Monster Never Cry – Late-Game Characters: How Difficult Is Each One to Build Up?

Late-Game Characters Guide

By Focsi.

Note: A/D characters will be rated separated from Trios. Meaning that an A/D with 3/10 difficulty won’t be the same as a Trio with 3/10 difficulty. Evosoul shops won’t be used for rating each monster, because all of them can be bought at equal prices in that shop.

Also Limiteds are not included. At the dupes obtaining methods, only the most optimal sources will be listed, Pact Summons will be listed if there is not a more optimal way. The way I classified each one’s obtaining difficulty is based on how RNG dependant are, their shops’ price/worth x resources gaining/week rating and if there are ways to obtain for free.

The three categories will be:

  • Ascension difficulty (How difficult is to obtain their dupes).
  • Optimal team building (Recommended composition and gear for their fully effective use).
  • Awakening (Minimal recommended awakening needed for their fully effective use).

A/D Characters


  • Ascension difficulty: 1/10 (Evogem shop and Clash Shop)
  • Optimal team: 3/10 (Recommended to have a way to stall the enemies, recommended to also have a damage amplifier as Nafisa, Synder or Venus. Recommended CC immunity and Intimidation)
  • Awakening: 2/10 (Requires level 5, for extra energy and stronger ultimate)


  • Ascension difficulty: 6/10 (Forbidden summon RNG, Pact Summon RNG and Memory Casket x1)
  • Optimal team: 9/10 (Requires Kukulkan as healer, recommended a strong tank, better with self sustain, for protecting Dracula from the enemy’s frontliners. Highly recommended CC immunity, Bloodthirsty, Guardian and Wrath. Recommended Nafisa for damage amplifier and energy gainings)
  • Awakening: 3/10 (Dracula does not require his first Awakening node, can be used without it, due his high energy stealing. Still recommended to get at least awakening 5 for higher survivability. The challenge will be to obtain his dupes)


  • Ascension difficulty: 0/10 ( x2 Free in your first week, Evogem shop and Memory Casket x1)
  • Optimal team: 0/10 (As a healer/debuffer she won’t require a specific team, and most of the time she can be used in any team. But she can work great with Mischa, by blinding the enemy team, making them miss more often. Highly recommended Sky Harp as magic device)
  • Awakening: 1/10 (Highly recommended to level 5, for quicker healing while granting damage immunity to your team)


  • Ascension difficulty: 4/10 (Forbidden summon RNG, Pact Summon RNG, Memory Casket x1 and Clash shop)
  • Optimal team: 3/10 (She is a well rounded character, with self sustain, CC and burst damage, can be used by herself, but highly recommended to be used with more Draconic characters. Nafisa can replace Zenobia’s passive if you don’t have a full Draconic team)
  • Awakening: 3/10 (Recommended to level 5, for casting faster the Ultimate and dealing higher damage to the enemy’s backrow)


  • Ascension difficulty: 3/10 (Evogem shop and Pact Summon RNG)
  • Optimal team: 2/10 (His passive lets him to be used in any team, he is not dependent on another character for a specific skills synergy. But is recommended to use with Zenobia)
  • Awakening: 0/10 (Not recommended to spend resources on his awakening)


  • Ascension difficulty: 9/10 (Pact Summon RNG)
  • Optimal team: 7/10 (Highly recommended to be used with Dracula, also recommended to be used with Zenobia and Avanzo. Highly recommended to use Reinforcement, Guardian and Spiritcalling)
  • Awakening: 8/10 (Highly recommended at level 15. Increases her healing amount, while providing a large Haste bonus. Allowing your team to Ult faster than the enemy. Will require 12 stars, a bunch of dupes and a lot of resources. Level 20 can also be a game changer if using a Dracula based composition. Can be used too at level 5, but is not the most optimal to keep her at)

Trio Characters


  • Ascension difficulty: 3/10(Evogem shop and Pact Summon RNG)
  • Optimal team: 2/10 (She can buff your DPS and can be used in most of compositions, recommended to also have a damage amplifier as Nafisa, Synder or Venus. Recommended CC immunity and Intimidation)
  • Awakening: 4/10 (Is recommended to have level 5, for faster Ults with higher damage. Highly recommended the level 15, so she will be able to AoE CC with her second skill)


  • Ascension difficulty: 3/10(Evogem shop, Pact Summon RNG and Memory Casket x1)
  • Optimal team: 2/10(Can be used in most of compositions, recommended Guardian, Protection, Fortitude and Reinforcement)
  • Awakening: 0/10 (Awakening is not needed, but can be useful the level 5)


  • Ascension difficulty: 4/10(Forbidden summon RNG, Clash shop and Void shop)
  • Optimal team: 3/10 (Recommended to have Octasia, for blinding the enemies, making them miss more. Recommended to also have Stealth)
  • Awakening: 4/10(Highly recommended to have the level 5. Also the level 15 can be important for her damage outcome)


  • Ascension difficulty: 4/10 (Forbidden summon RNG, Clash shop and Void shop)
  • Optimal team: 1/10 (Can be used in most types of combinations, her high damage and high defense allows her to be highly offensive yet quite stalling. Highly recommended Reinforcement, Fortitude, Protection and Guardian)
  • Awakening: 6/10 (A must to have her to at least level 5. Highly recommended to have level 15. Will require 12 stars, a bunch of dupes and a lot of resources.)


  • Ascension difficulty: 7/10(Pact Summon RNG and Void shop)
  • Optimal team: 2/10 (Highly recommended for nuking or Dracula based compositions)
  • Awakening: 3/10 (Recommended at least the level 5, for increase the damage output of the rest of your team)
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7933 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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