Mon Bazou – Useful Tips and Tricks for New Players

Here you can find some useful answers for the most popular questions and tips.

Tips and Tricks

Where to sell radios?

  • Look around the meet everynight.. Sometime you will see something different!

Where is the front bumper located?

  • At the scrapyard inside the abandon BMW (unlocked when friendship with gas station owner gets to 25).

How to build sugarshack?

  • Did you deliver the required wood to build the sugarshack? If so then you need to buy a box of taps to tap the maple trees. Then connect them to the pump behind the shack with the blue tubes.

How to get weed seed?

  • Drive up to the wind turbines and there should be a door and ladder inside you can climb to the top of the turbine. There’s a seed in a toolbox up there.

Buggy part locations

  • Shed, Scrapyard, Cottage.

How to plant a tree

  • You need the cutting sheers found in the gas station. Go up to any cut-able tree (Maple, birch, pine) and clip. Then just pop the clipping in the ground.

You lost some items

  • If you are friendship level 5 with Gilles (NPC at the entry of town every morning) he can find it for you.

How to sell weed?

  • Almost every NPC can buy it, you need to be friendship +5 with them.

Where to find/make more poutine?

  • Theres a small store in town close to the gas station, its in between two houses.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


    • Use your functioning vehicles follow the dirt road always go right untill you see the asphalt. Then turn the first right on the asphalt. After that you’ll just need to follow it.

    • go left from the driveway, go straight til you get to paved roads, there will be another left. Take that, it will take you straight to town.
      Fastest way.

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