it 30-40. Make sure you have level 20 mastery in terra before moving on.
- Train astrology to level 50+ with Vale. You also need level 60 mastery in Vale. This is recommended to do offline.
- With the reworked astrology you will get about 1 stardust per minute and 1 golden stardust every 2.5 minutes.
- Being offline for 12 hours should give you around 720 stardust and around 288 golden stardust.
- Upgrade Iridan attack skill xp + global accuarcy to level 4 for 150 stardust.
- Upgrade Terra strength skill xp + global accuracy to level 4 for 150 stardust.
- Upgrade Vale hitpoints skill xp + global accuracy to level 4 for 150 stardust.
- If you have any more stardust upgrade as many as you can to level 5.
- Upgrade Iridan hidden attack level once for 50 golden stardust.
- Upgrade terra hidden strength level + strength bonus twice for 150 golden stardust.
- Upgrade Vale lifesteal twice for 150 golden stardust.
- This step requires level 45 slayer, if you don’t have it yet, kill more crabs as they are the best xp.
- For offline slayer xp you can kill goo monsters, even without a task they will give slayer xp.
- Make sure you have 400+ food then jump to fighting thieves in runic ruins. You need to find gloves of silence which is 1 in 300 drop.
- At level 59 hitpoints you can idle them. If you run out of food, go back to crabs or cows in order to buy more lobsters or cook more beef.
- Train some more thieving. Equip gloves of silence for increased chance and increased gp gains.
- Stick to pickpocketing woman until you find 5.25m gp, this should take about 8 hours total if you went with the thieving route onstep 20, or 12 hours if you didn’t.
- These 8 or 12 hours can be done offline even without autoloot.
- Buy auto eat – tier 2 when you have the 5m gp.
- Unlock prayer for 200000 gp or 250000 gp (the cost will depend if you unlocked astrology or not) when you have enough.
- Buy 5 more bankslots for 18k gp giving you 35 total.
General thief leveling guide, you can check back here:
- Pickpocket man from level 1-4.
- Make sure you have 100 food, pickpocket woman from level 4 until you unlock 10% mastery in the thieving skill.
- Pickpocket marauder until you find thiever’s cape
- Pickpocket golbin chief until you find golbin mask
- Check so you have fine coinpurse + jeweled necklace from woman, thiever’s cape from marauder and golbin mask from golbin chief.
- Look out for sneak-ers and chapeau noir too, all thieving monsters can drop them
- If you found sneak-ers you can do chef from level 45 all the way to 88. You can also mix it with assistant cook if you want. Golbin mask will be better at chef until you have 90% pickpocket chance, at which point chapeau noir is better.
- You can stay with chef all the way to 99, or change to knights at 88.
- If you find all the gp increasing thieving gear, the two ring halves and the pet you will make more than 5m gp/h from chef.
- Cook all your raw food. If you don’t have the cooking level for raw crab save them till later.
- Bury all your bones, use prayer freely from now on to increase your combat level. It’s best on monsters with a 90%+ chance to hit in order to get more xp.
- Train slayer to level 50.
- Train thieving on woman until 10% mastery, this will give more stealth, hopefully while doing this you find sneak-ers too.
- With 10% mastery in thieving switch to thieving from a mix of marauder and assistant cook. You need the thiever’s cape drop from marauder. While assistant cook should be a good food source from now on.
- When you get low on food come back to thieving either assistant cook or chef.
- Equip the desert hat and jump to arid plains. Make sure you have 200 food. Kill turkul riders until you find rune boots, switch to turkul archers and kill them until you find rune gloves. If you find sand threaders aswell, keep them.
- You can sell all the other drops.
- Both the rune drops are common so it should go fast. The sand threaders are rarer and if you didn’t find it we will come back later and get it.
- In elerine battlegrounds you will find elerine warriors, kill them until you find elerine spear. Save a rune 2h sword aswell.
- From now on use elerine spear for training attack and rune 2h for strength/defence.
- Do about 25 runs of chicken coop and 50 runs of undead graveyard dungeons for a chance to unlock both their pets. It’s a small boost. Equip chapeau noir if you found it for a chance at 2x reward chests.
- Work towards 70 att, 70 str, 70 def.
- The pets are found as a popup when the dungeon finishes and are not found inside the chests.
- Save Elite amulet of defence and Bone necklace if you find them, aswell as the addy chest and shield. You can sell everything else.
- If you didn’t find the pets you can come back later.
- It’s time to get full addy armor. This is easier to get then the previous armors. Jump to addy knights and kill them till you have helm, shield, chest and legs. If you killed turkul riders before you don’t need the addy boots.
- With some luck in graveyard dungeon you should have addy chest and shield already, which means you only need helm and legs.
- There is a rare cape dropping from addy knights, but don’t farm for it. If you get it while farming the armor tho you might aswell equip it. Work towards 70 att, 70 str, 70 def.
- Go back to Arid plains and farm turkul riders until you find sand threaders. If you found one before you can skip this step.
- You can do the spider dungeon to find amulet of looting now. This will allow you to autoloot. Make sure you have 200 food.
- The dropchance is 1/22. Eqip chapeau noir if you found it to increase chance of getting 2x chests.
- You can sell all the other drops you get here.
- Your goal now is to get 70 att, 70 str, 70 def. Put extra xp into attack and work towards 80 attack.
- You can go back to dungeons to unlock their pets for some easy afk xp, or you can do slayer.
- If you want a faster weapon for training strength you can jump to Arid plains and kill turkul giants until you find a dragon scimitar, this will be great for strength xp.
