Lust Goddess – Lola Mercenary Guide

Guide to Lola Mercenary

By Daa


  • On play: Set all ranged enemies health to 5
  • Ally appears: Give force shield to all allies in her row (including self)
  • Ally force shield expires: Deal damage to all enemy mercenaries (works with commander shield; only triggers once per turn off Hilda’s shield)
  • Outfit: On enemy ranged kill: give two force shields to allies (including self; prioritizes mercs without shield)

About this merc

  • Lola’s shield buff and Trixie/Madeleine’s on-play damage interacts based on their played position: whoever is on the left will trigger first. Both scenarios have their uses.
  • Lola’s “set to 5” and Scarlett’s “ally appears” damage also interacts the same way. Play Lola to the left of Scarlett to instantly snipe enemy range mercs.
  • After “set to 5”, the affected mercs count as being back on full HP. If cleansed, they will keep 5hp but regain their original maximum HP and can be healed back up normally.
  • There is a rare bug where mercs killed by Lola’s shield on their turn can still proc skills. If you catch this happening, let me know!

Playing with

  • Lola is mainly valued for her first skill to remove ranged enemies. Try to have something that can combo with it to deal damage this turn instead of leaving them at 5hp: Gia poison, Peacekeeper +5 pierce bonus (Lola can trigger it herself). Previously infected enemies and things already on your board (poisoners, Scarlett, even modules that do end of turn damage) are also good, as is a pre-existing shield that will break when an enemy hits it.
  • Great combo with shields (Kitty, S0lt) and injured instakill (Gia/Ceres)
  • Play Lola for shield value only if you are sure she won’t be killed on the next turn.
  • Lola’s shield will proc before Sixtine’s blast stim, allowing you to “defuse” a blast stim if Lola is on the same row as it.
  • Consider playing her in row 2 sometimes, so she can share shields with melee mercs.

Playing against

  • Don’t let her get her shield up. Removing her is a top priority.
  • Calculate well when she does have shield up; it’s possible to blow up your own units in a controlled manner so you land a lethal blow on Lola. If you don’t manage, she’ll get another shield back!
  • Against S0lt, prioritize playing units on the right to lessen the chance of Lola wiping your board when she is played. Units to the left of Lola will be forced to break S0lt’s 2nd skill shields repeatedly.


A triple threat of removal, AOE damage and full row protection. Keep her safe for the first turn and your win chance skyrockets. A tier in lower leagues, up to S tier in higher leagues due to her removal being more important.

Relationship bonus

A welcome stat boost to keep her alive longer plus a ridiculous outfit effect that gives her protection the turn she’s played with no support. High S tier.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2273 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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