Dealing with Drowsyness
Drowsy is basically the advanced “tired” status.
Depending on how long you waited until you went to bed, you might need to forward a few hours on 16x.
The game simulates a real 24 hour cycle, so if you let your character get too tired you might end up having to fast-forward time at 16x speed for 5-10 IRL minutes to get back to acceptable conditions.
Generally i find it best to to sleep as soon as you hit “Tired” and return to the station or are in some safe area to sleep. Doing so means you only need to fast-forward a short timeframe before being in good condition again.
Some tips
- Get a bed as soon as possible (You can take your bed from the station with you).
- Don’t sleep while being docked to the station. Docking fees are expensive especially in the beginning. Get a few km out and then stop your ship relative to the station or dock it to a derelict (still check that your relative speed is close to 0).
- Having another crew mate gives you something to do while your captain sleeps.
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