NARAKA: BLADEPOINT – Statues Puzzle & Tomb Traps (Perdoria Map)

Quick Guide to Statues Puzzle & Tomb Traps

The Place and the Traps Description:

On the square in front of Hall of Eternity there are 4 statues of officials with trapdoor between them. You can rotate the statues by hitting them or shooting at them. To open the trapdoor you need to get all 4 statues to look straight away from center. In 10 seconds after opening the trapdoor the statues will return to their initial state and the trapdoor will be closed again.

Right under the trapdoor there is the tomb with sarcophagus in the middle. The sarcophagus stands on round bronze plate, which sets off shooting traps. You won’t set off the trap, if you’ll avoid landing on the sarcophagus or the plate. Use the grappling hook to land safely. The trap has 10 seconds cooldown, so you can set it off intentionally, strafe away and then safely loot stashes on the plate. The plate will glow red when setting off the trap.

You can access the tomb from sides instead of the trapdoor. Near Department of Astrology and instead of Horse Service Bureau there are cave-ins leading to side corridors of the tomb. Those corridors have spike traps, which are easily avoidable by climbing on walls or simply running through them, since they need some time to set off.

How to Use the Traps of the Tomb to Your Advantage:

You can use the shooting trap to set an ambush for your opponents. Set the statues puzzle one hit away from being solved, then lure your opponents on the trapdoor and solve the puzzle. If you’ll manage to create a proper surprise effect or prevent them from using grapple hook through other means like Viper Ning ultimate, you’ll be able to utilise the trap against your opponents.

While fighting in the tomb or near it entrances in cave-ins strafe away and run through spike traps from your opponents to set some distance or even make them step on activated traps. Push your opponents on spike traps and the round bronze plate under sarcophagus to use the traps against them.

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Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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