Orc Massage – Basic Guide (Orc’s Groping)

Because this game’s tutorials aren’t the best right now.

How to Groping

The VIP Massages (The Main Girls)

The first massages you will do will look like this. Very basic I know, but lets explain what we have here.

Our goal ultimately is to get all the spots to the shape of a heart, and we do this by filling the circles from orange all the way to green.

You have the options of using Fists, Pinching, or Pressing with your palms.

The Controls

So here are our controls.

Z is our Fists. X is our Pinching. and C is our Palms. Off to the side is our stamina bar, this is how long we can massage for, and every action we use uses this up.

Fists our are area of effect move, and impact all spots around the target, indicated by a white circle.

Like so:

This move will cease as soon as any of the circles hit a heart level, or if a heart turns purple (More on that in a second) regardless of it it’s the target location or not.

Our Fingers/Pinch is our single target, focus move. Use it to finish off singular spots that will be too troublesome to use fists on lest you form a purple heart. It has no AOE, and is a relatively safe move to make use of.

Now our palms are our mistake eraser, ideally you don’t want to use these. But if you fill a heart to purple past green, it’ll turn into an X like so.

Using your palms, or the C key, you can undo this mistake and get back on track, but this will reduce your stamina so avoid this if you can.

Thats the basics of the VIP massage controls.

Generic NPCs

Alright, these ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. I think most players I’ve spoken with so far have struggled with this part.

Ultimately, it’s a memory game, and a rhythm game mixed into one. The timing is fierce, and you will more then likely almost always walk away with at least 1 angry customer.

Basically you are to sit and memorize the pattern the customer gives you, consisting of these two icons.

If the NPC has a pinching icon, you’re to time your click with the corresponding beat.

If the npc has a X, you do absolutely nothing. So yes sometimes you’ll have clients that will give you money just to lay on your massage table for 5 seconds.

The timing as I said is rough though, and no guide I can give will instruct you on that outside of good old practice.


So far, I’ve only seen the training equipment upgrades so bear with me while I work on this guide.

We have three equipment upgrades we can make use of.

Dumbells. Grips. And Pushups.

Push ups increase your overall stamina, allowing you to massage for longer and go for higher ranks.

Grips increase the range of your fists AoE, which can be a blessing and a curse depending on how your luck fares.

And Dumbells increases the speed you massage, I believe this results in using less stamina per massage but that will require further testing.

“Special” Massage

So you finally did it, you’re at the point where you get to ahem really help the girls relax.

Once again we’re faced with a rather obtuse set of tutorials.

So first off we got the “Body Massage” section.

Thankfully this part is fairly basic. Just click and drag your hand until the circle around your hand turns red. It’s a game of hot and cold. Don’t drag your mouse around, and instead click in a few areas to avoid stamina loss.

Then we have the “Intimate Massage”, this part is a little more obtuse, and I’m still figuring it out myself, but I will do my best to compartmentalize the info for you all.

Essentially your goal is to find the 3 “hearts” around the girls body. Once the area is found a red and white bar should appear.

Your goal is to drag your mouse around until the heart lands in the red bar, where it will slowly fill with green. Once it’s fully green you can safely unclick and the heart will be filled on the bottom menu.

Repeat this process 3 times, finding the heart spot, dragging your mouse around to get it into the sweet spot, and you win. Remember to use protection!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. Pro tips; in the second round of massage keep an eye on the hearts on the bottom right. It’s a game of hot n’ cold. if the heart flashes black when you click, you’re cold, if bright red, you’re hot. Sweet spot flashes red and green. Brief clicks to conserve stamina

    3rd round: Is always the same spots every time. Just remember that your stamina slowly runs out looking for the sweet spots and there are some moments where you have to move limbs around. Especially if they glitch out. If you find your hand stick but there’s no bar, you can probably move the body part.

  2. if you scroll the mouse wheel it’ll zoom in or out, if you hold shift and click the wheel it’ll let you move around most screens

  3. The harpy specifically is the most annoying for extra massage sections. There are two poses specifically that if they pop up I can’t complete due to the lack of camera control. It’s funny until it happens multiple times in a row.

  4. I cant seem to find the elfs third weakspot when she is laying on her back, i cant move her around like the harpy

  5. This is kind of a cheese, but since I suck at rhythm games, and frankly it’s not even that interesting as a mini-game, I just decided to run the regular clients on auto, as in, just start the mini game and do nothing. Surprisingly, this works stupidly well over a long enough period. The minimum payout if everything fcks up is 60$, and the max is 400$, which actually can happen, just not too often, so I figure the average payout must be somewhere around 150 a minute. Just turn on an autoclicker set to 1 minute to re-launch the mini-game when it ends, then leave it overnight. I’m sure you could optimize it further with some experimentation, but you really don’t need to. You’ll make way more money over one night than you can spend in the game as it is.

  6. So the “Intimate Massage” section works like that: by wiggling your mouse you sorta “wind” the heart container up and cause it to move into the red zone and above it, where it stays for a bit before its “charge” runs out and it starts dropping.
    So the trick is to wind up the heart container just enough to make it move into the red zone, and when it starts to drop, now is the time to wiggle your mouse to fill it up before you wind it up enough to shoot past it.

  7. in most massage sections you can camera view by holding the right mouse button and moving the mouse also the middle button allows you to zoom in and out

  8. It is worth noting that during the regular customer minigame, Some clients don’t need to be touched at all. Other times, you will only need to land a single click. And, if you don’t fully break the heart but you make a mistake, you will often get a do-over. Once I had the timing down, my success rate was 100%. Speedrunners would love this game.

  9. Nice rundown in clear english!
    I’d add that for phase2 of the special massage, the hearts appear to continue rising/falling even when not visible (i.e. your stop moving you hands), but you can estimate when it’s starting to fall out of the red target section and start moving again to “catch” it and bump back into target section.

    Also, worth mentioning that you can use your hands to reposition (i.e. spread) her legs in this phase, and in fact it’s been necessary every time in my game since her knees are pressed together but the third and final heart has always been pretty deep into somewhere dark, very warm, and very, very moist. Two perfect score visits back to back unlocked a repeatable full-on sandbox style “experience” with no time limit at end of second session.

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