Here is full cheat sheat that you can use to complete the 0 evidence challenge.
Cheat Sheet for No Evidence Challenge
- Will only hunt based on a their target’s sanity
- Will only attack target during a hunt, if the target is inside the house, ignoring other players
- Possibility to roam towards it’s target
- 33% chance to get a Banshee scream on Parabolic Microphone
- More likely to do singing ghost events
- Hunting threshold is 75% average sanity but has a rare chance to hunt at any sanity
- Smudging a Demon will only prevent it from hunting for 60 seconds
- 20s hunting cooldown
- Hunting threshold is at 40% average sanity
- Will always know where you are, you cannot hide from a Deogen
- Extremely fast when not around players, but gets extremely slow when near a player
- Does not speed up with line of sight
- Will not change ghost rooms, but may wander outside of them
- Cannot turn breaker on
- Faster in colder rooms
- Does not speed up with line of sight
- Small possibility to see a Hantu’s breath when breaker is off
- Cannot turn breaker on
- Speeds up at first in line of sight but does not keep speed
- Hunting threshold is at 40% average sanity when lights are on in the ghost room
- Hunting threshold is at 60% average sanity when lights are off in the ghost room
- Cannot turn on lights (including PCs or TVs)
- More likely to do the light breaking event
- Small possibility to immediately turn off a light when a player has turned it on
- Faster when average sanity is lower
- Curses players through parabolic microphone by speaking, causes 2x sanity drain on the player
- Smudging a Moroi during a hunt will blind it for 12s
- Quieter during hunts, cannot be heard farther than 12m during hunts
- A Myling can be heard around the same time as flashlights start flickering
- More active on Parabolic Microphone
- 6% chance to shapeshift into a different ghost model during a hunt, guaranteed once per hunt
- A lot more visible during hunts
- Cannot do airball ghost event
- Drains 20% during ghost events
- Will not hunt within 4m of a candle
- Will try to hunt after three candles have been blown out
- A lot less visible during hunts
- Tends to wander a lot
- Possibility for the Phantom to wander to a player
- Taking a photo of a Phantom will cause the ghost model to disappear
- Throws every 0.5s during hunts
- More likely to throw objects nearby, and throw them farther
- Hunting threshold is at 65% average sanity if electronics are in/nearby ghost room
- Faster during hunts around electronics
- Slower than normal during hunts
- Extremely fast within line of sight
- Hunting threshold is at 35% average sanity
- Less active when players are inside ghost room
- Smudging a Spirit will prevent it from hunting for 3 minutes
- From the beginning, the hunting threshold is at 75% average sanity
- Every 1-2 minutes, a Thaye will get slower during hunts and the hunting threshold will lower as long as players are in the ghost room
- Does not speed up with line of sight
The Mimic
- Will always show orbs in the ghost room
- Mimics other ghost types and abilities every 30-120 seconds
The Twins
- Has two speeds during hunts, one slightly faster than normal and one slightly slower
- Has a chance to interact with two objects at once
- Cannot step in salt
- Has a possibility of teleporting to a player and giving off a EMF 2
- Hunting threshold is at 80% average sanity if people are talking nearby
- Cannot detect held flashlights if they are on during hunts
- Has a harder time hearing players speak during hunts
- Can completely close a door
- Smudging a Yurei will keep it confined to the ghost room for 90s
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