MY HERO ULTRA RUMBLE – Endeavor Basic Guide

This is an early guide for using Endeavor and is subject to change later on.

Endeavor Basics

Alpha Skill

Tapping this skill only does 25 damage which is nothing. You need to hold down the button so that the attack functions like a laser and does 25 damage up to 5 times (as far as I counted). It has 3 stacks so if executed to the end every time, it is enough to down a character in most cases.

Beta Skill

This at first glance is a bomb skill like Bakugo’s but actually is completely different – it’s target area is a lot smaller and movement speed is a lot faster. Upon impact it produces large damage in a straight line that is always perpendicular to the surface it hit. This provides a possible exploit in the future by hitting a wall and then producing a horizontal blast instead of a vertical one. The blast is larger than the initial hit area so it could possibly do AOE this what (untested).

Gamma Skill

After a short pause for preparation you produce a large AOE laser. You cannot move while the attack lasts and it has a medium max distance. This move is best executed in the air diagonally downwards at the enemy as it makes it more difficult for enemies to hit you while you shoot.

I haven’t tested if you can be interrupted or if you can cancel the move midway.

Special Action and Jump

Your special action lets you do an Almight type jump, but shorter and a bit less floaty. The special action uses up 30% of your ability bar and you cannot use it in the air.

On the other hand it you press the jump button while you are in the air (even during a normal jump) you begin floating at the cost of some of your special action gauge per second. The movement speed while floating is very slow, but if you time it properly it is possible (might have been a bug as it happened once) to float fast in a specific direction (almost at bakugo speed).

This floating ability can help if you are chased by enemies and pretend to jump off the mountain/building or other top area while not actually falling down and making the enemies waste time climbing up again.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 4312 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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