Shows the location of the configuration file on Windows and some key configuration entries to edit for Neon White.
Configuration Location
C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\LocalLow\Little Flag Software, LLC\Neon White\<STEAM64 ID>\prefs.dat
Open up prefs.dat in a text editor for the full configuration list.
Mouse Sensitivity and Framerate Limit
"mouseSensitivity": 0.319,
I play 35.830 cm/360 at 800 DPI. I set it to 0.319 and it’s extremely close after 20 rotations (Moves just a few pixels to the right)
Note: You will need to exit the game to reload your config. I tried leaving a map and re-entering but it wasn’t enough.
"frameRateCap": 140,
You can also set a custom framerate cap if you want to avoid hitting VRR ceiling. For example on a 144hz display.
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