OverMortal – Definitive Abode Guide

Abode Explained

By EternalWolf

Note: If you look at the top of the screen is “Taoist Year xxx Year”. This is your server age. If you click on that, you will see your character’s age. 


If you look at the top middle right, you will see an icon that looks like a blue stone. This blue stone is called spiritum, the main currency of the game. The main sources of spiritum are through farming and selling forging mats. Spiritum is used for purchasing items in market, gear forging, gear improvement, clone, and more. 


If you look at the top right, you will see an icon that is gold in color. This is fateum. The free premium currency of the game. This can be obtained through daily/weekly perks, sect activities, monthly events, and more. Always have some spare fateum at all times. 

Fateum Expenditure:

  • Getting more garden slots (Priority, you want at least 21 before SW. Preferably more).
  • 60 on watering garden daily (You can decrease this to just 10 if you haven’t gotten all garden slots if you wish).
  • 50 on buying 100 tech points daily.
  • 40% discount on pills from fatevillion.
  • 40% discount on demonlure from fatevillion.
  • Cultivation Elixir from fatevillion (Optional-If you do buy, only buy when pill effect is above 100%. You may also buy when pill effect is at 100% if you wish). 
  • 70% discount on pet feed(Only buy once you unlock all garden slots).
  • Spend all extra fateum on what you want to(if all garden slots are unlocked).

Energy Array

The energy increases abode aura which increases cultivation speed. Upgrade this as soon as you can. In mw, the upgrade materials can be found lying on the ground in certain farming maps(Typically the middle map of a cultivation realm. You can idle to collect them or manually go and pick them up. You need to max energy array to ascend to SW. 



This is where you will craft pills. There are 4 types of pills: cultivation, bt, stats. Regen. You can upgrade your alchemy rank and level by crafting more pills. Each rank corresponds to a cultivation level. R1=Connection, R2=Foundation, etc. There are 4 levels of alchemy in each rank: Beginner, Intermediate, Advance, Expert. The higher the level, the greater chance of forging a higher rarity pill. 

Cultivation PIlls

These pills increase your cultivation exp. Craft them using monster cores from farming. A higher rarity gives about 2x more cultivation exp than the rarity below. Ex. Blue pill gives about 2x more exp than a green pill.

Bt pills

These pills increase your chances of breaking through. They can also reduce your wait time if you fail a bt. Yellow bt pills have no wait time if you fail. Once you reach the late minor realm of your major realm(Ex. Incan Late) or perhaps earlier(preferably earlier in MW), you should farm for bt pill mats. In MW, you can obtain bt mats by farming the third map that corresponds to your major realm. 

Stat pills

These pills give minor stats when consumed. You can only consume 50 of each type. You can get their materials through either gardening or market(At a certain rank, stat pill mats no longer show up in market so be sure to buy the seeds). You can get their seeds through sect library or market. You should always buy a bunch of stat pill seeds in the market just in case you are unable to buy them in the market. 

Regen pills

These pills regen either MP or HP when consumed. Do not craft them, just buy them in market. 


Garden is where you plant seeds to grow different types of useful plants. These plants are: Stat pill mats, supplement mats, ploughwood, and in SW law fruits. In preparation of SW, you should unlock as many slots as you can, preferably in an L shape(Same shape as ploughwood seeds). Try to unlock at least 21 before you hit SW.



Level him up will grant bonuses to your garden such as auto harvesting, auto planting, improved watering, chance for dups when harvesting, etc. You can gain EXP for him when you interact with him in the town interface. He will ask for stat pill mats corresponding to your current realm, in return you will get 2 blue pills(of your cultivation realm) and EXP to lvl him up. 


Menu to more easily harvest your plants. 


You should start with 1 free attempt each day. Other attempts must be purchased with fateum. I recommend using 10 or 60 fateum to water. Watering speeds up the time it takes for the plants to be ready for harvest. You can improve the watering effect by living gardener or immortal friends(SW content). 

Speed Up

You will eventually gather time to speed up the time it takes for the plants to be ready for harvest. You gain time by collecting from pets. 


  • Stat pill mats: Mats to craft stat pills. Seeds obtainable from market or sect library. 
  • Supplement Mats: Used to improve chances for better gear. Seeds obtainable from market.
  • Ploughwood: Used to lvl up zodiac rank. Seeds obtainable from market(Up until VB) or sect library
  • Law Fruits: SW content

Note: What you plant in MW does not really matter in the long term. Try to craft all the stat pills that you can. Next, you can decide between supplement mats or plough wood. The most important thing about garden in MW is unlocking slots for SW. In SW you will be planting law fruits. 

Forging Room

This is where you craft gear. Similar to alchemy you can upgrade your forging rank and level by crafting more gear. Each rank corresponds to a cultivation level. R1=Connection, R2=Foundation, etc. There are 4 levels of forging in each rank: Beginner, Intermediate, Advance, Expert. The higher the level, the greater chance of forging a higher rarity gear. If you are short on spiritum, you can sell gray and green mats. There is a pity system at the bottom. 100 points=guaranteed purple or yellow. 600 points=guaranteed yellow. 

  • Grey Mats: Can be sold. Only real use is to gain forging exp. Can be used to craft blue gear(carving fodder), but low chance. 
  • Green Mats: Can be sold. Higher chance to craft blue gear
  • Blue Mats: 1 pity point. Use to forge to build pity. Decent chance at blue and purple gear
  • Purple+Mats. 5 pity points for purple mats. 20 pity points for yellow mats. Should be saved for when you hit pity(explained later)
  • Supplement Mats: Used to build pity and increase chance of better gear. 2 pity points for green mats. 5 pity points for blue mats. 20 pity points for purple mats. 


