This guide primarily is centered on PvE, focusing on the most optimal way to progress, not a way to enjoy the game. You should do what you like to enjoy.
Guide for New Players
By Varay
Starter Dash Banner – Who to Look for
Note: You can only get ONE 3-star unit from the starter dash banner.
You can keep rerolling on the ‘Starter Dash’ Banner until you get your preferred character. For an optimal start, aim for Noa, as she’s a top DPS choice for starters that will be valuable throughout your gameplay. The characters you aim for heavily depends on the characters you already have through your normal summons.
For an ideal start, your starter team should generally be composed like this: DPS, Buffer, Healer, and either a Debuffer, Defender, or another DPS. An example setup could be Noa, Valentine, Tio/Astei, Veronica, another team for reference could be Noa, Valentine, Tio/Astei, Eternal/Dolly. Consider holding onto the ‘Starter Dash’ Banner until chapter 4 or 5.
Keep in mind, if you didn’t get Valentine or Tamara, Noa can practically take on season 1 by herself, though she could struggle with hard mode, depending on the team. Additionally, upon completing season 1 on hard mode, you’ll be rewarded with a 3-star unit selector pack. If you still don’t have Valentine at that point, you can select her from this pack. Otherwise there are other good options, such as Eternal, Beth, Rin, Laplace, and Saeran. Or consider holding onto the selector pack for a character you may have trouble obtaining in the future.

Basics to Grasp Early On
Will my summoning tickets (event) carry over to the next banner?
Your tickets don’t expire, so feel free to save them. Demiurge currencies also carry over to the next banner.
Is Demiurge Drakhan Worth It for New Players?
Short answer, no. She provides little value to PvE and requires substantial investment, which is tough in early game. Her base, 3-star version is mediocre – she really shines at 6-star transcendence.
Stages to Farm for Beginners in Special Request: Ecology Study & Identification
To make stage clearing easier, farm bosses that are weak against your team’s element, which can help boost your damage and survivability. For the most optimal gear in Ecology Study, focus on the Chimera boss for speed and critical damage set. In Identification, go for Glicys to get the speed accessory. Once you’re at stage 10 in these dungeons, prioritize getting 6-star epic (blue) weapons, as they offer higher stats and are easier to acquire than higher grades.
Active Coupon Codes:
*There is currently a bug where the message you get says that the code is used up. The reward should be in your mail anyway though.
Important Insights to Have Early!
Character Diversity in Outerplane
Endgame contents like Hard Tower, Guild Raids, and Hard Story Mode may require specific units for certain stages.
For Special Request Stages 11 and 12, you mainly need mono-elemental teams (fire, water, earth), so it’s essential to have a good mix of characters for each element.
As a free-to-play or low-spender, the game is quite generous with free pulls, these free tickets don’t count towards mileage, so you’ll need to rely on your own luck as there is no guarantee.
Save your Ether!
It’s recommended to save your Ether for summoning on the premium (demiurge) banners, which are similar to limited characters in other games.
For regular units, you can obtain one copy and then farm their side stories for shards, do NOT pull for copies (Make sure to complete your side stories daily. You’re limited to 10 attempts each day, and it’s capped at 5 attempts per character).
However, for demiurge units, you need to pull multiple copies from the premium (demiurge) banners to obtain the shards you need to transcend them. (increasing their star level). The premium banner is locked until you clear SS1 or you do 100 summons.
Character stars transcendence
The boost in stats is beneficial, especially for endgame PvE where having units at 4-star is ideal since they gain +1 Weakness Gauge (WG) damage, allowing for quicker boss breaks.
Reaching 5-star unlocks a character’s third burst skill, which varies in usefulness.
At 6-star, special team effects specific to each character are unlocked. Currently, it’s generally not necessary to transcend characters to 6-star, with the exception of Demiurge Drakhan.

Starter’s Objectives
Focus mainly on finishing Eva’s Guide Quest, like you see in the picture below. The game gives you a solid idea of where to go and what to do at the start. Just follow Eva’s Guide Quest and work on getting through the story.
Tip: Once you reach Chapter 3, you’ll unlock Bounty Hunter, Bandit Chase, and Stone Retrieval. Do these tasks daily to advance faster as you have only three attempts for each every day. For Stone Retrieval, pick stones that match your character’s element to optimize progress. If the stones you need are not available, pick any as you’ll need them in the future nonetheless.

Where to obtain Tio and Veronica?
You’ll get Tio when you log into the game on the first day. For Veronica, you’ll have to play through the story until stage 2-3 to obtain her.
Tip: Do not redeem TIo (by clicking on her in the heroes page) immediately, try to summon on the Normal Recruit banner and get her character first, as this will allow you to transcend her quickly.

