Instructions on how to apply the 18+ patch provided by Denpasoft.
Applying the Patch
First download the patch from Denpasoft’s Website. You will have to extract the zip file to somewhere you can easily find, such as on your desktop.
Inside you will find a readme.txt file, and a folder called “Nekomimi Sweet Housemates_Data”.
Open your steam install folder now, you can access this by right clicking your game, selecting properties, going to local files on the left tab that pops up, and then selecting “Browse…”.
Simply copy the “Nekomimi Sweet Housemates_Data” from the patch over to the steam installation folder (the exe will be in this folder, as well as another folder of the same name as the folder you’re dragging in). Accept any requests to merge/overwrite files.
After this is done, the game is patched. You will have access to the 18+ content.
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