- The turkul giant have some spiky damage at times, it’s not recommended to idle them unless you have autoeat – 3.
- You could use the scimitar for defence aswell or use the rune 2h.
- Buy 15 more bankslots, giving you a total of 50 for 210k when you have the money.
- With 70 att/str/def.
- Equip the golden topaz ring aswell as your normal gear and jump to Penumbra. You will be killing fierce devils until you find an amulet of torture. The ring half (b) seems to be a decently common drop from these too.
- If you don’t find the ring half by the time you found amulet of torture you can move on.
- Work towards 80 att, str, def.
- Jump to castle of kings and kill rune knights for rune chest, shield and legs. You should have boots already, but if you don’t, kill for these too. Save the amulet of glories you find (all of them).
- You can sell all duplicates and the rune weapons. You don’t need the rune helm.
- Work towards 80 att, str, def.
- Go to holy isles and start killing paladins. You need 1x paladin gloves before you leave.
- Work towards 80 att, 80 str, 80 def.
- Farm undead graveyard dungeon until you find elite amulet of defence. If you found one before you can skip this step. Don’t forget to equip chapeau noir if you have it.
- Work towards 80 att, 80 str, 80 def.
- Train your combat to level 90, by doing dungeons or fierce devils. Save any extra amulet of tortures you find.
- Train your thieving to level 90, switch to knights when you get there. Next pickpocket knights till you find dragon helm. Buy autoeat tier – 3 when you have 20m.
- If you have 5000 food of any kind you can now do one volcanic cave dungeon to unlock fire cape. Autoeat should take care of the 6 first bosses. For bosses 7 and 8 it’s recommended to spam click eat as they can easily kill u.
- Equip yourself with the full rune, paladin gloves and elite amulet of defence. Use the prayer protect item on the last 2 bosses if you are uncertain.
- Equip desert hat and go to Arid plains. You will be killing sandbeast until you find 1x sandstorm ring.
- The sandbeast is a real food drainer, make sure you have atleast 2000-4000.
- Work towards 80 att, str, def.
- Make sure you have the following gear:
- Dragon helm, rune chest, rune legs, rune shield and rune boots. Elite amulet of defence. Paladin gloves. Sandstrom ring. Fire cape. Amulet of torture. Rune gloves.
- Gloves of silence. Amulet of looting. Sand threaders. Gold topaz and gold emerald ring. Desert hat. If you do move on, if you don’t check back a few steps to find out which part you are missing.
- If you still need autoeat tier – 3 you need to farm 20m now.
- If you been lucky so far and found thieving pet it increases gold gain for the skill by alot.
- If you have been very lucky and found ring half (a) or ring half (b), or mby even both this complete ring doubles the gp gain in thieving.
- Your best bet towards finding the ring half (a) is pickpocketing knights. And your best bet towards ring half (b) is fierce devils. Remember to have gold topaz ring equiped.
- If you find spare amulet of tortures at the fierce devils, save them in bank. If you find any spare ring halves you can sell them for big profit.
- Buy autoeat tier 3 unless you did so already.
- Train thieving until you find chapeau noir if you haven’t found one already.
- Next you will idle deep sea ship. Equip chapeau noir.
- Doing this you hope to aquire sunset rapier, but also to stockup on silver and gold bars.
- When you find the rapier you can move on.
- Next you need to kill statues, this can easily be done offline tho. Equip chapeau noir, fire cape, sunset rapier, amulet of looting, all your rune gear and sand threaders.
- Your goal here is to reach 2400 silver bars and 4500 gold bars.
- With all the bars upgrade your dragon helm, rune chest, rune legs, rune shield and rune boots to (g).
- Equip yourself with dragon helm, rune chest, rune legs, rune boots and rune shield, all upgraded to (g). Equip firecape, sandstorm ring, elite amulet of defence, sunset rapier and paladin gloves.
- The following setup will give you 26% + 2% + 0% + 2% + 0% + 4% = 34% Damage reduction, or 35% if you been lucky and found the defence pet, but this guide will assume you didn’t.
- Next you need 8600 hitpoints. It’s recommended to do spider forest dungeon until you get the pet there. After that you can do whatever combat you feel like.
- When you have 8600 hitpoints, autoeat tier 3 and the listed gear you can safely idle volcanic cave.
- Doing this will give you around 55k gp per cleared dungeon, aswell as unlocking ancient armor needed to progress further in the game.
Money Making in The Guide
Gear and level: Level 25 thieving with gloves of silence and jeweled necklace
Activity: Pickpocketing woman
Profit: 500-600k gp per hour
Gear and level: 60 thieving with gloves of silence, jeweled necklace, chapeau noir and coin purse aswell as 10% mastery and a 90% chance to pickpocket assistant cook.
Profit: 700k gp/h aswell as 1k of random mixed food.
Gear and level: 70 thieving, with gloves of silence, jeweled necklace, chapeau noir, coin purse and sneak-ers, aswell as 25% mastery and a 90% chance to pickpocket chef.
Profit: 800k gp/h aswell as 1k of better random mixed food.
Gear and level: 75 thieving, with gloves of silence, jeweled necklace, chapeau noir, coin purse and sneak-ers, aswell as 50% mastery with a 95% chance to pickpocket chef.
Profit: 1.7m gp/h aswell as 1.1k of better random mixed food.
This guide does not use popular money making methods such as gem mining or fishing. It will make it’s money from killing master farmers and thieving instead.
If you rather do stuff in a different way then feel free to do so, this is only a guide afterall.
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