Guide to Profile and Settings
You can set your Profile by pressing on it on the top left of the Lobby screen.
Profile Picture
You can set your profile picture with the unit that will represent you by pressing the crown icon on each unit’s page to set them as your leader. You can also customize the profile frame.
You can set your displayed nickname for free once per account. Additional nickname changes after the first time will cost 300 Ether.
You can set your birthday which cannot be changed once set to receive a congratulatory birthday message voiceline from your Lobby units on your birthday. The birthday that you set won’t be seen by other players when they view your profile. The birthday lines can also be viewed in the Trust Level room of units once they are of sufficient Trust Level.
You can write a short profile message of up to 30 characters to greet people who view your profile.

Support Settings
You can set a unit for each element here for your friends to use. Ideally put your equipped units here. Support units from friends can fill in for one unit on your team for content such as the story. When they have been used, there is a usage cooldown of 10 minutes. Retrying does not cause a usage cooldown. The Support list pulls 10 friends randomly out of your 50 friends and refreshes every time you access the list.
Lobby Settings
You can set up to 3 units or 3D Lobby Chibis from events and adjust their position and angle to personalize your Lobby. Lobby units can be interacted with by tapping on them. You can also set the background scenery, and the BGM which can be listened to in here. The download icon is to load the Lobby preset, and the checkmark icon is to save the Lobby preset. The Lobby expressions can also be set in the Trust Level room of units once they are of sufficient Trust Level.

You can access the ingame chat by pressing the chat bubble icon on the top right of the Lobby screen to chat with other players. You are automatically put into a populated chat channel by default. You can change the chat channel to any channel and it will stick, but every time you fully close and reopen the game, the chat channel will be reset to the populated channel. You can also access the guild chat to chat with other guild members.

You can access the mailbox by pressing the envelope icon on the top right of the Lobby screen. Mailed rewards usually end up in the Normal mailbox where they expire after 7 days. Meanwhile, event rewards that you earn from events, products you purchased from the Shop, and code redemption rewards usually end up in the Product mailbox where they have no expiry. Up to 50 mail can be stored, and if you have more incoming Product Mail than the 50 mail limit, they will be queued and will not appear until you have cleared your mailbox. Mail history is stored for 90 days.

You can access the settings from the top right menu.
Graphics Settings
Antialiasing: Sets whether jagged curved lines are smoothened through antialiasing to reduce pixelation. Setting to off results in jagged pixelated curved lines across square pixels.

FPS: Sets the frames per second cap between low 30 and high 60. Setting to low has half the frames being dropped, resulting in less smooth menu navigation and movement animations.
Resolution: Sets the rendering resolution between low 50% and high 100%. Setting to low halves the internal resolution, resulting in a blurred render output.

Post Processing Effects: Sets whether post processing effects such as bloom and color tone are applied. Setting to off results in objects missing natural reflection and appearing flat, a lack of glowing objects, and colors being bland.

Motion Blur: Sets whether motion blur is applied to moving objects to convey motion. Setting to off results in no motion blur conveyed at all, even on slightly moving objects.

Shadows: Sets whether shadows are applied to unit and enemy models as well as some foliage. Setting to off results in no shadows being conveyed at all.

Afterimage: Sets whether afterimages are applied to unit and enemy models. Setting to off results in no afterimage being conveyed at all.

Game Settings
Language: Sets the display language between Korean, English, Chinese.
Autolock 6 star Legendary Equipment: Sets whether 6 star Legendary equipment are automatically locked when obtained.
Autohide Lobby UI: Sets whether the Lobby UI automatically hides itself after a few minutes or not. Tapping on the screen will unhide the UI.

Touchscreen Effects: Sets whether the blue cursor is shown when you tap or drag on the screen.

Notice Settings
- All: Turns on all notifications.
- Max Stamina: Turns on max Stamina restored notifications.
- Max Arena Tickets: Turns on max Arena Tickets restored notifications.
- Antimatter Generator Complete: Turns on Antimatter Generator complete notifications.
- Expedition Complete: Turns on Expedition complete notifications.
- Notices: Turns on notice notifications.
- Night Time: Turns on night time notifications.
Sound Settings
- Music: Sets the music volume. By default this is 70%.
- Sounds: Sets the sound volume. By default this is 100%.
- Voice Lines: Sets the voice lines volume. By default this is 100%.
- Voice Language: Sets the voice language between Korean, English and Japanese.
Account Settings
Manage Account: Here you can upgrade your guest account to a member account by using an Email, Google, Facebook, Twitter or Apple login. You will get 300 Ether for doing this account securing. Personally, I would recommend an Email account linkage, and only doing so after your rerolling of all banners is complete.
Enter Coupon: Here you can input codes that are often given out through dev notes on the official onstove site and other events. Each code can only be input one time each on each account. For Apple users, you may need to access the onstove site externally and login to input these codes.
Log Out: Here you can logout of your account and return to the title screen. As a safety feature, this only appears when your account is linked. The only way to logout of a guest account is to either delete the guest account or redownload the game.
Reset Server Account: Here you can reset your account on the server. Resetting your account completely wipes all the data on the account to a new account status. However, coupon code usage will not be reset. Resetting your account is one option while rerolling if you don’t mind not being able to reuse codes during the reroll process.
Delete Account: Here you can delete your account. Deleting your account completely wipes the account and all server accounts from the database. Coupon code usage will be reset. Deleting your account is one option while rerolling that allows you to reuse codes during the reroll process. If you login within 24 hours of applying to delete your account, the process is canceled. However, this process is more or less unrecoverable for guest account deletion. Please ensure you know what you are doing.
Combat Controls
The combat controls are as follows:
- Auto Combat Settings: Access the Auto Combat settings.
- Auto Combat: Engages the Auto Combat mode.
- Change Speed: Engages the combat speed up mode.
- Pause: Engages the pause menu.

Repeat Battling Controls
The Repeat Battling controls are as follows:
- Repeat Battling End: Disengages the Repeat Battling completely.
- Repeat Battling Results: See the current accumulated rewards of the Repeat Battling.
- Repeat Battling Settings: Access the Repeat Battling and Auto Combat settings.
- Repeat Battling Sleep Mode: Engages the Repeat Battling sleep mode.

Repeat Battling Settings
The Repeat Battling settings are as follows:
- Restart Upon Defeat: Sets whether Repeat Battling restarts on being defeated.
- Repeat Battling Ends When a Hero Reaches Max Level: Sets whether Repeat Battling ends when a unit reaches max level.
- Use Power Saving Mode: Sets whether Repeat Battling sleep mode is engaged automatically.

Auto Combat Settings
The Auto Combat settings are as follows:
- Skill: Sets whether Auto Combat uses Ultimate Skill > Special Skill > Normal Skill or just Normal Skill. Skill Chain will still be used regardless of this setting.
- Skill Burst: Sets whether Auto Combat uses Skill Burst or not.
- Burst Level: Sets whether Auto Combat uses Skill Burst at each Burst level.
- Prioritizes Bosses: Sets whether Auto Combat prioritizes targeting bosses.

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