Ultimate Guide to Units
Unit Types
There are multiple unit Types.
Unit Rarity
Units come in base 1, 2 and 3 star rarity, and can be increased up to 6 stars using Transcend Pieces.
Transcend Pieces
Side Stories offer Transcend Pieces, so you do not need to pull dupes for the vast majority of units other than Demiurge units which lack Side Stories. Moreover, Transcending takes more the 150 Transcend Pieces than a dupe gives as the Transcend levels increase, ranging from 150, 300 and 450 for the stars after 3 star, so aim to get Transcend Pieces from Side Stories instead.
Excess Transcend Pieces after reaching 6 stars on the unit can be converted into Star’s Memory at the following conversion rate:
- Base 1 star: 30 Transcend Pieces to 1 Star’s Memory
- Base 2 star: 10 Transcend Pieces to 1 Star’s Memory
- Base 3 star: 1 Transcend Piece to 1 Star’s Memory
- Demiurge: 1 Transcend Piece to 2 Star’s Memory
However, most of the time excess Transcend Pieces cannot be gained on purpose: once you have 6 starred a unit, you cannot gain their Pieces via Side Stories anymore. The Star’s Memory Shop offers a variety of items, including being the only source of additional Time Rewinders if you are looking for it.
Unit Element
Units come in Fire, Water, Earth, Light and Dark element.
Fire beats Earth, Earth beats Water and Water beats Fire.
For these elements, elemental advantage will grant 20% more damage dealt whereas elemental disadvantage will cause 20% less damage dealt.
Light and Dark counter each other.
For these elements, elemental advantage will grant 20% more damage dealt to each other. There is no elemental disadvantage for these elements.
In battle, there will be a colored arrow on top of mobs that indicates your elemental effectiveness. Green is effective, red is ineffective, and yellow is neutral.

Unit Battle Types
Units come in 5 Main Battle Types: Striker, Mage, Ranger, Defender and Healer.
- Striker: Deals heavy damage to enemies. Has a 5% Crit Rate final stat gain bonus.
- Mage: Inflicts debuffs on enemies and casts multitarget attacks on all enemies. Has a 10% ATK final stat gain bonus.
- Ranger: Likely to attack first with their high Speed.
- Defender: Protects allies and withstands enemy attacks. Has a 15% DEF final stat gain bonus.
- Healer: Heals allies and removes debuffs from them, aiding team sustainability. Has a 10% HP final stat gain bonus.
Unit Subclasses
Units also have Subclasses. Each Battle Type has 2 Subclass archetypes tied to them, and have their own stat distribution they specialize in.
- Striker/Attacker: Warriors who crush enemies with their high attack.
- Striker/Bruiser: Brawlers specialized in prolonged battles with balanced offense and defense.
- Mage/Wizard: Mages who wreck havoc with powerful skills.
- Mage/Enchanter: Masterminds who debuff enemies with debilitating effects.
- Ranger/Vanguard: Leaders who dominate the enemy with high speed.
- Ranger/Tactician: Strategists who buff their allies.
- Defender/Sweeper: Combat specialists who wait for openings.
- Defender/Phalanx: Defenders who protect their allies.
- Healer/Reliever: Saviors who heal their allies in moments of peril.
- Healer/Sage: Supports who thwart enemies by granting support effects to their allies.

Unit Recommend Equipment
Below lists the armor sets that will be automatically equipped in which priority order for each Subclass if you press Equip All on the units.
However, I can provide my own general recommendations:
- Striker/Attacker, Striker/Bruiser, Mage/Wizard, Ranger/Vanguard: Crit Rate set, Attack set, or Augmentation set if constantly buffed. Penetration Substat accessory.
- Mage/Enchanter, Ranger/Tactician: Speed set, Effectiveness set for Enchanters, Speed set, HP set for Tacticians.
- Defenders, Healers: HP set, Immunity set, revival accessory for Healers.

