Mini Motorways – New Maps Tips (London, Mumbai, New York)

Tips to New Maps

Сrеdit gоеs to kschang77!

It’s always those dark blue that gets me at the end, but I did it. 2167.

Those dark blue houses are scattered all over the place, and by then everything’s so built up it’s impossible to segregate them, and there’s not enough of it so if they are jammed up in traffic, you’re doomed.

A couple tips for those looking for tips:

  • Give each biz some extra room on the sides, use pre-blocking if need be, so if you need to bypass that building to make a new route, or just stop houses from spawning too close, you can do so.
  • Give each biz some “queue space” from the major thoroughfare so cars don’t have to clog up the major thoroughfare while waiting to get in. This becomes important when you have a lot more cars. The parking lots in most biz only accommodates 3 cars, plus 4 more getting in and getting out. When traffic jams up it can spill onto the main street, and that slows everything down.
  • Sometimes, I route the traffic around the biz the long way (instead of direct connect, I route them around the other side) both to isolate the colors, and to give it extra queue space.
  • Note your corridors early and count the number of houses per biz. Some colors, you have have an overabundance of houses, vs some you have “barely enough”. A good ratio is a regular square business takes 1-2 houses, and a round biz takes 3-5 houses, depending on travel time. If you have a long way to go (more than 10 units), add 1 house.
  • Pay special attention to the scattered ones, as that’s your main danger. Feeding them to the biz is more difficult.
  • Connect them in isolated clumps by color is good initially. Two houses feed this biz, 5 houses feed that round biz. But note the spawn. If you don’t block off the space, something will spawn where you don’t want it and complicate your life later.
  • On the other hand, realize that you don’t have to connect EVERYTHING. If you have a “surplus” of houses, it’s fine to leave some that are NOT connected, and re-route as new biz spawns, and you discover an improved routing that keeps things balanced.
  • Rule of thumb: if you have to route more than 2 colors into a traffic light, and more than 3 colors into a traffic circle, you’re probably overloading it. Find a better way.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 7618 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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