Pacific Drive – How to Use Tinker Station

This is how you remove Quirks!

What Is a Quirk

If you find something strange on your car its probably a Quirk. If you are on the platform in your garage the monitor on the wall will show a yellow square on the bottom right.

How to Use the Tinker Station

To remove the quirk you go to the Tinker Station (to the right side of your car).

Here you will see 4 different rows and I will show you how you use them.

Lets use my problem: When I was driving backwards, the hood opened.

  • Red: What is your input? -> Car
  • Green: What do you do? -> drive backwards
  • Orange: What part acts strange? -> Hood
  • Blue: What does it do? -> Opens

Then you press Spacebar and the machine will tell you if you guessed your problem correct.

How to Fix a Found Quirk

If you found your problem you can now fix it. Easy right?

When you are inside the menu from the Tinker Station, press [E] and it will go to the next page.

There it will tell you what you need to fix your problem. In our case: 1 Sealing Kit + 1 Mechanic Kit.

If you have what you need inside your Inventory you can press Spacebar again.

Congratulations, you just fixed a Quirk from your Car.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7898 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. I didn’t even realise I had a quirk, the horn beeped when I shut the boot and because the boot slams shut so hard I thought it was like a funny easter egg of the car saying ouch or something lol.

  2. this is just bad.

    i turn the wipers on, the fuel gauge goes left-right with the wipers.

    wiper switches on dashboard fuel gauge fails? -3/4
    wiper switches off dashboard fuel gauge fails? -3/4
    wiper toggle dashboard fuel gauge fails? -3/4

    the right answer was wiper stays on, dashboard fuel gauge fails.


    also had a second quirk and had to bruteforce it, i litterally had no idea that my headlights were dimming when turning.

    so i disabled this nonsense.

    • the difference is this: if you turn (the wipers) ON or OFF its an 1 time impulse ^^
      the fuel needle goes left/right with the wipers AS THEY WERE ON
      if you keep that in mind the qurik system is actually kinda fun

  3. You can brute force quirk detection.
    There are 21 to 37 choices for column:
    component (21 choices) action (37 choices) > component (21) action (33)

    Start with the common actions as they can filter the components.
    1. brute force cause action to be toggles
    (very common action) toggles
    2. This filters the car components . Brute force to radio
    3. Now that you know the cause, experiment until you observe the effect:
    radio toggles > dashboard flickers
    Common cause actions:
    increases, decreases, is full, is low, is empty, drains quickly, switches on, switches off, is closed, is opened, toggles, stays on, stays off, is detached, goes left, goes right

    Common effect actions:
    drains, consumes slower, increases, consumes faster, switches on, switches off, inverts direction, moves fast, moves slow, flickers, opens, closes, falls off, toggles, brightens, dims, wobbles

    • but how? you only have 8 guesses ^^
      do you mean brute force them while inside the car or in the station?

      • The quirk does not go away between trips. So if you fail in station, after the next trip, you can pick up again the quirk investigation from where you left it. You need a spreadsheet and lots of notes.

        Find the quirk stasus: In the tinkerer screen press the ‘E’ (or top right) to see the list of quirk affecting the car. These quirks stay between mission and they are listed even if not diagnosed. Find the quirk stasus

        Investigating multiple quirks at once : The station upgrade that tells you if a guess is correct or not looks at all quirks. But the guess correctness checks also combinations.
        car = cause for quirk 1
        dashboard = effect for quirk 2
        When guessing car and dashboard will be marked independently correct but not both at once.

        Quirk minigame is extremely complex and very rewarding if you are a geek with a spreadsheet: at 4 quirks affecting simultaneously your car the probability is that will be solving at least one quirk per station visit.

  4. also that you have 8 guesses and after every trip it will reset the amount if you used all of them

  5. you should have mentioned that there are useful quirks like “turning on dome lights make your headlights glow brighter” or “driving fast consumes less fuel/power” and other… its very important to save them

  6. Tinker station is not active for me, I just can’t fix quirks – any ideas? Am I missing something?

  7. I have the problem, that my lights go out when i turn. Left turn, left light. Right turn, right light. I used both opinions go out and dimm but it doesnt work.

    • The one for that is if I remember correctly is steering wheel, stays turning —> Headlights, Dim

  8. I had an easy one: When I put my car in park, the right front door would open.
    But I can imagine there’s some craaazy hard to find stuff. Those lists are LONG!

    • then try the solution for #1 on the last pic
      steering wheel -> turning -> headlights -> turn off (or dim)
      there is a diference if they go off or just dim

    • you need to find out what is “starting” the problem 😀 like, does it open when you start to drive or does it opens when the light is on etc

  9. For those struggling with the minigame, you do have an option later of purchasing an upgrade that lets you spend anchor energy to fill in some of the clues for you.

    It really can be any combination of things that causes something to happen – for instance, I had an issue with my front left and rear left doors staying open – it turns out my front left door was popping open whenever I had a full gas tank, and my rear left door was opening whenever any other door was open

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