Unit Skills
Unit Skills come in the form of Normal Skill, Special Skill and Ultimate Skill.
During Auto Combat, the order of usage is usually Ultimate Skill > Special Skill > Normal Skill.
Bursting Skills
For each unit, one of these Skills is designated as a Burst Skill. Action Points can be used to Burst a Skill up to 3 levels of Burst. When using higher levels of Burst, all the previous levels of Burst effects are also applied at once. The Action Points necessary for each Burst level vary based on the unit Battle Type. Action Points can be stacked up to 400 AP.
Action Point Gain Methods
- On starting a battle
- On gaining a turn
- Through specific Talisman effects
- Through specific different Battle Type actions:
- Striker: On attacking
- Mage: On using Skills
- Ranger: On gaining a turn
- Defender: On being hit
- Healer: On any ally being hit
The amounts for these vary based on the unit Battle Type.
Unit Skill Chain
Skill Chain is a combination team attack that can be used when your Chain Point gauge is full.
It activates the various Chain Passive effects of each member and deals significant Weakness Gauge damage to bosses. The Chain Points gauge can be stacked up to 10 times.
Skill Chain Order
All units have a Chain Passive, which is either a Starter Exclusive, Companion, or a Finisher Exclusive.
The order of the units and their effects in the Skill Chain can be set for each team, and can also be reordered in battle when activating the Chain Point gauge manually.
Chain Point Gain Methods
1. On gaining a turn. More points are given if there is a same element unit in the team:
- 1 of the same element: 4 Chain points
- 2 of the same element: 6 Chain Points
- 3 of the same element: 7 Chain Points
- 4 of the same element: 8 Chain Points
2. Through specific Talisman effects
3. Through specific Burst Skill levels
- Base 2 star: Burst level 3
- Base 3 star: Burst level 2/3
4. Through specific Chain Passive effects
5. When a powerful enemy is slain

Unit Growth
Units can be enhanced in various ways.
Unit Enhance
You can enhance the level of units using food which grants them unit EXP. Food can be obtained from the daily food farm and other sources. You can also raise the level of units through putting four of them onto a sweep team and sweeping Season 1/2 Hard Survey Point quests and Events. Your main team that you use takes priority for unit enhancement.
Unit Skill Enhance
You can enhance the level of unit Skills and Skill Chain using Skill Books up to Skill Level 5 each. Skill Books can be obtained from a variety of sources such as the Normal Shop, Arena Medals Shop, Guild Shop, Base Supply Shop once you have maxed all facilities and the Survey Points Shop. Tier 3 Skill Books can also be obtained from each unit’s Trust Level 8. Your main team that you use takes priority for Skill enhancing, especially Skill Levels that reduce Skill Cooldowns, increase Healing, increase Weakness Gauge damage, and increase base activation rates.
Unit Upgrade
You can upgrade the stat stages of units on reaching specific levels (20/40/60/80/100) using elemental Unit Upgrade Stones. Unit Upgrade Stones can be obtained from the daily Resource Quests, and can also be farmed from some early Season 1 Hard quests. On the Combine screen accessible on pressing any Upgrade Stone, you can Combine/Dismantle Upgrade Stones up or down tiers at a conversion rate of 10:1 for a small Gold fee. Your main team that you use takes priority for unit upgrading.
Unit Transcendence
You can Transcend the rarity of units up to 6 stars using Transcend Pieces. Side Stories offer Transcend Pieces, so you do not need to pull dupes for the vast majority of units other than Demiurge units which lack Side Stories. Moreover, Transcending takes more the 150 Transcend Pieces than a dupe gives as the Transcend levels increase, ranging from 150, 300 and 450 for the stars after 3 star, so aim to get Transcend Pieces from Side Stories instead. Your main team that you use takes priority for unit Transcendence.
Unit Trust Level
You can raise the Trust Level of units up to level 10 using Gifts, earning a tier 3 Skill Book at Trust Level 8 and their Exclusive Equipment at Trust Level 10 that grants unit exclusive effects. Each unit has a preferred Gift category that grants more Trust EXP. Gifts can be obtained from a variety of sources such as the Season 1/2 Hard Survey Point quests, Season 2 Normal Quests, Base Expedition, Base Supply Shop once you have maxed all facilities and the Survey Points Shop. Your main team that you use takes priority for unit Trust Level.
There is also a feature where each unit can be given any tier of Unit Upgrade Stone 30 times a day that gives a very small amount of Trust EXP. I do not recommend this at all as it is a humongous waste of resources, but if you must do it, dismantle the Upgrade Stones until you get the lowest tier of pebbles to top off the last points of EXP for Trust Level 10. It’s very inefficient compared to just giving units Gifts.

