Mind Over Magic – Useful Tips and Tricks

Tips for Getting Started

Starting Choice

Sometimes beginners cannot choose their starting teachers correctly, which can make the game difficult. Today, based on my experience, I will tell you who is best to choose at the start.

If you have three places for teachers, I advise you to take mages of air, earth, and nature. A teacher with nature magic should always be present because they will allow you to quickly collect plants for food, construction, and the ritual of reflecting the fog. Earth magic is irreplaceable in battle because of the armor spell on the mage, and it also helps to build faster. Air magic is also good in battle and will help you quickly build furniture and carry resources. If you have two places for teachers, then take mages of earth and nature. And for one place, take a nature mage.

But there is a detail in all this: each mage must be of a certain race. The earth mage must be human so that there is enough mana for casting armor and a good amount of health. The teacher of nature magic must be vivified for good damage. The air mage must be either a wolf cub if you want to inflict a lot of damage or a human for support.

But if you don’t think you need an air magic teacher, you can replace them with a fire mage who will hunt and cook food, preferably vivified for great damage. You can recruit students in any order.

General Tips

  • Spread mana crystal in high work rooms, and make recharging them high priority for your students, so your staff can concentrate on work instead of running around filling mana.
  • Higher level mages push fog further away.
  • Arcane Secretaries are cumulative. Feel free to add more to speed up your research.
  • Restrict what can be put into the chests, or you will have 10 chests with same few items and rest is left out. Each chest can have 10 stacks of different types of items, so seeing status of 10/10 doesn’t necessarily mean it’s full, but no more item types can be added.
  • Air skill affects how far the mage reaches! Got some pesky roof deco or high wall windows to do? Get your best air mages on it.
  • Fog crystal battles give you the most amount of scrolls, be sure to fight them especially early on before they start to turn into 4 skull battles.
  • Having empty hallway created with pillars instead of walls gives elevated effect to rooms above it.
  • Multiple stairways are your friend for faster movement and giving you easier time with private room requirements.
  • Centralized storage location can cut back walking time since the game has an annoying habit to take dropped items aaaall the way back to the storage, than use it on the construction right next to it – and then bring another same exact item from the storage back to the construction site.
  • Vivified prefer to eat Gutberries, add some in your dining room storage to stop them from roaming to other side of the school to get them sweet berries.
  • You will need all the Iceflowers in the world, trust me, harvest all you see and make planters for them early.
  • If stone or iron is scarce go raid the dungeon. Piggy (Lavalina Sty) also ends your mining needs.
  • Before you can actually hatch your refining beasts, they have ritual requirements with high skill students! Be sure to check those first and plan summoning students accordingly.
  • Group tools are incredibly handy as the tutorial tip says, be sure to scout over what kind of different rules you can create to automate things. For example you can get your fully skilled students auto switched to work schedule instead of staying useless in the school room.
  • Ladders take the least amount of space, just one tile on the back. Add them to rooms with no luxury needs to increase staff movement, or build between 2 walls.
  • While Raven Cultist are silly hard to keep content early game, they are extremely powerful fighters, you will want your dps to be Ravens and tank either Vivified or Raven (more power means stronger Earth Armor), and if you want to use a support class to buff your dps/tank go for Wolves since their speed will most likely make them attack first. Keep Shattered on the back row or they will die first.
  • Though pesky, Croa corpse spectrals are a great source of Ectoplasm, and you will need lot of that to make all your higher level wands, just have your Founder hunt few every once and a while.
  • You will also need a supply of Voidcaps, leave some small closet dark and empty, restricted from staff&students and have your Founder harvest those regularly.

How to get Your Stone, Iron and Sculptstone by feeding Wood to a Hell Pig!

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Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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