Basic Stats Understanding
- Attack – How hard you hit
- Defense – How much damage you can negate
- Health – Hit points
- Speed – Determine when you will get your turn, the higher the faster.
- Crit Chance – The chance to land a critical hit
- Crit Damage – Damage multiplier when you land a critical hit
- Accuracy – If this stat is lower than evasion, you have a chance to miss. Missed attacks don’t land debuffs and cannot crit.
- Evasion – If this stat is higher than accuracy, your attacker has a chance to miss their attack, missed attack deals 50% of the original damage.
- Effectiveness – If this stat is higher than Resilience, your debuffs will land.
- Resilience – If this stat is higher than Effectiveness, you have a chance to resist incoming debuffs and negate their effect completely. Keep in mind that certain skills can completely bypass resilience. For example, Drakhan’s S2.

How to Get Stronger?
Enhancing Gear
Gear Star Levels
Gear can have between 1 and 6 stars. The higher a gear’s star level, the higher its base stats and the greater the number of times it can be reforged. Star level cannot be changed.
Gear Grades
There are 4 grades for general gear: Normal, Superior, Epic, and Legendary. The grade of gear cannot be changed. The number of base sub-stats for gear will increase the higher the grade.
You can enhance gears using hammers or other gears, this will increase the gear’s main stats. It is recommended to dismantle or sell gear you have no use for, unless you realy need the XP and don’t have enough hammers at the moment.

Leveling up your characters
Your characters gain experience points (for leveling up) by simply completing stages. You can speed up their leveling by feeding them sandwiches – yes, really! In the character menu, there’s a button at the bottom right for leveling up your characters with food. Early on, your food supply may not keep up, so go slow. If you’re stuck on a story stage, bring a support unit.
In the character menu, on the left, you’ll find ‘skill,’ ‘upgrade,’ and ‘transcend’ tabs. Upgrade your skills with skill books (rare resource for early game), upgrade with elemental stones that match your character’s element from the Upgrade Stone Retrieval stage (bottom left in the image below). Also, do your Bounty Hunter and Bandit Chase stages daily. It might take a while to clear the last stages of these dungeons, so don’t worry too much about them! Once you’ve cleared a stage, use the sweep battle function for quick replays, so it doesn’t feel like a chore. But try to push as far as you can in these stages! Once you can clear the last stage quickly, consider saving sweep tickets for other things.

Gear and Weapon farming
Once you reach stage 10 of the Special Request Dungeons, that’s when you’ll really start farming gears and weapons (THE TRUE END GAME). Special Request: Ecology Study is where you’ll farm gears, and Special Request: Identification is for farming weapons and accessories. As you move towards the mid to end game, legendary (red) weapons and accessories become increasingly significant. These have special effects that can greatly boost your units’ combat abilities. While farming stage 10 is fine, try to clear stages 11 and 12 as soon as possible, as the drop rate increases.
Words of Advice for Beginners
- Transistones are your best friend in the late game, save them and don’t spend them until you know what you’re actually doing!
- Time rewinders are extremely valuable, keep them! The reason you use time rewinders is mainly for refunding the skill books you spent on a character. Do not spend time-rewinders to get level up materials (food) back, you’ll come to regret it!
- As you are in the early to mid game, you will have an abundance of gold. Please do not spend them lavishly as you will not have enough gold in the late game. Most of your gold will be spent on upgrading gems to stage 6, reforging, gear crafting, and gear breakthrough.
Core Units You Should Have (in the long run)
- Fire: Aer, Valentine, Tio, Astei, Eternal
- Water: Marian, Veronica, Rin, Beth, Tamara, Laplace, Cindy(situational)
- Earth: Noa, Ame, Saeran, Notia, Dolly
- Light and Dark: DStella, (honorable mentions)Akari and Drakhan, Eliza(Beth’s support)
Base Upgrades
You have the option to upgrade your base focusing on 4 facilities. The recommended order of priority is: first the Antiparticle Generator, followed by the Expedition Team, then the Supply Module, and finally, Kate’s Workshop.
After fully upgrading your base, the Supply Module may offer gifts purchasable with Antimatter (the currency used for base upgrades). These deals should always be bought out. However, avoid using gold to buy gifts.
I recommend not to purchase 6-star legendary (red) gears from the Supply Module shop unless the substats are exceptionally good. But you should definitely buy out the 1-star and 2-star legendary gears, as they are highly valuable for dismantling into Legendary Reforge Catalysts, necessary for reforging in the end game.

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