Unit Equipment
Units can be equipped in various ways.
Equipment Types
Weapons, Accessories and Armor
Units can be equipped with weapons, accessories and armor. Armor consists of helmets, chest armor, gloves and boots. They are obtained mainly from Equipment Quests. It is best to farm starting from Stage 10 as that is when 6 star armor, weapons and accessories start dropping more often. Generally you would aim to get weapons and accessories that have beneficial Main Stats. Main Stats are the 2nd stat you see on weapons and accessories that are also enhanced when the equipment is enhanced. For example, damage dealers benefit from weapons and accessories with ATK % and Crit Rate/Crit Damage/Penetration % respectively, while healers benefit from weapons and accessories with HP % and Heals When hit/HP/Resilience % respectively. Units such as attackers should also aim for beneficial Substats such as Crit Rate %.
Special Equipment
Units can also be equipped with Special Equipment such as Talismans and Exclusive Equipment. Special Equipment are unique in that they come with no Substats, and can be slotted with Gems obtained mainly from Guild Raids instead. Talismans are obtained mainly from the Archdemon Ruins, while Exclusive Equipment are obtained mainly from unit Trust Level 10. Talismans hasten the Chain Point and Action Point gain of units. Talismans also have a randomly assigned team wide boosting stat that improves based on their rarity. They do not stack with similar equipped Talisman boost effects e.g. HP 12% and HP 10% will only apply the highest multiplier of 12% to your team, so equip Talismans accordingly to avoid duplicate boosts that are ineffective. These boosts like unit Transcend boosts only show on the originator when stat checking, and do not show on the stat screen of other units. Meanwhile, Exclusive Equipment are not saved to Equipment Presets, so feel free to equip them.
Talisman % Team Boosts:
- Attack/Defense/Health/Crit Chance/Crit Damage/Accuracy/Evasion/Effectiveness/Resilience. Speed is absent.
Equipment Value
Equipment Rarity
Equipment come in up to 6 star rarity. Equipment rarity cannot be upgraded.
5 star equipment is red in color, while 6 star equipment is blue in color.
Equipment can be reforged up to a number of times corresponding to the equipment rarity.
Equipment Grade
Equipment come in multiple grades of Normal, Superior, Epic and Legendary. Equipment grade cannot be upgraded.
Normal equipment has a gray background, Superior a green background, Epic a blue background and Legendary a red background.
Legendary equipment often have a unit Battle Type equip condition, and have a Unique Stat applying a unique effect.
The number of Substats equipment come with at the start differ, with Legendary having all 4 while Epic is missing one and so on.
If there are missing Substat lines, reforging will add additional Substat lines until there are 4.
Equipment Main Stats and Substats
All non Special Equipment come with Main Stats and Substats. Weapons have fixed Main Stat and a varied 2nd Main Stat, accessories have only a varied Main Stat, and all armor of the same category have the same Main Stats. All non Special Equipment regardless of rarity and grade can have up to 4 Substats, which can be enhanced through Equipment Reforging. The values of the Substat levels are the same across all equipment. The stat pool is shared between Main Stats and Substats where the same exact stat does not appear twice, be it additive or % stats which count separately. Additive stats are added after all calculations, while % stats apply to the base stat before any additive stats which they do not apply to.
Equipment Sets
Armor often come in sets, which apply set effects whenever 2/4 pieces of a set is equipped, depending on the armor set. Set effects take effect regardless of rarity and grade, and if they are 2/4 piece sets, activating the 4 piece effects also activates the 2 piece effects.
2/4 piece sets:
- Attack/Defense/Life/Critical Hit/Effectiveness/Resilience/Counterattack/Accuracy/Evasion/Lifesteal
2 piece sets:
- Immunity/Swiftness/Weakness/Augmentation
4 piece sets:
- Critical Strike/Speed/Penetration/Bursting/Revenge/Patience/Pulverization
Activated set effects can be confirmed on the unit equipment screen and the Manage Equipment screen under Additional Effects.

Equipment Improvement
Equipment Enhancement
You can enhance the level of all non Special Equipment using Enhancement Hammers which grants them equipment EXP. All non Special Equipment can be enhanced up to level 10, increasing both of their Main Stats. Generally, you would aim to upgrade weapons, accessories, helmets and chest armor that have beneficial Main Stats and Substats to your Unit Types.
Equipment Reforging
You can enhance the Substats of all non Special Equipment using Reforging Gels. Reforging Gels can be obtained from a variety of sources such as equipment dismantling and combining low tier Reforging Gels. All non Special Equipment can be reforged up to a number of times corresponding to the equipment rarity. If there are missing Substat lines, reforging will add additional Substat lines until there are 4. Lines can only be enhanced up to level 6 max before other Substats are enhanced. The stat pool is shared between Main Stats and Substats where the same exact stat does not appear twice, be it additive or % stats which count separately. Generally, you can use up all green and blue gel freely, but when it comes to red gel, reforging 6 star Legendary equipment past one reforge will quickly drain them, making them scarce.
Equipment Breakthrough
You can Breakthrough weapons and accessories using duplicate equipment, Refined Glunite, or event shop Breakthrough material for event equipment. Weapons and accessories can be Breakthrough up to 4 times, increasing both of their Main Stats even further and increasing the effects of Unique Stats on Legendary weapons and accessories. Generally, this can be done on blue 6 star weapons of blue background freely using duplicates that have bad Main Stat and 4 Substats.

