Game currently work on Windows 7 with DXVK here to proceed.
Guide to Run the Game on Windows 7
- First need to Go in Game folder here:
- Steam\steamapps\Common\Pacific Drive\PenDriverPro\Binaries\Win64
- Open libScePad.dll with CFF Explorer.
- Then when go to Import Directory
- Find KERNEL32.DLL and click on it and in bottom something happear.
- In Name Colum find GetOverlappedResultEx double click on this one and remove the Ex.
- You should have 2 Function with the Same Name like this after removed the Ex:
OFTs FTs (IAT) Hint Name
000000000002BEEA 000000000002BEEA 0298 GetOverlappedResult
000000000002BF00 000000000002BF00 0299 GetOverlappedResult
OFTs FTs (IAT) Hint Name
000000000002BEEA 000000000002BEEA 0298 GetOverlappedResultEx
000000000002BF00 000000000002BF00 0299 GetOverlappedResult
OFTs FTs (IAT) Hint Name
000000000002BEEA 000000000002BEEA 0298 GetOverlappedResult
000000000002BF00 000000000002BF00 0299 GetOverlappedResult
After that hit the button Save with the floppy Disk after saved need to extract dxgi.dll + D3D11.DLL From DXVK-async-v1.10.3 into Win64 Folder:
- Steam\steamapps\Common\Pacific Drive\PenDriverPro\Binaries\Win64
If you want know wish version need to be extracted its x64.
Start the game with this parameter > -d3d11 (Can be added by right clicking in steam on Pacific Drive then clic Property and add -d3d11 in launch option).
You may have a missing Windows 10 dll but this one can be skipped by clicking OK the game should run properly and you can play it don’t know about major issue yet.
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