Steam Engine Simulator – 100% Achievements Guide

This is a guide to help you unlock all the 18 achievements in the game.

How to Get All Achievements

Steam Whistler
Use the steam whistle.

Press the up arrow key or use the whistle when there is more than 0 PSI of pressure.

Project Supporter
Click all links.

Click on all the links on the right of the blueprint.

Curiosity Killed the Cat
Be questioned by the void.

Zoom out using the mouse wheel and search for a message that says “Why are you out here?” in the bottom-left corner of the screen.

Break It In
Run the engine for 100 revolutions.

Make the engine spin 100 times. To spin the engine, fill half of the tank with water, turn heat up to 100%, press “X” to close the exaust, and open the throttle valve at about 20%.

Casual Steamer
Run the engine for 1000 revolutions.

Make the engine spin 1000 times. To spin the engine, fill half of the tank with water, turn heat up to 100%, press “X” to close the exaust, and open the throttle valve at about 20%.

Tried and Tested
Run the engine for 10000 revolutions.

Make the engine spin 10000 times. To spin the engine, fill half of the tank with water, turn heat up to 100%, press “X” to close the exaust, and open the throttle valve at about 20%.

Hardcore Steamer
Run the engine for 100000 revolutions.

Make the engine spin 100000 times. To spin the engine, fill half of the tank with water, turn heat up to 100%, press “X” to close the exaust, and open the throttle valve at about 20%.

Time for a Rebuild
Run the engine for 1000000 revolutions.

Make the engine spin 1000000 times. To spin the engine, fill half of the tank with water, turn heat up to 100%, press “X” to close the exaust, and open the throttle valve at about 20%.

Steam Enjoyer
Boil 25 ml of water.

Just spin the engine until you boil 25 ml of water. To spin the engine, fill half of the tank with water, turn heat up to 100%, press “X” to close the exaust, and open the throttle valve at about 20%.

Steam Lover
Boil 100 ml of water.

Just spin the engine until you boil 100 ml of water. To spin the engine, fill half of the tank with water, turn heat up to 100%, press “X” to close the exaust, and open the throttle valve at about 20%.

Steam Fanatic
Boil 1 l of water.

Just spin the engine until you boil 1000 ml of water. To spin the engine, fill half of the tank with water, turn heat up to 100%, press “X” to close the exaust, and open the throttle valve at about 20%.

Steam Freak
Boil 10 l of water.

Just spin the engine until you boil 10 l of water. To spin the engine, fill half of the tank with water, turn heat up to 100%, press “X” to close the exaust, and open the throttle valve at about 20%.

Speed Demon
Reach 650 rpm.

  1. Fill the tank to 50% with water.
  2. Set the heat to its maximum level of 100%.
  3. Disable the exaust by pressing X.
  4. Once the pressure is at 300 PSI, slowly open the throttle valve to 100% and at the same time press SPACE.

Speed Devil
Reach 3500 rpm.

  1. Enter “hell” mode by spam-clicking the “A” button.
  2. Disable the exaust by pressing X.
  3. Open the water valve and fill it.
  4. Turn on heat to 100%.
  5. Wait untill the pressure is at 350 PSI and the temperature at 300°C.
  6. Open the throttle valve to 39% to help maintain your speed.

Partial Vacuum
Generate a 15 inHg vacuum in the boiler.

  1. Enter “hell” mode by spam-clicking on the “A” button.
  2. Press X to disable the exaust.
  3. Increase the heat up to 100%.
  4. Wait until the temperature is at 300°C and the pressure at 350 PSI.
  5. Open the drain and close it very quickly.
  6. The temperature and pressure should increase to the maximum quickly.
  7. Turn down the heat to 0%
  8. Just wait: as temperature drops, the pressure should follow it and soon after create a vacuum.

High Vacuum
Generate a 28 inHg vacuum in the boiler.

  1. Enter “hell” mode by spam-clicking on the “A” button.
  2. Press X to disable the exaust.
  3. Increase the heat up to 100%.
  4. Wait until the temperature is at 300°C and the pressure at 350 PSI.
  5. Open the drain and close it very quickly.
  6. The temperature and pressure should increase to the maximum quickly.
  7. Turn down the heat to 0%
  8. Just wait: as temperature drops, the pressure should follow it and soon after create a vacuum.

Annoy ATG
There’s only so much poking a developer can take.

For this achievement you just need to spam-click the little “A” icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Apologize to ATG
All is forgiven if you appease the algorithm (or just say you’re sorry).

Once you have activated the “devil mode” by spam-clicking the little “A” icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen, simply type “SORRY”.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. i haven’t tested it but. the 10 L takes a while. I am currently trying to keep the pressure as low as possible at 100 heat by stopping the wheel at an open state and keeping water flowing in at about 10%. with throttle wide open, the pressure stays below 50. intuitively, i think this will boil more water faster but I didn’t look into it much. It is a lot easier to let run in the background though. also do this in devil mode make it hotter i believe.

  2. Will the wheel revolution achievements Ex: Time for a Rebuild, be contributed to in Demon mode?

  3. For High Vacuum; what does “5. Open the drain and close it very quickly.” mean?
    Does the water level have to drop below the point where it can leave? Does it only have to be open for a few miliseconds…?

    • Yes, the water level needs to be below the drain. Or you could use another method, boils the water until the pressure reach 350 PSI, then turn off the heat. While the pressure is dropping, turn on the whistle until the pressure reach near 0.

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