Age of Empires Mobile – Basic Commander Pairing Guide

Hey there, so I’ve been working on it for sometime now and it’s finally done.

Basic Commander Pairing

By Script


Some formalities to cover:

  • These are simple lineup to start the game with and then you release one or more commander to fill up a proper army.
  • In case anyone feel like people should only use X or Y hero in the game and everything else is poop, this is not the guide for you.

Basic terms to learn

  • Core: Main Commander of your army whom you’ll be relying on the most.
  • Placeholder: Commander that is there to fill up a slot until you get someone better to replace him or her.

Sample commanders

Some basics to go over

  • Pick a troops type – Swordsmen, Pikemen, Archer, Warrior, Tactician, Cavalry.
  • Pick a Specialty – Warrior, Tactician, Marshal.
  • Figure out if you’re broke like me or whale like a dentist.
  • Find a commander you like and then two more who’ll pair with him or her.

Bonus: when picking the commander try getting one out of three which are easy to come by (Derrick is easy for f2p, Mushashi/leonidas/mulan with a lil bit of spending).

Swordsmen Lineup

About the lineup

For the Free to play both Josephine and Derrick are placeholders and once better commanders become available you’d want to replace them. Derrick can stay for a while as he can be farmed and reach 5 stars.

As for light spenders the setup is solid for quite sometime but that’s mostly because Musashi carries the weight for the whole team. In the distant future Derrick would get replaced for someone better.

Now for the heavy spender I’m recommending this because tacticians can be very powerful as their damage type is different and it’s hard to raise defense against it. Here Cleopatra can be obtained freely throuigh tavern and events. While Sun Tzu from wheel and lastly Philip from the bundle.

Pikemen Lineup

About the lineup

For free to play players Richard is the first commander to pick up as both Jaon of Arc and Darius works as a placeholder till better commanders become available.

As for the light spenders, you’d want to start with Leonidas from the bundle then grab Richard from the wheel and replace Joan of Arc when better commanders arrive.

Lastly for heavy spenders it’s similar to light spenders just that you have the option to grab Frederick. Who is good but there are better choices later on and so he can be replaced when the time comes.

Cavalry Lineup

About the lineup

For the free to players the lineup is not that good mostly because Harald III is dragging people down. His tool kits are reserved more for giant accounts with millions of power but there are no proper alternative at the start. so we use him. However he’ll be replaced at the first chance when a better commander arrive.

Alternatively you may try Darius but even then it’s below average and it’s best to just wait for better commanders to release.

Heavy spenders on the other hand can have a great 2nd, 3rd or 4th army using this lineup as they are great as a support and slow down an enemy unit so much that they’ll never run away from you. Ideal for a big fights.

Archer Lineup

About the lineup

The free to play lineup for archers start strong but falls off down the line. As you can replace Derrick for someone better but not Josephine. This however can change in the future when more commanders get released.

As a light spender you’ll have a great start with Josephine as the placeholder commander. Whom you can replace later on.

Heavy spenders one is very strong but Attila and Rani’s skill will conflict from time to time. Which isn’t the most optimum setup but there aren’t many options so gotta use what you can.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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