These are items used to increase your inventory space. They are ranked from 1-9 with each rank corresponding to a major cultivation realm. You can use 10 per major cultivation realm up until Nirvana. In MW(R1-R5), you can craft voidites with materials found in the map that corresponds to the middle minor realm of your major realm(Ex. Nascent mid) and Kunlun Jades(brought mostly from market). In SW(R6-R9), you need to craft voidites using bt mats corresponding to the rank of the voidite.  

How to gain yellow gear

You can always build your pity to 600 for a guaranteed yellow gear, but this is too slow. A better method would be to reach 100 pity than use purple+ forging and supplement mat(best you got) for the best chance at yellow gear. 


Bottom right. All of this costs fateum. 

  • Reset: Refunds all invested resources and resets gear. 
  • Smelt: Sacrifice yellow gear for polish mats.
  • Retrieve: Can retrieve smelted or sold yellow gear/relic within 7 days. Retrieved gear will be in its initial state. 



Once you reach virtuoso an NPC called “Beast Master” will appear in town. You can use pet stones to try to draw pets and pet essences. It is a gacha system. There are various ways to obtain pet stones such as demon bend abyss, market, and more. In the exchange tab, you can exchange purple pet essences for new pets. You can use this when you need a dup of your pet to upgrade it. 


You can access the pet tab through beast master or abode. Pets are similar to mob allies that assist you in battle. In PvP, you can only use 1 pet(unless you have a 3 star spirit bound basin artifact) while in PvE, you can use 3 pets. However, it is recommended to focus your resources on raising one pet.

Pets are not very useful for PvP outside of tanking a few hits, but they are very useful for PvE content. Pets have their own individual abilities and stats. You can improve their strength through feeding, talent upgrading. Skill upgrading, aptitude improvement, and transforming. Pet types:

  • Blazelion: One of the recommended pets to raise. Pet with highest damage. 
  • Babeox: One of the recommended pets to raise. Can stun which is useful for PvE. 
  • Babetoise: A pretty useless pet. Tanky. Might be able to tank some hits in PvP and has some niche applications in tower. 
  • Babe Wyrm: Not recommended to raise due to the difficulty of obtaining the resource needed to improve its talent and transform it. Comparable damage to blazelion. 
  • Berpent: Do not raise: Technically strongest pet, but you can only obtain dups(needed for talent and transforming) through weekly events making their dups extremely rare and hard to get for F2P.
  • Mergerie: Can view some pets here. Resources spawn here to collect daily. More pets you have the more resources spawn up to a certain limit. 
  • Array: Where you choose which pet you want to bring along to fight with you. 
  • Recycle: Where you sacrifice spare pets for purple pet essence. Use this when you need more purple pet essence to either upgrade pet talent or transforming pets. 
  • Reset: Resets your pet’s progress while getting back 100% of the resources invested. 

Pet Details

Stats: You can see a general overview of the pet here. In the top right, you can lock a pet to prevent it from being used, or somehow removed. 

Feed: You can feed your pet here with pills or pet feed. You can edit what you auto feed it by clicking the gear in the top right. Feed your pet with your grey and green pills. Pet feed can be brought at fatevlilion. Only buy pet feed if it’s on a 70% discount and you have all garden spots. Feeding a pet increases its cultivation level. 

Talent: You can upgrade your talents here with pet essences and pet dups. It improves your pet’s stats. Improving your talents also improves pet rarity. Improving rarity can increase max aptitude. 

Skills: Pets have their own abilities. Upgrade them using demonroot which is obtainable from the market. 

Aptitude: Use wisdom pills to increase aptitude. There is a max cap on aptitude. Increasing aptitude increases stats. There are numerous ways to obtain wisdom pills. Aptitude cap can be increased through transformation and talent. 

Transforming: Found in the stats tab; the giant orange circle on the right of the screen. You unlock this when your pet reaches yellow, however, you should not start transforming until your pet reaches legendary+5.  Transforming requires pet essences and pet dupes. Transforming increases stats and aptitude cap. 


Unlocks in nascent realm. One of the biggest spiritum dumps. The clone helps you farm more materials. You can upgrade the clone’s realm using spiritum. Sometimes you need a special item that is obtainable through either story quest or ascension token to upgrade clone.

If your clone’s realm is below that of the realm it’s farming in, there is a debuff on how much materials it can obtain. If your clone’s realm is above that of the realm it’s farming in, there is no buff on how much materials it can obtain. 


A zodiac helps the player attack the enemy. It is unlocked at incarnation. The most useful thing about zodiacs are the castes, otherwise zodiacs are somewhat useless. Make sure you pick the correct zodiac corresponding to your path. 

  • Overview: Where you can see your zodiac stats. 
  • Soulfice: Where you can upgrade your zodiac using plough wood (obtainable from gardening, apex, etc) and alioth (Obtainable from x-server duel, weekly perks, etc). You will always have enough alioths in the future. 
  • Hex: Where you can upgrade zodiac abilities using spritum and hex manuals (obtainable from sect library, but do not get unless you have a lot of sect contribution points lying around). 


You can place runes here to increase your stats. Runes are obtainable from a variety of source. You should prioritize main path atk and crit related stats for runes. There are also special sockets that look different than ordinary ones. You need special runes to be placed here. Special runes do not give stats, but rather has a special effect in battle. Special runes are only obtainable from beastwave. 


Functions like an ability. Gives stats when upgraded. Your goal is to use searing blade (purple caste) from beastwave. You need caste shards and soul jades to upgrade castes. 

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2273 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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