Phasmophobia – No Evidence Cheat Sheet

Here is full cheat sheat that you can use to complete the 0 evidence challenge.

Cheat Sheet for No Evidence Challenge


  • Will only hunt based on a their target’s sanity
  • Will only attack target during a hunt, if the target is inside the house, ignoring other players
  • Possibility to roam towards it’s target
  • 33% chance to get a Banshee scream on Parabolic Microphone
  • More likely to do singing ghost events


  • Hunting threshold is 75% average sanity but has a rare chance to hunt at any sanity
  • Smudging a Demon will only prevent it from hunting for 60 seconds
  • 20s hunting cooldown


  • Hunting threshold is at 40% average sanity
  • Will always know where you are, you cannot hide from a Deogen
  • Extremely fast when not around players, but gets extremely slow when near a player
  • Does not speed up with line of sight


  • Will not change ghost rooms, but may wander outside of them


  • Cannot turn breaker on
  • Faster in colder rooms
  • Does not speed up with line of sight
  • Small possibility to see a Hantu’s breath when breaker is off


  • Cannot turn breaker on
  • Speeds up at first in line of sight but does not keep speed


  • Hunting threshold is at 40% average sanity when lights are on in the ghost room
  • Hunting threshold is at 60% average sanity when lights are off in the ghost room
  • Cannot turn on lights (including PCs or TVs)
  • More likely to do the light breaking event
  • Small possibility to immediately turn off a light when a player has turned it on


  • Faster when average sanity is lower
  • Curses players through parabolic microphone by speaking, causes 2x sanity drain on the player
  • Smudging a Moroi during a hunt will blind it for 12s


  • Quieter during hunts, cannot be heard farther than 12m during hunts
  • A Myling can be heard around the same time as flashlights start flickering
  • More active on Parabolic Microphone


  • 6% chance to shapeshift into a different ghost model during a hunt, guaranteed once per hunt


  • A lot more visible during hunts
  • Cannot do airball ghost event
  • Drains 20% during ghost events


  • Will not hunt within 4m of a candle
  • Will try to hunt after three candles have been blown out


  • A lot less visible during hunts
  • Tends to wander a lot
  • Possibility for the Phantom to wander to a player
  • Taking a photo of a Phantom will cause the ghost model to disappear


  • Throws every 0.5s during hunts
  • More likely to throw objects nearby, and throw them farther


  • Hunting threshold is at 65% average sanity if electronics are in/nearby ghost room
  • Faster during hunts around electronics


  • Slower than normal during hunts
  • Extremely fast within line of sight


  • Hunting threshold is at 35% average sanity
  • Less active when players are inside ghost room


  • Smudging a Spirit will prevent it from hunting for 3 minutes


  • From the beginning, the hunting threshold is at 75% average sanity
  • Every 1-2 minutes, a Thaye will get slower during hunts and the hunting threshold will lower as long as players are in the ghost room
  • Does not speed up with line of sight

The Mimic

  • Will always show orbs in the ghost room
  • Mimics other ghost types and abilities every 30-120 seconds

The Twins

  • Has two speeds during hunts, one slightly faster than normal and one slightly slower
  • Has a chance to interact with two objects at once


  • Cannot step in salt
  • Has a possibility of teleporting to a player and giving off a EMF 2


  • Hunting threshold is at 80% average sanity if people are talking nearby
  • Cannot detect held flashlights if they are on during hunts
  • Has a harder time hearing players speak during hunts


  • Can completely close a door
  • Smudging a Yurei will keep it confined to the ghost room for 90s
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2273 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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