Equipment Substat Change
You can change the Substats on all non Special Equipment that are 6 star equipment when they have 4 Substats using Transistones. The stat pool is shared between Main Stats and Substats where the same exact stat does not appear twice, be it additive or % stats which count separately.
- Change All
Change All lets you reroll all 4 Substats at once with Transistone (Total). It is guaranteed that the same exact 4 Substats at the same exact enhance level won’t be rerolled. While the base Substats and levels may change, the orange Substat enhance levels of each Substat line will not be changed. Substats locked from changing as a result of using Select and Change will be unlocked for changing again.

- Select and Change
Select and Change lets you reroll a specific Substat line using Transistone (Individual). It is guaranteed that the same exact Substat at the same exact enhance level won’t be rerolled. While the base Substats and levels may change, the orange Substat enhance levels of each Substat line will not be changed. All the other Substats other than the changed line will be locked from changing for further operations.

Equipment Gem Slotting
You can also slot and unslot Gems for a small Gold fee onto Special Equipment such as Talismans and Exclusive Equipment. Special Equipment are unique in that they come with no Substats, and can be slotted with Gems obtained mainly from Guild Raids instead. Slotting duplicates of the same Gem is allowed.

Inventory Locking
You can lock equipment by pressing the lock icon on the top left of an item window. Locked items will be safe from being dismantled or sold. Also, when saving Equip Presets, a default option is enabled that will lock all Equip Preset equipment whenever a preset is saved. However, equipped equipment without a lock will similarly appear unsellable and undismantleable when they are not actually truly protected, so be sure to check that your equipment is indeed locked.
Inventory Expansion
You can expand the Equipment and Special Equipment storage from the defaults of 200 and 100 to a maximum of 600 and 200 respectively, at the cost of 20-100 Ether per 10 slots added. Personally, I would recommend expanding Equipment storage to 500 slots.

Inventory Gem Management
You can fuse Gems together into a higher grade for a substantial Gold fee while in the inventory. Gems can also be rerolled into different stats for a small Gold fee. Special Equipment are unique in that they come with no Substats, and can be slotted with Gems obtained mainly from Guild Raids instead. Slotting duplicates of the same Gem is allowed.

Inventory Dismantling
You can dismantle Equipment to obtain Reforging Gels based on the rarity and grade of the equipment. Small amounts of the material used to enhance the level of the equipment will also be refunded, however, Breakthrough material will not be refunded. Generally, this can be done on equipment of rarity and grade lower than what your team is equipped with to amass Reforging Gels. You can also dismantle Talismans to obtain Gems, but personally I wouldn’t recommend it as the Gems do not offer much compared to the value of the Talismans.

Inventory Selling
You can sell Equipment to obtain Gold based on the rarity and grade of the equipment. Most enhanced items cannot be sold, but Talismans slotted with Gems can still be sold by accident, so watch out for that. Generally, this can be done at end game on equipment of low rarity and grade when you have full sets of reforged 6 star Epic or Legendary gear where you do not need any more Reforging Gels. Make sure to dismantle low rarity Legendary red gear for precious red gel instead of selling them.

Equip Status
You can check which equipment your teams have equipped at a glance by accessing the Equip Status page from the inventory, and equip them as necessary. There is a handy feature where if you go into Equip Status, it clears the New status of recently obtained equipment, allowing you to sort your inventory as per normal.

Equip Management
You can access the unit equipment management from the Equip Status screen or from the equipment screen of units. Here you can manage equipment as well as save up to 20 Equip Presets, which can be loaded by pressing and holding on units in the team management screen.

Team Management
- Expansion
You can access the team management from the top right menu. Here you can manage unit placement and Skill Chain Order, as well as load Equip Presets by pressing and holding on units in the team management screen. Generally, you would aim to list Defenders, Strikers/Bruisers or Healers at the front and Healers at the back as enemies tend to prioritize the frontal units.
- Team Expansion
You can expand the number of team loadout slots from the default of 3 to a maximum of 10, at the cost of 100/200/300/400/500/600/700 Ether for each stage of slots added. Personally, I think expending the 2,800 Ether is worth the convenience, but you can do so at your convenience.

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